War Emperor

Chapter 2012: Kill


Before and after coming near, he pierced Lin Han's abdomen with a spear.

The power erupted from this gun is not at the same level as before. It can be seen that the scarlet blood of the ancestor on the spear's blade, the light soars, and there is a strong and unparalleled pressure released, which seems to be true. There was an awakening of Xianzu consciousness, which made people want to surrender and kneel down.

This kind of imposing momentum is far from being able to resist by people of this realm.


However, Lin Han was not afraid, and two thick torches were also released in his eyes, and his fighting spirit was like a sea.

The image of the Void Gods and Demons moved, and the Gods and Demons on it immediately began to show their power, all of them pointed out.

It can be seen that the number of these gods and demons has reached a full twenty.

You know, Lin Han could only summon ten ghosts of gods and demons before. Now that it has doubled, the power is naturally much higher.

Some of these gods and demons are as tall as a thousand feet, like ancient giants, some are old-fashioned, their eyes contain the starry sky of the universe, and some are as ethereal as immortals, and their bodies are filled with fairy spirits.

It seems that they are all powerhouses in another high-level world, and they all have the supreme tolerance of overlooking this world.

When they each clicked a finger, fifty finger lights in the void formed a huge ball of light, colorful, and violently collided with Niu Kun's spear.

Within the ball of light, there are all the profound meanings of the fifty gods and ghosts.

The majesty of the energy has reached the point where it can no longer be described by quantity.


When the two met, the void immediately began to tremble.

It's like this world will collapse.

I have to say that the Void God and Demon Map is indeed very strong. Even if Niu Kun's move has invincible killing power, it still blocks it. It is about five meters in front of Lin Han, and he is not moving forward.

"Damn!" Niu Kun gritted his teeth, sweating profusely on his forehead, very angry.

He had already exerted his full power, but he still couldn't win Lin Han, which made him very unwilling.

Now he can only use all his divine power to attack again.

Fortunately, his realm is higher than that of Lin Han. It is expected that if this stalemate continues, Lin Han will inevitably be exhausted in advance, and it will be him who will win.

Thinking of this, he felt a lot of joy in his heart. Looking at Lin Han's gaze, there was cruelty beating in his eyes.

When he defeats Lin Han, he must let Lin Han know and provoke his fate.

With the bronze broken spear, he was even more arrogant, and he couldn't accept the situation of fighting a hairy boy.

This is a shame to him.


However, just as he thought of this, the next moment, a scene that surprised him appeared.

I saw that Lin Han just had a sneer from the corners of his mouth for this stalemate, without any worry at all.

Then, as soon as the body moved, it immediately turned into a stream of light, lasing towards Niu Kun, the speed was very fast, as if it could affect time, and people couldn't react at all.

Niu Kun naturally did not expect that Lin Han could burst out at such a rapid speed at this moment.

He couldn't stand it at all, his expression changed drastically.

He also realized that Lin Han's footwork was like the legendary shuttle time and space step, which made his scalp numb with horror, and screamed: "No, shuttle time and space step, you actually have this footwork... …"

There was also a commotion all around.

The two are in a stalemate, and generally speaking, it is impossible to free their hands.

Traveling through time and space is not the same. It can affect time, cultivate to a certain level, and can freeze time for a moment, even if it is just a short blink of an eye, it can play a key role when a real master makes moves. .

Lin Han's show of walking through time and space is also very shocking.

Everyone is also very envious. He not only possesses some powerful magic weapons, but also some unparalleled skills.

This footwork is very famous in the history of the immortal world, even some immortal ancestor level figures want to see it.

Lin Han has learned, his advantage is too great.

"Lin Han, what are you doing?"

Niu Kun watched Lin Han's pupils grow bigger and bigger.

It felt like the **** of death was approaching, and his voice was grotesque.

He is now simply unable to resist.

Lin Han sneered. The other party was so arrogant and wanted to kill him. At this point, he naturally didn't mean to keep his hands.

"Send you to see Hades!"

When the voice fell, Lin Han no longer kept his hands, the Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand raised, and with a sneer, a brilliant sword light was drawn.


Accompanied by Niu Kun's terrifying scream, it sounded in the universe.

Niu Kun's big head immediately resembled a ball, and it flew out. The headless corpse sprayed blood four or five meters high, and the picture was bloody.

After a long while, Niu Kun's body fell straight down, completely dead.

Lin Han's sword not only killed Niu Kun's body, but also wiped out the soul.

Niu Kun now has been truly removed from the world.


The surroundings fell into silence.

The atmosphere of the entire battlefield is like freezing!

Many people have their mouths wide open.

Niu Kun just died.

Originally got the bronze broken spear, everyone thought that he would rise quickly, and then he would be famous in the Heavenly God Realm.

No one thought that Lin Han would just be beheaded.

This result is too shocking.

Now Lin Han, holding the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, dripping blood from the blade, and the image of the Void God and Demon standing in the air, with long hair flying, his demeanor is truly extraordinary.

In many people's minds, it seems to have become an eternal picture.

Some girls are even more dazzled.

Lin Han smiled faintly, but didn't care. Niu Kun only relied on the bronze spear to be able to have such combat power.

There is still an essential gap between the true Son of God.

He possesses many secret treasures, which can completely contend with the bronze broken spear, and it is reasonable for the opponent to have this fate.

Just when he tried to break the bronze spear with a move in his palm, he took it back.

Suddenly, with a brushing sound, a celestial light flew up, and a figure fluttering in Tsing Yi appeared strangely not far from Lin Han, severing the bronze spear and holding it in his palm.

The shot was a woman with flying hair, slender figure, holy temperament, and a sense of beauty.

Surrounded by the crowds of people, everyone stands out and is very eye-catching.

"Fairy Moon Dragon?"

Many people were taken aback, but they didn't expect Fairy Yuelong to steal the bronze spear.

This obviously means to take it for yourself.

"Fairy Yuelong, what do you mean?" Lin Han's face sank when he saw this, his tone was unhappy.

He defeated Niu Kun, and the bronze spear was naturally his trophy.

Fairy Yuelong, but at this moment, took away the bronze spear, which naturally made him unhappy.

"Haha, this spear is so fierce. If it is spread to the outside world and obtained by some evil people, it will cause great killing. As a holy son of Taiyuan Holy Land, I have an obligation to avoid this misfortune. Therefore, this spear Let me take care of it, and I will return to the Holy Land in the future and let it be sealed in the sword pond to wash the ferocious aura."

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