War Emperor

Chapter 1994: Goodbye Raiden Son

"Soul-Transforming Dafa... Are you serious?"

Hu San was also like a bolt from the blue sky, his face completely pale, staring at Lin Han with a dull face.

The evil name of this soul-transforming Dafa is extremely prosperous in the immortal world.

Righteous people, I don't know how many people are afraid to hear about it.

Lin Han's possession gave him too much shock.

No matter how confident he is in himself, he can hardly resist it.

After all, too many people died in Dafa.

"Soul Transformation Dafa, kill!" Lin Han's expression was cold, without too much nonsense, with a deep cry, the endless spiritual power in the center of his eyebrows, immediately like a river, surging, turning into a sharp sword, facing Hu San killed.

Under the urging of the Soul Transformation Dafa, Lin Han's Heaven-level spiritual lethality undoubtedly rose to a higher level.

This sword is invincible and has a peerless spirit that can smash everything.

As soon as Hajime appeared, there was a roar of gods and ghosts between heaven and earth.

The endless yin wind cries, the wind and clouds change color, like a doomsday.

Hu San's scared scalp exploded. He never thought that he would be lucky enough to see the Soul Transformation Dafa in this life.

Even if he is a powerful person in the Five Elements Realm, to be honest, there is still a long way to go from this step.

After all, this is a level that only some super-powerful people who look down upon are qualified to touch.

Now he felt a strong threat of death, it seemed that this sword was cut, and he couldn't resist it anyway, he would definitely die.

This made him gritted his teeth fiercely. When he was young, he could reach the Five Elements Realm. He was also a talented person. He was accustomed to being looked up at on weekdays, so he was naturally unwilling to die like this.

Right now, he roared: "Block me!"

The teeth have bitten blood.

The eyes are scarlet.

He tried his best.

The ring of the five elements is inspired to the extreme brilliance.

Every inch of pores is glowing.

Unfortunately, it is still useless. The Soul-Transforming Dafa, as a magical skill that shocks the world and weeping ghosts and gods, is far more powerful than normal people can imagine.

Spirit sword, after beheaded.

The Five Elements Divine Ring immediately cracked into two pieces with a click.

Then, the Spirit Sword, unabated, smashed and killed.

Hu San's complexion disappeared, and he fell into despair.

He knew that he was over, he would die.


Sure enough, the spirit giant sword was directly slashed, and Hu San's body was split in half in the horrified eyes of the crowd, from the center of the eyebrows to the crotch, on the spot.

The blood stained the sky and sprayed down.

Hu San died completely.

All around fell into deathly silence.

Many people's expressions were frozen and speechless.

This scene is too shocking.

The famous Hu San was just killed by Lin Han.

Lin Han's methods are really scary.

Now in everyone's mind, Lin Han is no less than a young ancient god, and his methods are unpredictable.

Some people couldn't help but smashed their spirits. Originally, they wanted to make a move to force Lin Han, but now they know how naive and ridiculous their own thoughts are.

Fortunately, Hu San took the lead, otherwise their fate would be the same.

Even Hu San is not an opponent, they are too weak in Lin Han's hands.

"Does anyone still want the energy of the egg king?" Lin Leng Leng laughed, his eyes like electricity, and he looked at the people around him coldly.

With this result, he was not surprised, the soul-transforming Dafa, the reputation of the immortal realm, and the might and power are naturally not ordinary people of the Five Elements realm, and can compete.

Even if there is still a big gap between him and the Five Elements Realm, he can still kill the enemy at a higher level.

Maybe, just doing this step is already a record that many people look up to.

Needles in the world can be heard.

No one said anything.

Witnessing Lin Han's strength, no one dared to regard him as a thin boy anymore.

If he did something, I am afraid that Lin Han alone would be enough to kill them all.

Now, in everyone's mind, there is only awe for Lin Han.

Lin Han smiled with satisfaction, and was about to greet him. When leaving with Li Ling and the others, a sudden laugh came from the end of the world.

"Lin Han, Lin Han, I am going to catch you."


Billowing purple air surging into the sky, at the far end of the earth, a purple sun flew over, blooming with radiance.

A man in a purple shirt flew over, with a gorgeous purple hair, and his whole person was like the immortal Thunder God descended into the world, full of the spirit of looking down at the world and disregarding everything.

In his pupils, there are countless scenes of lightning destroying stars!

This is a **** man.

Invisibly, the spreading coercion made many people tremble and wanted to surrender to him for a while.

"The Son of Thunder?"

Everyone exclaimed.

This person is the Son of Thunder.

In the realm of the gods, he is a famous figure.

The status of the Ten Great Sons is too high.

Although Hu San had already stepped into the Five Elements Realm, there was still a big gap between him and the Saint Child level.

The two are not at the same level at all.

The Son of Thunder is awe-inspiring as a god.

At the same time, many people looked at Lin Han with pity in their eyes.

It turned out that this guy was Lin Han.

There was a lot of grievances between Thunder Son and Lin Han.

Now that he has encountered the Son of Thunder, he will naturally not end well.

Everyone has a sense of expectation.

If Lin Han is killed by the Thunder Son, maybe they can also get some soup to drink.

There are too many babes on Lin Han's body, enough to make the super powers who look down on him jealous.

Get one at will, it's possible, and benefit for life.

"Holy Son of Thunder, I've met again." Lin Han looked at the incoming person, frowned, couldn't help but ease his brows, smiled coldly, and said calmly.

Now he has the confidence to truly compete with the five elements realm, and he is very calm.

But I have to say, staring at the body of the Thunder Son, his eyes are still somewhat solemn.

The characters of the Saint Child level really live up to their reputations.

In the Thunder Son, he felt the vast waves of mana like a vast ocean.

Far from it, Hu San can compare.

According to his estimation, if Hu San really played against him, he would not be able to sustain even three moves.

"Yeah, I met again, shouldn't you kneel and surrender in fright?" The Son of Thunder sneered, his eyes extremely cold.

He always wanted to deal with Lin Han, but he didn't have the right opportunity.

Encountered now, I really won't let it go.

In his eyes, there is an undisguised killing intent.

At the same time, he could also see that Lin Han was eating the egg king.

By then, refining Lin Han into a human pill will also be of great benefit to him.

"Kneel to surrender?" Lin Han sneered, and said, "At this moment, at that moment, now you want to deal with me again, but it is not so easy. Maybe you will die under my hands today."

"Hahaha..." The Son of Thunder laughed out loud.

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