War Emperor

Chapter 1998: Phalanx

He was about to lose, which made him unacceptable.

But Lin Han's spear light was so strong that he couldn't resist it.

With a strong aura, his skin was about to crack when he was oppressed.

The whole body seemed to be crushed, very uncomfortable.


Finally, a fierce counter-shock force struck, so that the Thunder Son, unable to bear it, was directly shaken out.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and even his internal organs came out, which was extremely miserable.

Surrounded by dead silence, many people were in a daze.

The Thunder Son lost.

In the eyes of everyone, there is no doubt that the mountain collapsed.

No one thought that Lin Han would be so strong.

Not far away, there were also a group of people from the Son of Thunder, all in awe at this moment.

Lin Han's combat power really surprised them.

"Holy Son of Thunder, you are nothing more than that." Lin Lian Lian smiled, holding a scorching sun spear, his eyes like torches.

After verifying his scorching sun marksmanship, he was more excited.

The scorching sun marksmanship matched his current realm, and the power he exerted was really too powerful.

Even characters at the Saint Child level will fall into a disadvantage in his hands.

The Son of Thunder had severely injured him before, but now he is undoubtedly taking revenge on him, a bit happy.

The Thunder Son felt flushed, as if he was slapped severely by Lin Han.

In the end, he had no words, just took a deep breath. As a famous figure, it is impossible to lose to Lin Han anyway. Although the Thunder God Fist lost, he still had other tricks.

Lin Han still couldn't be his opponent.

At the moment, his eyes were like a knife, staring at Lin Han, and his voice was cold and cold: "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a while, and your strength has risen to such a level. Before, I underestimated you. Next, I won't keep my hands anymore, you are ready to meet death."

After he finished speaking, his palm flipped, and in the eyes of the crowd, half of a bone appeared in the palm of the palm, not knowing whether human bones or animal bones, glowing with the aura of ancient vicissitudes.

Above that, there was an astonishing wave spreading out, revealing a special strong pressure, which made people feel like they wanted to kneel and surrender.

"this is……"

Many people were stunned, not knowing why.

Son of Thunder, what do you take out a bone for now?

Only some people with excellent eyesight have a slight change in their complexion, and can perceive this bone is not simple.

It seems that there is something left over from the Xeon creatures, and that aura is too powerful.

The more you probe, the more you perceive the unfathomable, majestic aura that makes people palpitate.

This kind of power is very advanced, far from being accessible to cultivators at this stage.

"Is this... the piece of phalanx left by Thunder Immortal Ancestor?"

Not far away, on a beautiful mountain, there are still a few people watching, it is Zhao Shi, Ye Lin, Fairy Moon Dragon, and Zhao Shi.

Each of them is luminous and splendid, like four gods descending to the earth, with the aura of transcendence and disdain for the world.

This is the power of the Son, far beyond the comparison of ordinary geniuses.

Ordinary characters, in front of them, are like ants.

Lin Han and Lei Dian Shengzi fought, there was a lot of movement, and they were also shocked.

At this moment, seeing the black bone abruptly taken out by the Son of Thunder, Zhao Shi seemed to think of something, with a touch of movement on his slightly indifferent face, said.

Hearing this, Ye Lin and Fairy Yuelong both had eyes flashing, and their expressions were a bit solemn.

The ten sacred places have been able to dominate in the heavens and gods for so many years, and they have been extremely brilliant. Their ancestors have appeared in the level of immortal ancestors, dominating an era.

Thunder Immortal Ancestor, is a person who looks down on all directions. Back then, with a hand of thunder and lightning, he established majesty and majesty in the entire immortal world, and made countless powerful people in awe.

Legend has it that after his death, he left a piece of his own finger bone, which was used as a heritage item by the Thunder and Lightning Holy Land for generations, and was handed over to the Son to save his life.

Within the finger bones, there is the majesty and intrepid immortal ancestor.

Once it is displayed, it can almost sweep the same level, causing many older generations to be frightened and unable to compete.

This is also one of the reasons why the ten saint sons are so noble in the heavenly gods.

Because, in each of them, there is a life-saving thing bestowed by the Holy Land.

In the heavens and gods, they are all treasures.

They didn't expect that the Thunder Son had only reached this situation, and they would display this phalanx.

You know, the consumption of divine power by this phalanx is an astronomical figure, and it will not be exhibited if it is not a last resort.

If there is something out of the Thunder Son, it will be no match for at least half a year.

For a genius of their level, this price is already extremely high.

What's more, there are still many treasures in the burial of the Immortal Phoenix, waiting for them to compete.

The Son of Thunder had a problem, so naturally he missed those opportunities.

"The phalanx of an ancestor-level figure?"

When Lin Han saw this, his pupils shrank, his eyes condensed suddenly.

With his eyesight, he can naturally perceive the doorway within the bone, and the breath belongs to the immortal ancestor.

You know, the ancestor of the immortal world is the cultivator of the immortal realm in history, and the ultimate goal of all people's common practice. Once entered, they can shine forever, stand on the peak of humanity and overlook the world.

For ordinary cultivators, it is the supreme **** position, too far away.

In history, every creature that has reached the level of the immortal ancestor is a master of the world and worshipped by the world.

The power of half and half claws is also terrifying.

The Son of Thunder has items related to the ancestor, and the pressure on him is extremely large.

Right now, he felt a little cold in his skin.

It seemed that there was the power of an immortal ancestor who was locking on him, smelling the scent of a mountain rain.

"Yes, Lin Han, today you can die under my phalanx, which is the blessing you cultivated in your last life."

The Son of Thunder gritted his teeth and grinned, holding the black bone tightly in his palms, his eyes surging with endless confidence.

This phalanx is his biggest trump card, and he has never played it since he became the Son of God.

Lin Han's current progress is too strong, making him a little uneasy.

In desperation, he had to display this thing, and felt that he would be sure that he would win Lin Han.

Otherwise, he really might capsize in the gutter.

Even if it costs a lot to display this bone, you can try it. After all, Lin Han himself is a big potion. After killing it and refining it into a medicine, he will restore the peak without any effort, and there may be another one. The floor, when the time comes, to overwhelm the other saints, for him, is the supreme good thing.

Thinking of this, he felt even more excited.

Even the throbbing in his eyes became more intense.

Lin Han just raised an icy smile at the corner of his mouth. Did he really think he could defeat him with an item from the ancestor? It would be too small to underestimate him.

There are so many treasures in his body, if he fights magic weapons, he is not afraid.

At the moment, his face was solemn, he held his breath slightly, and treated him with concentration.

"Lin Han, be optimistic, let you see, my phalanx is so powerful." The Son of Thunder didn't pay attention to Lin Han's thoughts. After unfolding his phalanx, he had the arrogant ambition.

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