War Emperor

Chapter 1966: Wanhunzhu

It can be expected how rich the many ancient treasures left here are.

With the exploration, there may be more amazing discoveries.

"Lin Han, what shall we do next?" Lingxuan smiled.

She is also happy to have such a gain for Lin Han.

Lin Han glanced around and said in deep thought, "Let's go east."

The surroundings are very desolate, endless, and there is no sign of life.

At the end of the earth in the east, he could vaguely see that there seemed to be some buildings there, with some vague shadows standing.

There may be something to gain there.

"Well, good." Lingxuan and Xiao Lan naturally had no objection to Lin Han's words.

The same is true for Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King, now their strength is sealed, this time they came out mainly for experience.

The backbone of the team is still Lin Han.

"There is a lot of devilish energy ahead..." However, after walking forward about a few miles, the little fat man suddenly said with a solemn expression.

"Devilish energy?" Lin Han was startled.

"Yeah." The little fat man nodded.

Even if the strength of him and the Golden Retriever King were sealed, some instinctive induction power was still there, and he could detect the demonic energy floating out there.

Lin Han was a little puzzled, how could there be so many things related to demons in the burial of Xian Yuanhuang.

Right now, he was more curious about the front, and he wanted to see what kind of doorway was there.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, they finally came to the end of the earth. They saw that there were stone towers standing randomly here, most of which were dilapidated and covered with bricks and tiles.

Some stone towers were covered with weeds and looked very desolate.

On the stone tower, there are many patterns of gods and demons in the paintings. Some demons hold a scythe, hook the human tongue, and drag and walk on the ground.

Some demon gods hang people up and lash them with whips, bloody.

Some demon gods bind people, throw them into boiling hot water, and cook...

a lot of.

Most of them are torturing human beings, making people shudder.

"This is the scene of Abi Hell..."

After watching the Golden Retriever, he was surprised.

"Abi hell?" Lin Han was taken aback.

This is a weird place that is rarely circulated in the world. It is different from the ordinary **** hell, and it is more cruel and severe. According to legend, after death, only some real treacherous people will go to Abi Hell.

The world knows very little about it.

"Yes, in the eighteenth realm of the immortal world, the Abi Realm is the Abi Hell. There is a place for dead souls, no creatures, and a realm of its own. Even some peerless masters, it is difficult to enter. Unexpectedly, this records the picture of Abi Hell." King Golden Retriever sighed.

That is, he and the little fat man are people in the Buddhist realm. There are many documents.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for others to distinguish.

"This should be in the Hell of Abi, the "Pagoda of All Evil", someone is here, imitating this terrain." Little Fatty said.

The Evil Stone Pagoda in the Hell of Abi is a notorious and terrifying place.

Legend has it that if a person at the immortal ancestor level enters, they may die.

Therefore, if you stray into the Abi Hell, the most scary thing is to go to the Stone Tower of All Evil.

Even if he is a Buddhist disciple, he still feels mysterious there.

Few people in the world have a comprehensive understanding of the Stone Pagoda of All Evil.

It cannot be the real "Pagoda of All Evil", it is a terrain imitated by someone.

This is so, and you can also see how amazing the spirit is.

Is this to evolve, Abi hell, to recruit dead souls and achieve a certain goal?

Lin Han also felt tumultuously in his heart, thinking that the layout here should have a unique meaning, standing in it always gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Look, there are ten thousand soul beads in a stone tower ahead..."

"My God, this is a rare treasure..."

At this moment, there was a commotion in front of him.

This area is very wide, spreading over hundreds of kilometers, and this land nearby is a strange land.

Many of the geniuses who were sent nearby immediately gathered here unconsciously.

There are not a few people here at this moment.

"Ten Thousand Soul Orbs?" Lin Han's heart moved after hearing this.

This is a special kind of bead that can be formed by condensing the power of ten thousand souls, and it contains very pure soul power.

In ancient times, there were demons who did not hesitate to mutilate sentient beings, condense this kind of soul orb, and strengthen their soul power.

It's just that it is too rare and hurts the heavens. In the past tens of thousands of years in the fairy world, no one has dared to condense, otherwise it will be condemned by various forces.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a Ten Thousand Soul Orb here.

"Amitabha..." Upon hearing this, the little fat man and the Golden Retriever King couldn't help putting their hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

The ten thousand soul orbs that can be condensed represent an astronomical number of the creatures that have died here.

"Ten thousand" is just a virtual number, referring to endless and numerous.

Refining the life on a star does not necessarily condense Ten Thousand Soul Orbs.

There are ten thousand soul beads here, and the blood and blood once committed can be expected.

They are Buddhism disciples, thinking of Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, the **** representative behind them can't help but feel sad.

"Let's go, let's go and see..." Lin Han smiled, warmly.

Since there are Ten Thousand Soul Orbs, this kind of treasure appears, if you don't watch it, it's really a pity.

What's more, if he gets it, it will greatly increase his mental strength, and he will be a little concerned.

"Yeah." Both Little Fatty and King Golden Retriever nodded. The Ten Thousand Soul Orbs are only recorded in books, and they have never seen the real thing. Since they have appeared, they naturally have to go and see it.

In this way, they walked forward.

The more you move forward, you can feel that there is a special soul power surging in the air.

It seems that there are many souls, once flooded.

After about five minutes, they finally came to the center of the stone tower.

At the very center is a vast gravel clearing. In the center of the clearing, there is a stone tower that is very tall and stands there. It is a thousand feet tall and looks majestic and heavy.

It is like a stone tower emperor, looking down all directions.

On the tower, there are many tedious inscriptions and symbols engraved, densely packed, giving people a very tedious and mysterious feeling.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han was amazed. He already understood that the function of the stone tower was to collect souls.

Ordinary stone towers can collect endless souls.

This stone tower, so tall, can collect souls, must reach a terrifying point.

No wonder, the soul power here is so rich.

"That is Ten Thousand Soul Orbs?" Then, Lin Han looked at the middle part of the stone tower, narrowed his eyes, and muttered to himself.

In the middle of the stone tower, there are many runes and inscriptions, such as thick snakes condensed, spreading over the entire tower body, the source is there, and more dense.

At the very center, there is a groove!

In the groove, there is a black purple bead the size of a washbasin, which is very deep and flows with mysterious power.

It is crystal clear, like pearl agate, very beautiful, at first glance, it does not look like some kind of evil object, but like a natural artwork of nature, it makes people look exciting and amazing.

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