War Emperor

Chapter 1910: Defeat Lin Jiutian

As Lin Jiutian's murderous shout fell, with a thud, a cumbersome fingerprint was formed in his hand, and then the eight thick rebellious sacred pillars, like eight great mountains, immediately moved towards Lin Zhentian's suppression. .

During this process, all the eight sacred pillars uttered a powerful swallowing force, like eight ancient giant beasts, opening their blood basins and opening their mouths to swallow Lin Zhentian.

Lin Zhentian's original majestic body immediately became much smaller under these eight sacred pillars.

Perceiving that irresistible force, many people around couldn't help taking a breath, and their faces turned pale.

Such an attack is truly thrilling.

Under that powerful swallowing power, everyone felt like dust.

Presumably even if Lin Zhentian didn't have a certain method, it would be impossible to resist.

"The devil's will, king of heaven and earth, kill!"

However, Lin Zhentian's face was solemn to this, only a weird seal was pinched in his hand, and then a cold shout was also spit out from his mouth.


In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, behind him, a huge phantom burst out.

This is a middle-aged man, who seems to stand in the distant ancient years, with a smell of longevity.

A pair of eyes seems to be able to cut time and space, and within the tall body, there is a majestic force like the universe.

Do not kick.

The breath is too strong.

He is the demon lord of ancient times, a taboo figure who is like a **** and a devil.

At this moment, Lin Zhentian unexpectedly displayed his phantom, as if it were the demon lord who was coming to the earth, there was a worldly charm that would make the heaven and the earth collapse and all things surrender.

In this situation, Lin Jiutian's attack naturally appeared much weaker.

Lin Zhentian just drank "break"!

The huge phantom directly pointed a finger, and accompanied by the Three Thousand Dao Law, like a starry sky will descend.

Click! Click!

In the horrified eyes of countless people.

The eight rebellious sacred pillars that originally shrouded Lin Zhentian immediately resembled a collapsed mountain, breaking apart one after another, turning into fragments between heaven and earth, and dissipating.

Moreover, the power of the fingers is still cast off, like a flood, rushing towards Lin Jiutian.

The moment the attack was disintegrated, Lin Jiutian received a very strong backlash. With a wow in his mouth, he spouted a big mouthful of blood. He was shocked instantly when he saw an imposing gesture. Exploded.

Under this finger, he really smelled a threat of death.

The will of the demon master is too terrifying.

It is as if he was not fighting Lin Zhentian now, but the Demon Lord manifested and shot him millions of years ago.

He has a kind of fear and chills, what a character the demon lord is, even the immortal ancestor level characters must be jealous, he is too far apart from him.

Therefore, facing this finger, he was very shocked. If he was a little careless, he might be killed instantly.

"No, stop me!" In the end, he gritted his teeth fiercely and let out a scream like a desperate wolf.

With a bite on the tip of his tongue, a large amount of essence and blood was displayed by him, burning all over his body, making his breath stronger again.

He is now urging his potential and has already worked hard.

Condensing all the skills of a lifetime, a black mask is condensed in the whole body.

On the mask, there is a smell of solidity and immortality.

You know, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and his realm has reached an extremely high level.

The light shield spurred by this burning potential is a mountain that ordinary people can't even dream of shaking.

Even if the same level people want to destroy it is not easy.

It is a pity that the demon master's will is too strong, and his power has the supreme meaning of collapsing everything in the world.

Even if Lin Jiutian still tried his best, it still wouldn't work.


Finally, the force came.

Lin Jiutian immediately uttered an extremely screaming scream. The whole body was in mid-air, like a ball, falling on the ground, directly smashing a large hole, which is thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters deep, and the underground magma is sprayed out. .

The light shield condensed all over his body could not resist for even a second, and was broken and exploded by the force of the finger.

Lin Jiutian lay in the magma, very miserable, with disheveled hair, his whole body split, like cracked porcelain, facing collapse.

No place is intact, there is still blood spray from the mouth, mixed with internal organs.

A pair of eyes are protruding, like dead fish eyes, and breathing is a little unsmooth.

The breath is also wilting to the extreme, as if it may die at any time and die between heaven and earth.


There was silence all around.

Many people stared at this scene dumbfounded, their faces stiff.

Even the purple-robed old man and the three elders all had heart convulsions.

In fact, reaching their level, under normal circumstances, is almost invincible in one realm.

Lin Jiutian is even stronger than them, and he is absolutely nothing to say about the Nine Wonderland.

At this moment, in front of them, they were beaten like this, which really made them feel a little dreamy.

"Lin Jiutian, you are not convinced." Lin Zhentian sneered, and the black mist was raging, and said strongly.

Lin Jiutian clenched his fists tightly, looking like he could kill.

But now he is so badly hurt that he can't even stand up, only to look at Lin Zhentian unwillingly there, unable to speak.

At the same time, there is also a touch of fear in my heart.

Lin Zhentian's demon master consciousness is too strong, he is not an opponent.

If Lin Zhentian tried harder, maybe he was just a corpse now.

However, he gritted his teeth and grinned, his eyes flashed with madness: "Lin Zhentian, even if you defeat me, today it's not just you who wrap everyone here and you will die."

Many people were stunned and did not understand what Lin Jiutian meant.

Now he has no power to fight again.

Why is so sure.

"Do you have any other means?" Lin Zhentian also narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Haha, you are optimistic, I can't rule the Nine Immortals today, and I won't make everyone feel better." Lin Jiutian grinned, and then took a black token from his arms.

The token is only about half a foot in size, and there is nothing special.

It's just that on the token, there are some tedious runes, like a secret.

Many people are puzzled, and don't understand what Lin Jiutian's token does.

Lin Han frowned slightly, and could vaguely perceive that there was a wave of formation on the token passing and opening, which should be the hub of opening a certain formation.

But the purple-robed old man and the three super elders changed their faces and said, "Lin Jiutian, you are crazy, why do you take out this black demon order?"

As soon as the three words "Black Magic Order" came out, there was a commotion around them.

Many people seem to have thought of something, and their faces are a little scared.

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