War Emperor

Chapter 2010: Fierce confrontation

Looking back, Niu Kun did not know when he had already come behind him, cast a bronze spear, and stabbed a blow.

The broken bronze spear is a peerless soldier that can hurt the ancestors of the immortal, extremely powerful.

In the previous battle with Li Zimo and Zhao Shi, everyone had seen it.

Niu Kun's performance at this moment to deal with Lin Han is naturally a big deal.

For a moment, Lin Han felt cold all over, as if falling into an ice cellar, cold and biting.

If it is an ordinary genius, he will be caught off guard, unable to withstand it at all, and will be instantly shattered into scum by this spear.

Even Lin Han felt a panic in his heart.

However, after all, he has experienced many battles, and his surprises are also very rich.

It was almost a moment when Lin Han suddenly made a mistake, avoiding the sharp spear light dangerously and dangerously.

From his chest, he flew out diagonally.

The terrible murderous aura above made him feel a fierce pain in his chest, which was extremely uncomfortable.

If it is slower, I am afraid he has already suffered.

"You're looking for death!" Lin Han didn't expect that Niu Kun would be so vicious, his face turned gloomy, looking at Niu Kun, his eyes were like a knife, biting.

"You kid can avoid my blow?"

A look of surprise flashed across Niu Kun's eyes. Seeing that Lin Han was so young, he thought he had rushed to the inner circle with good luck.

After hitting this blow, he didn't pay attention to Lin Han at all, feeling that he was bound to die.

Lin Han was able to dodge it in such a short time, which really surprised him.

I am afraid that even if it is oneself, it may not be able to do it.

At the moment, his eyes couldn't help but looked at Lin Han curiously, and he felt that this young man was a little uncomfortable.

However, he didn't think too much about it. With the bronze broken spear, he was confident and able to contend even with the Saint Child level.

Naturally, Lin Han would not put a hairy boy in his eyes.

He laughed and said: "Boy, I can't tell. You still have two brushes. No wonder you can rush here. I lack a servant by my side. From now on, you will be a slave by my side. I promise you will save me. In addition, no matter where you go, you will be respected and become a master."

His broken bronze spear pointed at Lin Han, his tone condescending.

He became a peerless powerhouse, just around the corner.

Even if a servant is around, his status is too precious.

This is Lin Han's honor.

"Servant?" Lin Han sneered and shot him. He hadn't found the other party to settle accounts yet, and he still wanted to be his servant. This is really unreasonable.

"Let's see if you have this qualification." At the moment, Lin Han's expression was cold, the blood falling emperor sword in his hand burst out with endless crimson light, and he strenuously cleaved a sword towards Niu Kun.

Niu Kun is too arrogant, he also wants to see the power of this broken bronze spear.

"Looking for death!" Niu Kun laughed angrily. A young stinky young man who dared to take the initiative to take the initiative to himself, coldly said: "Boy, since you toast and not drink fine wine, then you can't blame me, today I will let you behave. It's all gone here."


Right now, the arm raised, the broken bronze spear emitted a blazing blue light, and a terrible spear light lased towards Lin Han again.

This attack was more powerful than before, and it felt like annihilating everything.

However, what Lin Han was using was the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, which was a super powerful sword composed of three great swords.

In terms of rank, no matter how strong the bronze broken spear is, it won't be much better.


When the two collided, a fierce energy exploded against the sound of boom, and then Lin Han's sword light was to wipe out the power of Niu Kun's bronze spear.

The majestic strength contained in it even took Niu Kunzhen's kick back three steps.

"how can that be?"

Niu Kun was immediately dumbfounded, as if he had seen a ghost in the day, staring at himself in amazement, couldn't believe that he was actually pushed back by an unknown young man.

"Boy, who are you?" Right now, he stared at Lin Han, his eyes flashing with uncertainty, and he asked.

At this point, anyone who is not a fool knows that Lin Han must be difficult.

This strength is too weird.

Especially the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, the sword power exuded, faintly made him feel like a hairy heart.

"Wait for you to die, go and ask the King of Hades." Lin Han smiled coldly, his eyes flashed with killer, the other party was too arrogant, he would not be polite to him if he wanted to kill him.


At the moment, Lin Han rushed again, like a real dragon going out to sea, majestic and moving.

Apart from anything else, it was another sword, this sword, vast and magnificent, like a sky covered by it, irresistible.

With the continuous improvement of strength, Lin Han's current swordsmanship skills have also reached an extremely high water grade, and a sword at random has a terrifying power.

Niu Kun's face changed wildly. After getting the bronze spear, he still imagined that in the future, he could shine and heat, and his name would move the Heavenly God Realm or the entire fairy world.

How could you be killed by a boy?

Lin Han's behavior is a shame to him.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death."

Then, he roared and decided to really use his full strength and no longer keep his hands.

When the sound fell, his burly body shook, and his powerful aura immediately spouted out of his body. Every inch of pores on his body surface glowed like a volcano.

With both hands turning the broken bronze spear, he fought with Lin Han again.

The fight was intense.

Niu Kun opened and closed, like an ancient **** of war. With the dance, the bronze broken spear in his hand seemed to burn, and his bearing became stronger and stronger. Every time he collided with Lin Han's Bloody Emperor Sword, he would burst out fiery The sparks illuminate the world.

The magnificent metal collision sound is deafening and makes people tremble.

"Is that Lin Han?"

"So strong!"

"It's worthy of being the descendant of Piaofeng of the Northern Emperor. It's too abnormal."

Many people around couldn't help turning their gazes, seeing the two men fighting so fiercely, talking to themselves in awe.

After getting the bronze spear, Niu Kun, who was just right, killed Li Zimo altogether with great power, everyone could see.

Everyone felt that he was no longer under the Son of God, and could even defeat the Son of God.

Now, Lin Han is able to fight him up and down, which is really amazing.

Lin Han, the combat power is really extraordinary.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that a teenager in his twenties could do this.

When Ye Lin, Yuelong Fairy, Zhao Shi, and Nine Demon Saints fought against the many explorers around, they also shifted some of their minds to pay attention.

At this moment, my heart is not at peace.

Lin Han's combat power really made them look so admired and threatened them even more.

They are all determined to get rid of this kid if there is a chance.

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