War Emperor

Chapter 1950: Raiden Son

"Hmph, kill my Thunder Sacred Land people, just want to go, how can there be such a good thing."

However, at this moment, a dull and thunderous sound suddenly exploded in the starry sky.

Then, you can see a fuzzy figure flying towards here in the unknown distant depths of the starry sky.

I can't see clearly, the specific appearance, I can only see that it is an upright and majestic figure.

As if he were a powerful man who came out of an unknown era, his body naturally, the exuding tolerance made the universe tremble and the endless starry sky swayed.

The light of galaxies surrounds his body, and his feet are as if stepping on the universe, there is a kind of detachment that astounds the ancient and modern future, and disdains the three thousand realms.

With his arrival, many strange fragrances filled the void, and there were scenes of various petals blooming and colorful birds flying.

"This is the arrival of a character at the Saint Child level?"

Many people's pupils shrank suddenly, and then their complexions changed a lot, astonished.

Among the ten sacred places in the Heavenly God Realm, the ten saints, all of them are brilliant figures, like ten suns, suspended in the starry sky, allowing all living beings and countless geniuses to look up.

Even characters who are against the sky are eclipsed in front of them.

When accepting the saint son's fruit position, they will also be baptized by the light of ancient sages, possessing a fortune that ordinary geniuses can't match.

Therefore, in the eyes of many young people in the Heavenly God Realm, the Son is the "heaven" and "god" among young people, inviolable and inaccessible.

Even many older people are in awe of them.

Future achievements will reach the point of moving the universe and stunning everything.

At this moment, no one thought that a holy son would come like this.

Countless people were trembling with excitement, their faces flushed, and even some people couldn't help but have the urge to kneel and worship and make a pilgrimage.

You know that it is not easy to see a holy son on weekdays.

This is really an honor.

Even some young girls have a nymph-like light on their faces.

"Holy Son?" Lin Han's expression also changed drastically. This was the Heavenly God Realm, the top genius.

Each has a legendary experience.

He was also extremely surprised when a holy son came.

Look at this, the other party is the holy son of Thunder Holy Land.


In the eyes of a crowd of horror, awe, and admiration.

Finally, in the distant starry sky, that character descended.

This is a young man in his thirties with a tall and slender figure. His eyes, like those made of thunder and lightning, are shining with hundreds of thousands of terrifying thunders.

A long hair fell apart, and each of them was full of thunder and lightning.

Every inch of his body is flooded with lightning.

Standing there, like the ancient thunder **** descending to the earth.

On his body, he was also wearing a pair of purple armor, which set off his martial and heroic posture and his extraordinary appearance.

This is the Son of God, a shining identity.

He stands on the Nine Heavens, and there are many hazy cyan mists all over his body, which makes him stand in another era.

Countless people are shocked by their souls.

This style is too extraordinary.

It seems that he can destroy everyone here with his gestures.

"Are you... Son of Thunder?" Lin Han narrowed his eyes and pondered for a while before he said.

The son of thunder and lightning is extremely legendary. According to legend, when he was born, he held the innate seal of thunder and lightning in his hand, and immeasurable purple light shone into the starry sky.

This is a sign of the reincarnation of the ancient gods.

In the long history of the universe, there are few such cases.

Visible the metamorphosis of the Son of Thunder.

According to legend, when he was only seven or eight years old, he could mobilize some universe **** thunder to make ordinary elders fear.

He has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years now, and it is unimaginable where his strength has reached.

He didn't expect that he would run into a character at the Saint Child level so soon.

The other party was really terrifying.

Within his body, he perceives the majestic taste of the universe, as if it does not move, it can cause the universe to collapse, the avenue trembles, and all living beings.

Among young people, he first saw such a strong character.

"Yes, I am the son of Thunder and lightning, kid, did you kill Su Jinglei?" In the awe of the eyes, the son of Thunder, a pair of eyes gleaming, blooming with an arrogant attitude.

Staring at Lin Han indifferently, without any emotion.

Su Jinglei, in the Holy Land of Thunder, is also a very good genius, he admires it very much.

Originally thinking of waiting for Su Jinglei, after reaching a certain point, he personally pointed the opponent, so that he would also become the pillar disciple in the Holy Land.

As a result, being killed by Lin Han in this way, he was naturally angry.

He could also sense it in the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away, so it was the first time he displayed his great magic power, traveled through time and space, and arrived at high pressure.

When speaking, it was like a great ancient **** judging mortals, and every word was extremely magnificent, which put people under tremendous pressure.

If ordinary people are below this level of tolerance, they will be paralyzed, shivering with fear, and honestly repent.

But Lin Han didn't. He clenched some fists, and the Absolute Demon Palace in his body quickly revolved, forming a black mask on his body, bearing the huge mental oppression of the opponent.

Then, his face remained solemn, neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Yes, Su Jinglei, I did kill him. It was he who was going to fight me in the Xuantian arena. Here is life and death. He was killed, and he can only be blamed. Not as good as people."



Many people's goose bumps are almost falling off.

Lin Han is too courageous.

He was facing a saint son who dared to speak so arrogantly.

I really don't know how to write dead words.

Some of the top geniuses in the Ten Great Sacred Grounds also turned pale and had dry throats.

Even if it is them, they are far from having this courage.

Lin Han's courage is too fat.

They all have an impulse to give Lin Han a thumbs up.

Really a great person, a role model for my generation.

"Haha..." The Son of Thunder laughed loudly, his tone full of joy, and said: "What a Lin Han, worthy of being a descendant of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, I have heard that I have been very courageous along the way. See it really deserves its reputation."

He has forgotten how long it has been that no young man dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

He found it very interesting.

Then, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes, he said, "In that case, how about I play with you?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Isn't this showing bullying?

With a genius at the level of Saint Son, even if there are many big power heroes, they may not be opponents.

There was still a huge gap between Lin Han and him, how could he not win.

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