War Emperor

Chapter 1922: Wan Dao Emperor Sword

If you really force them to a certain extent, you can fight the Northern Emperor Piaofeng. To be honest, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng will end up invincible.

Therefore, when the minotaur was speaking, there was a strong threatening tone in his tone.

They have been alive for so long, and it’s a big deal that their form and spirit will disappear between the heavens and the earth, but the Northern Emperor Piaofeng has a very glorious future. It will reach the point of being famous in the future. There are still long years to be bright. If you do, then you will lose a lot.

"Yes, you have to think carefully. Compared with our lingering and dying lives, your life is much more precious than ours. It really pushes us into a hurry. Everyone can't get better."

A **** spider also sneered.

It is hundreds of miles long, like a huge black mountain top, entangled in a piece of earth, countless spider legs, like sharp spears, are inserted on the ground, glowing with a dark, cold light.

It seems that these spider legs are the sharpest weapons in the world and can cut everything open.

Many strong people are silent.

The black bullhead and the big spider make sense.

It is indeed unwise for the Northern Emperor Piaofeng to smash to the end with these people.

In the future, he will become the ancestor of the immortal, and he will become the most brilliant person in the universe, shining through the endless starry sky.

It can even be compared shoulder to shoulder, to the point where the ancient Dayu Immortal Ancestor level is an ancient powerhouse.

If it is ruined at the moment, it is a pity.

They want to help, but they know that they are not qualified at all. This kind of battle is too advanced.

"Ancestor, if you don't, let's just leave it alone, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood, and when you become an ancestor in the future, killing them is just a matter of turning hands." Lin Han also thought of this Festival, comforted.

He found that the light in Shi Huang's eyes was still very bright, which was a sign that he was about to take action.

He didn't want the ancestor, just because of some despicable demon, ruining his great future.

"It doesn't matter..." However, the Northern Emperor fluttered, but smiled slightly, shook his head, and in his deep eyes, there was an indescribable confidence that seemed to be able to disregard the universe and the universe without putting any power on it. In his eyes, he said: "Don't worry, just rely on these broken spirits to break my life and want to cut my future. No doubt, I am talking about dreams."

He defeated the ancient giants with Dao Bodies, naturally with extraordinary means unimaginable by the world.

If he only looked at the surface, even if he killed these monsters, he would be in danger.

In fact, he was not worried at all.

These monsters are not enough to pose such a threat to him.

"Okay, Beihuang Piaofeng, you are so mad, dare to despise us!"

The demons were angry and gritted their teeth.

Even if you are not at the top, you will never allow others to be so insulted.

Moreover, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng is just a powerful man of later generations.

Deep in their hearts, there is still a taste of contempt.

Lin Han nodded gently, letting go.

Knowing the ability of Emperor Yishi, if he said so, he must be sure.

Just watch it quietly.

The current Emperor Shi is indeed not able to guess.

"Do it, let's see today, how capable he can kill us."

"Yes, kill, even if you fight for nothing, you have to drag this arrogant junior powerhouse into hell."

Those demon's faces were gloomy, and they screamed.

They are very confident in their combined strength, not a realm master, they can compete with the immortal ancestor Tao fruit.

Unless he truly enters the realm of the fairy ancestors, it will be almost the perfect performance of the fairy ancestor Tao fruit.


Next, the demon heads swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, launching a powerful attack like a group of demons dancing wildly.

This universe shuddered again, as if some peerless power erupted here, causing the world to shake violently.

The black bullhead creature, the first to do it, with the endless and majestic blood in his hand, a huge axe was condensed, and with a roar, the muscles on his body were graved, like a great ancient god, full of explosive power, and axe Head under the wind blowing towards the Northern Emperor.

The powerful force directly set off a tens of thousands of miles of air compression arc in the air, resounding piercing noises and screams of wind.

Behind the black bullhead creature, there is also a vision of a sea of ​​blood and a dead mountain.

He is an ancestor of the Black Bull tribe, because when he was practicing, he entered the evil way.

For more than one million years, for a certain period of time, he also made the Nine Wonderland, many powerful people, fearful.

There are not one hundred and eighty top people who died in his hands.

Right now, he is undoubtedly going completely outrageous, and his momentum is shaking the world.

"Kill!" The **** spider also made a cold voice. The body was as large as a black mountain. It was raised high, and there were 800 spider legs on it, each of which is thousands of miles long, like a spear of heaven and earth. Eight hundred black spider legs were killed together, like a black meteor shower, full of magnificence.

Just looking at the picture makes the scalp numb, fearful in my heart, unable to resist.

The **** spider is also a very powerful creature. It once formed a spider web in a planet, spreading the entire planet, and all the countless creatures on it were eaten as snacks.

It received a massive amount of blood and energy, and only then did 800 spider legs condense.

Exerting at this moment, there is also the resentment of all sentient beings, like a flood, unstoppable sweeping everything.


"Kill the Northern Emperor Piaofeng..."

The remaining sixty-seven creatures also displayed their mighty vitality and attacked together.

This is a scene that makes the world a scene of destruction.

The sky is covered by endless devilish energy, and it's thick for thousands of miles.

Murderous spirit wanted to tear the Nine Immortal Stars into two.

Lin Han couldn't help being speechless, feeling a little chill in his heart.

This is too strong.

Even if the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, in his mind, it seemed that he could carry the mountains and rivers on his shoulders, he still felt a little difficult to deal with.

At the moment, he couldn't help clenching his fist slightly, paying attention.

If the first emperor really loses, he will lend the opponent's treasures such as Honghuang Sword Furnace and Daewoo Hengzhong in time to contend.

Regarding Emperor Shi, he naturally wouldn't be stingy.

"Negative Yu stubbornly resist and seek a dead end." However, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng watched this scene, but his hair was flying, and his eyes were shining brightly that could illuminate the past and the present. A long laugh was not afraid at all, and even exuberant as the sea. His fighting intention was surging all over his body, saying: "Today I will let you know that the true method of this emperor, the Emperor's Sword of Ten Thousand Ways, and the Will of Ten Thousand Dragons, will kill!"


Along with it, the voice fell like a spell.

With the huge golden sword in his hand, the golden light waves emitted immediately became more intense.

Ruhai's sword energy rushed into the starry sky for an unknown number of billions of miles, and then a sword was struck down by him.

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