War Emperor

Chapter 1934: Yunqi

Because the cultivation base was blocked, the scene of suitable talent only appeared when he met Kanazawa.

Lin Han nodded, secretly thinking that everyone has their own lives.

He also talked about his own experience, and even more so when he heard Little Fatty and Brother Monkey, they were amazed.

Among the three of them, if anyone has the most legendary experience, there is no doubt that it is Lin Han.

After many lives, deaths and hardships, I came to this point.

They all admire Lin Han very much.

"Why are you here in the Green God City?" Lin Han asked with a smile after drinking three rounds.

The little fat man's face was solemn, and then he smiled: "I heard that the funeral of the fairy phoenix in Green God City is about to open. We are here to join in the fun."

Lin Han was taken aback, and said in amazement, "Isn't the fairy phoenix burial in Green God City only opened with a special ancient key?"

This is really strange.

Even Fatty and Brother Monkey have heard of this.

"Oh, you don't know anything. Recently, a strange man named "Great Yuan Formation King" came to Green God City. He is a well-known formation master in the Heavenly God Realm. His first-hand formation has reached the point of superb formation. Rumor has it that he has been studying After hundreds of years, the funeral of the Xianyuanhuang has finally succeeded. He is confident that ten days from now, when the seven stars connect with beads, he can break the funeral of the Xianyuanhuang." Brother Monkey laughed.

"The Great Yuan Formation King?" Lin Han's heart moved. During this time, he also had some understanding of the Heavenly God Realm. He knew that the Great Yuan Formation King was indeed a very famous formation master in the Heavenly God Realm, and it was said that he could arrange stars. Forming a large array, these water products have reached the point of transcendence and sanctification.

The general formation master is far from comparable to him.

The Seven Stars Linking Pearl refers to the seven ancient stars around the Green God City, which revolve every year for about five hundred years, and they will form a straight line.

It is true that almost five hundred years have passed since the last time the seven stars joined the pearl.

The King of the Great Yuan Formation really surprised him by relying on the Seven Stars to break through the prohibition on the burial of the Immortal Phoenix.

"There is a play." At this moment, Hong also spoke.

When the seven stars connect with beads, the aura of the stars will change to a certain extent. In addition, the distance to the burial of the fairy phoenix is ​​too close. It is not impossible that the Great Yuan Formation King took this opportunity to break the prohibition on the burial of the fairy phoenix.

Knowing to take advantage of this kind of time and place, this person is indeed not an ordinary person.

"In that case, the sensation caused by this incident should not be small." Lin Han smiled bitterly.

The burial of the Immortal Phoenix is ​​not only within the Nine Wonders Realm, but also famous ancient relics in several nearby realms. I don't know how many forces are staring at it.

Right now, the Xianyuanhuang burial will finally have the opportunity to open up a large area. If you want to come here, it will inevitably cause all directions.

He originally thought that he would enter alone by relying on the ancient key to gain some benefits.

In this way, there is no doubt that the wish has failed, and there will be some fierce competition in time.

"That's natural. When the news came out, the Heavenly God Realm immediately caused a huge sensation. Many strengths have sent people to Green God City, and even the people from the top ten holy places have come." The little fat man nodded.

The burial of Xianyuanhuang is still an ancient battlefield.

Many masters had wars there, and after their deaths, the secret treasures, magic skills, and medicines left in them were endless.

Most of them are enough to shock the world.

With such a big temptation, who can not be jealous?

It can be said that this incident has formed a hurricane and caused great waves.

They learned that they came to Green God City, ready to try their luck.

Lin Han nodded.

That's good, only when there is competition and pressure, will progress.

I have long heard that young people in the Celestial Realm are of high quality, and he can just see it.

At this moment, he couldn't wait slightly.

Da da da……

At this moment, a rush of footsteps came upstairs.

Then, a group of people arrogantly came upstairs, exuding a strong aura, which made the atmosphere here instantly become heavier.

Many diners dare not come out, a little awe-inspiring.

"Who is this?" Lin Han also narrowed his eyes. They are all young people, but their aura is very strong. They are surrounded by electric lights, their eyes are sharp as swords, and they scan away, giving people a great sense of mental oppression. .

There are still so many young people in Nine Wonderland.

"He is the disciple of the thunder and lightning sacred place among the ten sacred places of the Heavenly God Realm." King Golden Retriever narrowed his eyes and said to Lin Han.

On their chests, there is a purple thunder and lightning badge, which represents the holy land of thunder and lightning.

Lin Han was relieved. He didn't expect to meet people from the Ten Great Holy Lands so quickly.

"Brother Tzuyu, that's her, do you think she looks like?" At this moment, the people from the Thunder Holy Land glanced around, and suddenly their eyes fell on Ling Xuan. One of the disciples' eyes suddenly skyrocketed. The man in purple, said.

The man in purple has a vertical eye growing on his forehead, and his long purple hair is scattered, revealing a special stern attitude.

He stood here with his hand held down, spreading out invisibly, a kind of aura, so I am the only one.

Judging from his position and tolerance, it is obvious that he is the head of this group.

Hearing this, the man named Tzuyu glanced at Lingxuan, then slowly opened a scroll in his hand, only to see a beautiful and agile woman painted on it.

The woman is young, only about twenty years old, very sweet.

Even if it's just a portrait, it makes people feel compassionate.

It is Lingxuan.

Tzuyu nodded slightly, sure, then walked over and preached to Ling Xuan, "Little girl, are you called Ling Xuan?"

Lin Han, Little Fatty, and Golden Retriever King glanced at each other, a little puzzled.

What did Tzuyu do with Lingxuan?

Lingxuan was an ordinary female disciple in Canggu Sword Mansion, and she had not clashed with anyone since she came out.

Tzuyu made it clear that it was directed at her.

Lingxuan also blinked Shui Lingling's big eyes, touched the beautiful little blue feather in her arms, and said, "Yes, how do you know, what's the matter with me?"

"Sure enough, she?"

Suddenly, the people of Thunder and Lightning Holy Land showed extremely angry expressions, staring at Lingxuan with killing intent.

The little Lan in Lingxuan's arms made a wary posture, and the beautiful feathers on her body stood up slightly.

Lin Han also had cold eyes. No matter what happened, if these people dared to make a move, he wouldn't just sit idly by.

Tzuyu's face was as deep as water, with a low tone, and said, "In that case, come with us and go to the Holy Land of Thunder and Lightning."

There is no doubt in his tone.

"Why should I go with you to the Holy Land of Thunder and Lightning, I don't know you." Lingxuan was a little annoyed, and she was not a person who was obedient.

In Canggu Sword Mansion, he was still very delicate.

Only when I came to the outside world did I restrain myself.

But if someone provokes her, she won't shrink back.

"Why?" Tzuyu sneered, her eyes cold as a knife, and said: "If you want to blame, just blame your **** grandpa!"

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