War Emperor

Chapter 1963: Within the burial

I don't know how many years this person died. I can't see his original appearance. The flesh and blood on his body have been rotten. The scalp is messy, and only a few sparse hairs are blowing in the wind.

At a glance, there was a frightening smell.

His death is still very miserable.

At the back of his head, a broken knife was inserted, and his skull was cut open, and blood flowed all over the place, even in the past so many years, the dried blood still filled with a suffocating aura, it was amazing.

The rotten broken knife, with murderous intent lingering on it, made people shudder.

It can be seen that those who shot back in those days must be very tough, so that for so long, there is still such a terrible breath on the weapon.

Lin Han was also amazed. Before the corpse was alive, he must have been a master. Most of his flesh and blood rotted, revealing bones, which contained an astonishing energy and majesty.

It is impossible for ordinary people in the Five Elements Realm to show such signs.

In other words, this is a strong man at the master level!


These two words are too heavy. In the fairy world, they were almost synonymous with invincibility.

Except for the First Emperor, he has never seen a master master.

Such characters are all dead, which shows how terrifying the battle that took place here.

"The realm master is also a big world, also divided into three, six and nine grades. This person has just reached the level of the immigrant master, and there is still a big gap between him and the Northern Emperor Piaofeng." At this time, Hong explained.

The more you practice, the wider the gap between each great realm.

The ordinary realm master and Beihuang Piaofeng are still completely absent from the two worlds.

According to his estimation, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng is invincible in the realm master realm, and he also controls the heavenly realm of the heavenly **** realm. The real strength bursts out, even the ordinary fairy ancestor realm level powerhouse can contend.

If he completely absorbs the Immortal Ancestor Dao Fruit in his body, he is more likely to reach an unimaginable level.

So he is a very unique and powerful man in the immortal world today.

There is the potential to become like Daewoo Immortal Ancestor, the first Demon Lord, that kind of ancient existence.

Lin Han nodded, really endless cultivation.

It seems that he is still a long way away from standing on the top of the universe.

"Look, there is a book on this corpse..."

At this moment, someone shouted.

In his decadent clothes and arms, there is indeed a dark golden book with a corner exposed. I don't know what kind of material it is made of. There is an amazing divinity flowing on the pages of the book, which is very extraordinary.

From this point, we can see that the contents of this book must be very simple, otherwise it would be impossible to use such materials.

"This is... Soul-Transforming Dafa..."

Finally, someone with eyesight quickly took out the book and stretched out his hand to wipe the dust on the book. After seeing the few golden characters on it, he took a breath and was surprised.

"What? Soul-Transforming Dafa?"

Hearing this, the surroundings immediately seemed to explode. The eyes of countless people instantly turned scarlet, and their breathing was as fast as a hungry wolf **** food.

Soul-changing Dafa is infamous in the right way.

It is the first magical skill of the magic way, majoring in spiritual power. Once trained, the spiritual power will greatly increase, and it can silently turn the human soul and soul into nothingness.

The masters who once had the magic way used this skill to let the right way masters fall for unknown reasons.

Therefore, a master of the right path, seeing this skill, like a mouse seeing a cat, only fear in his heart.

In the demon realm, only the "primordial demon race" who truly ruled by the supreme can cultivate.

At this moment, I actually saw the secret book of Soul Transformation Dafa, how can I not make everyone excited?

After all, learning this magic skill is equivalent to having a big hole card, and in the future fighting with people, it is possible to solve it silently, a person of the same level or even higher than his own.

For cultivators, it is too important.

Lin Han had been in contact with magic power before, and it was far from being compared.

"Haha, it's made, I made it..."

The person who got the secret book of the Soul Transformation Dafa was a handsome young man in Qingyi, who was also a genius among a major force in the Heavenly God Realm. At this moment, his face was flushed, his whole body trembled with excitement, and he laughed.

It is really luck to get a magic skill that many super powers dream of for no reason.

He almost has an urge to dance.

Lin Han shook his head and gave him a pity.

Although the treasure is good, if you don't have the strength to hold it, it is likely to become a disaster.

There were many cultivators who came to explore in the surrounding area. Although the black hole at the entrance had the energy transmitted immediately, it divided millions of geniuses into countless crowds and scattered them in the burial of the Immortal Phoenix.

However, there are still thousands of people in this group, and some of them are very powerful. When those people learned of the Soul Transformation Dafa, they looked at the youth's gaze, and there was a hint of murder in their eyes. Naturally it is impossible to give up.

The fate of this youth in Tsing Yi can be imagined.

"Haha, yours? Asshole, you don't look at so many people here, the cheats are taken by you, what shall we do?"

Sure enough, Lin Han's thoughts just fell.

One of the big men with a beard on his face walked out, holding a **** steel knife in his hand, and smiled coldly at the young man in Tsing Yi.

Not only that, but many people have also sacrificed their weapons and formed a circle to surround the Tsing Yi youth.

This look undoubtedly needs to take action against the Tsing Yi youth to rob the soul of Dafa.

"You..." Upon seeing this, the Qingyi youth's face changed drastically, a little ugly.

Even if his strength is extraordinary, it is naturally impossible to be an opponent of so many people.

Surrounded by everyone at the moment, he really has a sense of imminent disaster.

If he doesn't hand it over, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, thinking that this is the Soul Transformation Dafa, after successful cultivation, he can become the most powerful person in the immortal world, and he is full of reluctance.

Seeking wealth and danger, some masters, only because they have overcome certain difficulties and got the treasure, can they soar all the way and look down on all directions.

He had no choice but to fight it out.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, his face slightly sullen, and said: "I want my baby, how can it be so simple, even if I die today, I won't hand it over."

After finishing speaking, the body shape immediately burst out all the potential, the blue light on the soles of the feet flourished, turning into a blue streamer, rushing out of the crowd, and fleeing away.

He just showed his body skills so abruptly, the speed was really fast, everyone only felt that in the blink of an eye, he really wanted to disappear into the encirclement.

"Huh, overwhelming."

However, in the crowd of thousands of people, there are many genuine young masters.

The speed of the youth in Tsing Yi is nothing in their eyes.

Especially the big man with a beard is a thief with a fierce reputation that shakes one side, making his living with Panshan as his king and robbing passers-by.

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