War Emperor

Chapter 1904: Lin Jiutian

"Grandpa, won't you show up yet?"

After speaking, Yang Tian yelled at the clouds on the nine heavens.

The sound was like thunder, rushing straight into the sky.

"Lin Mang's grandfather?"

Many people were shocked by Lin Mang's name.

You must know that Lin Mang was originally a senior within the Nine Immortal Clan, and his seniority was not small.

What kind of character would his grandfather be?

Thinking about it makes the scalp numb.

Lin Yaotian, Grand Elder, and Master Liuyun changed their expressions. They knew that in Lin Mang’s line, there was indeed a very powerful elder named "Lin Jiutian", who was a genius of Tianzong back then, overpowering the young. One generation.

When he is old, his strength has reached the incredible level of normal people.

However, he has lived for too long. As early as 10,000 years ago, he had been sitting down. How could he still be alive now?

This makes them all can't believe their ears.

If so, it would be terrifying.

As soon as Lin Jiutian appeared, even if they were in front of him, they were only juniors.

I am afraid that none of the elders of the immortal clan can compare with him.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years, how is the Nine Immortals?"

Just after Lin Mang's words fell, the nine heavens were changing, and then an old man in white came here under the shocking eyes of countless people.

His whole body was emitting endless auspicious light, and his whole person descended like a true ancient immortal.

In the eyes, there are years flowing, and the vision of the vicissitudes of life appears.

He stood in the clouds and did not release any aura, but the universe and the stars were all trembling, seeming to surrender to him.

Countless people were even more plops, and couldn't help but knelt down one after another, and bowed to the old man.

This person's aura is too strong, he is not at all in his realm, he can imagine.

"Lin Jiutian?" Lin Yaotian, the Great Elder, and Master Liuyun also changed their expressions drastically. He was indeed Lin Jiutian, a giant of the Nine Immortals. At that time, he was glorious in this Nine Fairies, no one can compare.

It was the end of his tough life since sitting 10,000 years ago.

Right now, they were a little unbelievable, this guy was not dead, he was still alive.

However, Lin Yaotian also understands that the nine immortal veins seem to be linked together, but in fact they are competing with each other.

It is normal for Lin Mang's vein to be concealed deliberately.

This made him curse secretly in his heart. In the eyes of Lin Mang, this kid had long been rebellious, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"I have seen Uncle Lin..."

In the Nine Immortals, some old people with white hair and beards couldn't help saluting one after another.

Lin Jiutian's seniority within the fairy clan is indeed too great.

They are also their juniors.

Lin Yaotian, Grand Elder, and Master Liuyun were also present.

Lin Han couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, this is simply a typical old immortality.

In the opponent, he felt the vastness that could not be figured out.

Lin Mang, he really felt a little bad when he moved out such a big man.

With his strength, who can resist here?

"Lin Yaotian, how has the Jiuxian tribe been all these years?" Lin Jiutian smiled and said calmly.

His whole body is vague, as if standing in another piece of time and space, giving people an unreal taste.

The words spoken are in a vague tone, but they have great tolerance and are in awe.

This is the posture of a real powerhouse, no one can imagine which step the strength has reached.

"Return to the uncle, everything is fine." Lin Yaotian replied.

Even if he is in front of the opponent, he can only bow his head.

"Fart, it's not good." However, Lin Mang sneered, then raised his head to Lin Jiutian and said, "Grandpa, you don't know anything, your great-great-great-grandson, Lin Lingtian was killed!"

"Oh? Who killed it!" Lin Jiutian said in a deep voice after hearing the words, an anger flashed across his eyes.

Lin Lingtian was extremely talented, and he also valued it extremely.

Now that he was killed, he was naturally a little angry.

In fact, ten thousand years ago, he was practicing a profound art, at a critical moment.

In order not to be disturbed by others, he announced that he was dead.

Recently, after 10,000 years of retreat, he has finally succeeded, only Lin Yaotian knows.

He originally wanted to accept Lin Lingtian as a closed disciple and pass on his mantle, but now it is undoubtedly letting his plan fail.

"It's this kid, Lin Han!" Lin Mang smiled, pointed his finger at Lin Han, and said: "Furthermore, Lin Yaotian is unfair and favors him in everything. For this sinner's son, we have to abolish our status as the lord of the nine immortals. Please also grandpa, give us justice."

"Yes, Senior Lin Jiutian, please give us the shot."

Other Lin Xiao, Lin Yan, Lin Yan, Lin Jun and others also spoke one after another.

Lin Jiutian is now their only life-saving straw, they naturally have to hurry up.

Lin Yaotian couldn't help feeling gloomy when he saw this. These **** even dared to sue himself.

Lin Jiutian's face was gloomy when he heard this. In fact, he was a little coveted for the position of the Great Commander of the Nine Immortals back then, but at that time he was about to practice and didn't have time to implement it. Now, ten thousand years later, taking advantage of this knot, He can just transfer the position of power to his own line.

At the moment, he glanced at Lin Yaotian with a faint smile, and said, "Lin Yaotian, it seems that you, as the head of the patriarch, have not done anything popular. Even the master of the nine immortal veins is impeaching you together. I am a member of the nine immortals. The elder too, overrides everything, and can’t just sit idly by. So, let’s remove the position of patriarch and let Lin Mang take care of it. Then you enter the eighteenth floor of the town’s demon tower and think about it for ten years. Your fault."


Many people have scalp numbness.

The punishment is too heavy.

Directly remove Lin Yaotian from the position of patriarch.

Let him enter the eighteenth floor of the Town Demon Tower and think for ten years.

It made it clear that it was targeting Lin Yaotian.

Lin Mang was extremely excited, his complexion flushed, he always wanted to be the patriarch.

But knowing that unless his grandfather Lin Jiutian is born, it is absolutely impossible.

Unexpectedly, he will one day realize his wish.

Now his excited body was trembling slightly.

The other eight main pulse masters also cast envy eyes on him.

Among their immortal veins, there is no such an elder, it is impossible to have such an opportunity.

But as long as Lin Yaotian is not the patriarch.

So they also laughed.

So they don't have to be scrapped and kicked out of the fairy clan.

"Uncle Clan, you are too overbearing. Although the patriarch can be abolished by the Supreme Elder, at least half of the elders must agree with him. There are still four elders who are currently in retreat. You want to depose me. I’m afraid it’s not enough."

Lin Yaotian also became cold.

He had long known that Lin Jiutian was too selfish, and it was not a good thing for him to live.

When Lin Jiutian died, he was relieved.

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