War Emperor

Chapter 1931: Recognize

Now it seems that it is so.

Lin Han couldn't help being a little surprised. At this boundary, he thought that the quality of genius should not be so high. He never thought that when he first came here, he would encounter a second generation ancestor at the pinnacle of three talents.

It seems that this place is very close to the Heavenly God Realm, and the genius is not comparable to ordinary Nine Wonderland people.

His contempt for this place has restrained a lot.

But looking at the fat monk and the golden-haired monkey, there was a huge surprise in his eyes.

These two are his brothers. They hadn't thought of each other for many years, and they met again here.

At this time, Little Fatty and Golden Retriever Monkey, because of the strength of the three talents that Kanazawa broke out, were even more invincible. After a few tricks, they were forced to run around, embarrassed and rolled, and even due to their strong energy, the fat monk was caused. The skin on the face is a little bruised.

If this continues, he and the Golden Retriever Monkey will undoubtedly be taken by Kanazawa.

It was here that he glimpsed from the corner of his eye, and he happened to see Lin Han not far away. He was taken aback for a moment, and then a strong joy came out of his face, yelling: "Brother, why are you here? Go and help us out."

Hearing the words "Big Brother", the golden-haired monkey's dazzling body also shook slightly, and then looked over, a strong light burst out in his eyes.

The young man has a long body and a delicate face. Standing there, he is slightly weak.

In a pair of clear eyes, there was a little luster, like a stern in the soft clouds. Once it broke out, it was bound to have earth-shattering power, which made people feel awe-inspiring.

The Golden Retriever Monkey also smiled in surprise, this is indeed their brother.

Encountered here is unexpected.

"Haha, don't worry, naturally I won't just sit idly by." Lin Han gave a long laugh, very happy, they are the little fat guys and Brother Monkey.

Being able to meet again here also surprised and delighted him.

He said nothing, indifferent.

Jinze was startled, somewhat surprised, secretly thinking that the fat monk and the golden-haired monkey, at first glance, are Buddhists, there will be a big brother here.

However, when he turned his eyes and saw Lin Han, he couldn't help but sneered again.

A teenager in his twenties doesn't seem to have the slightest uniqueness, how could it threaten him.

Therefore, his expression was very arrogant, and he glanced at Lin Han coldly, as if talking to an ant on the side of the road, and said coldly: "Get out of here, don't be nosy here, and disappear if you don't want to die. "

Even if Lin Han shot, it was nothing more than a gift.

Naturally, he didn't have any idle time to do things with the ant-like youth on the side of the road.

However, Lin Han had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and there was a cold light in his eyes. This **** really did not live or die.

People who offend him dare to be so arrogant.


Then, with almost no nonsense, Lin Han leaped forward and rushed towards the court.

With a palm, the immeasurable golden light burst out in an instant, as if there was a sun blooming here, the brilliance spread over the entire city gate, making many people habitually close their eyes, surprised in their hearts.

A young man who seemed to be very weak could have such a great strength.

Such a palm gave them an unstoppable and stunning feeling.

"Huh?" Kanazawa was also stunned, he felt a lot of pressure.

Then he grinned, with a cold look in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, be nosy, I will let you know the end."

He is a genius who has returned from studying in the Sunset Palace, and he has a disdain for the genius of the Nine Wonders.

Even if Lin Han's palm strength was extraordinary, he was far behind him.

The young people in the Nine Wonders Realm did not understand what it meant to be a genius in the God Realm.

"Die to me!"

Right now, he roared, his eyes gushing out, and he also slapped Lin Han fiercely with a palm.


Inside him, a brutal beast roar instantly sounded.

It can be seen that behind him, rushed out a canthus, ten feet high, covered in black mist over the sky, full of ferocity, like an evil beast that killed a mountain of blood, and a pair of eyes, revealing an extremely cruel light .

Its appearance, the palm that sets off, is more vigorous, like it can destroy everything, and nothing can be stopped.

"Is this Jacques palm?"

Around, some well-informed people changed their expressions slightly and lost their voice.

Javican palm is a very powerful palm in the sunset palace. According to reports, if you want to practice this palm palm, you must contain the true blood of Javican.

Therefore, many geniuses in the Sunset Palace often go deep into the barren mountains and Daze to find the alien beast with the true blood of Juju, kill it, extract the true blood, and consume it.

This will not only transform your body, but also store the true blood. When you activate the palm of the palm, a vision of the palm will appear, making it extremely powerful.

In a certain area of ​​the Celestial God Realm, the palm of the Sunset Palace is also very famous.

Although there is only a male barrier between the heavens and gods, in fact it is like two heavens and earth, and few people cross over.

Therefore, it was the first time that everyone saw this Juju palm, and they couldn't help but feel a bit eye-opening.

This way, in the three-talent state, it can almost be swept.

"Big brother, do you have any questions." A worried look appeared on the little fat man's face.

At the beginning, he was unknown in Yingzhou Immortal Island. It was after getting acquainted with Lin Han that he rose all the way and became a not weak master.

Among them, Lin Han helped him too much.

He has very sincere feelings for Lin Han.

Encountered in the Green God City, he didn't want to see Lin Han's accident.

Kanazawa is indeed a bit too strong, the strength of the pinnacle of the Three Talents, the genius of the Nine Wonders is quite different.

After they entered the immortal world, they had special encounters and made great progress.

He didn't think that Lin Han could reach this step in such a short time. This was unrealistic.

"Yes, Brother Xian, if we lose, don't love the fight, we can find a way to leave." The Golden Retriever also smiled to Lin Han.

He and Lin Han knew each other even better. Back then, he worshipped Lin Han in the giant city of God of War in the Hongzhou Continent.

So many years passed in a flash, it really feels like a world away.

Those who were only teenagers have now entered the fairy world.

He was very pleased.

He also felt that Lin Han was not Jin Ze's opponent.

Even if the strength of him and the little fat man are blocked, there are some special ways to escape.

"It's okay, it's just the pinnacle of the three talents, it's nothing." Lin Han smiled, his eyes flashed with confidence.

With his current strength, no one would be his opponent in the Four Elephants Realm.

Even those who have just entered the Four Elephants Realm, he can contend.

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