War Emperor

Chapter 2024: Three books stunning martial arts

Today's record, spread to the Heavenly God Realm, will surely cause a huge sensation.

"Ye Lin, you four are not convinced?" Lin Han was also a little excited. He had a foreboding that when he stepped into the Five Elements Realm, his combat power would undergo earth-shaking changes, which now seems to be the case.

The power of the Five Elements God Ring did not disappoint him.

He holds this divine ring, quite a lofty sentiment that can sweep the world.

Moreover, he has just condensed just now, and has limited understanding of the functions of the Five Elements Divine Ring.

After waiting for him, the more functions he explores, the more powerful he will be.

There was a look of expectation in his heart.

Then, he glanced at the four Ye Lin who were lying on the ground like dead dogs, and sneered.

These four guys are really vicious enough.

If not, he is extraordinary, maybe he was really harmed by these four people.

Therefore, Lin Han looked at them with a cold look.

The four of Ye Lin didn't speak, and the serious injuries made them breathe very quickly, and they couldn't catch their breath.

The blood is still spraying continuously in his mouth.

They all looked hopeless.

It was a terrible loss today.

Never thought that they would have such a day if they were proud.

"Since there is nothing to say, then the four of you are on the road." Lin Lian Lian smiled lightly, and said no more. At the moment, the five fingers spread out, and four sword lights appeared in his palm, like four peerless heavens. The sword is like killing people, and there is a force of killing.

With Lin Han's mind moving, the four killing swords burst out of the sky immediately and killed the four Ye Lin.

Ye Lin and the others are now dying. They can't even stand up, so naturally they can't have any capital to resist.

Therefore, only looking desperately in his eyes, the killing sword was getting closer and closer to him.

Puff puff puff...

The last four poignant blood flowers bloom.

All four of Ye Lin died, and the sword pierced the eyebrows, and the dead body was on the spot.

Before everyone died, their pupils were wide open, and the colors of despair, regret, fear, etc. remained in their eyes, and the scenery was terrible.

Lin Han didn't care about them either, as if beheading four wild dogs.

He glanced at the Three Book Ancient Yuan Immortal Skills on the stone cliff, and immediately took down the three divine stones on the stone cliff with a stroke of his palm.

Inside the sacred stone, what is recorded is the mind of the ancient Yuan fairy skill.

Having obtained them, Lin Han is equivalent to possessing Jiuxiao Palm, Huangquan Finger, and Fuhai Fist at once.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a touch of excitement in his heart.

This is a great harvest.



The night is starry.

Inside the Xianyuanhuang burial, it was very quiet.

In a relatively remote mountain forest, there is a cave. Inside the cave, a young man is practicing cross-legged.

As he breathed, the breath that overflowed from the young man's nose and mouth was like a giant dragon breathing out, with a strong sense of oppression, which seemed full of calm.

This person is Lin Han.

After obtaining the three books of ancient yuan fairy skills, they left.

I found a relatively quiet place and started practicing.

These three ancient celestial skills are all very advanced.

After Lin Han learns, his combat power will surely be greatly improved.

Therefore, Lin Han has now adjusted his state to the best.

"Look first, Fu Hai Fist..."

Lin Han groaned for a moment and took out one of the sacred stones. The light from this sacred stone was blue, like a cast of blue gold, flowing with an extremely heavy and firm taste.

In addition, there are runes engraved on them, revealing a sense of mystery.

Lin Han immediately expanded his mental power and entered the divine stone.


The next moment, he felt his spirit as if he had come to a unique world.

This is a world full of seas, the sky and the earth are full of water, endless.

A light and shadow were practicing boxing above the sea, with a powerful fist, and every time it was swung out, it seemed to merge with the general trend of the universe, and the sea was set off from one wave after another, fierce and mighty.

The world was shaking violently, as if it was about to explode at any time.

"This is Fuhaiquan?"

Upon seeing this, Lin Han couldn't help being surprised, regretful in his heart.

It's really scary.

This type of boxing is truly advanced boxing.

Because of his extraordinary physique, Lin Han's boxing skills are also extremely expensive.

But now I know what it means there are people outside of people, there are heaven outside of heaven.

If someone knew how to cover the sea fist and fight him before, he had no doubt that his fist strength, in front of him, was like a baby, not at one level at all, and would be crushed instantly.

This is the real high-level boxing power, and it has a general trend to carry.

Every move is like being trapped in the unity of heaven and man, letting the whole world follow him in battle.

And manpower is not the same concept at all.

Lin Han is undoubtedly feeling that there is a book of boxing doors, as if it were opened for him, which greatly improved his vision.

He was engrossed, watching without blinking.

After a full night, he could be regarded as remembering these thoughts.

The next day, he started to watch again, Jiuxiaozhang!

At this time, his spirit came to another world.

The sky and the earth are vast and empty, there is nothing, the sky and the earth are full of clouds, which are very thick.

When I first came here, it gave the human race, the feeling of immortality, and I was in the clouds.

Above the clouds, there is also a light man who is practicing palm.

His palms screamed the world and moved the world, unparalleled in the world.

The whole person is fused with the heavens, the sea of ​​clouds is constantly tossing, and Nine Heavens seems to be pierced by him.

This also caused Lin Han's heart to boil, and he was secretly shocked, too advanced.

If you master it, in the Five Elements Realm, you will definitely become a big killer. People at the Saint Child level will have a green face.

Lin Hanruo learned that he didn't have to deal with Ye Lin, Nine Demons Saint Child and others in such a hassle at all. A single shot was directly enough to split the four people apart.

This made him very excited, and he had another gain in his hand.

"It's the last book now, Huang Quan pointed it..."

With anticipation, Lin Han grinned excitedly, and his spirit entered the last piece of divine stone.

This sacred stone was yellow in color and had a cruel smell. The runes on it resembled a spell to suppress demons. At first glance, it shuddered.

Moreover, the aura of the entire sacred stone gives people a sense of unknownness.

Lin Han naturally didn't care about these.

Perhaps it would be so with the breath of Huangquan Finger.


At the first moment when the spirit entered the **** stone, Lin Han felt that he was entering hell.

This is a dark world, with ghosts floating in the air, with a cold feeling.

On the black ground, there is a big yellow river flowing, with no end in sight.


Lin Han immediately thought of these three words.

This is something in folklore.

Few practitioners can see it.

At this time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this moment, on the Huangquan River, there was also a dark figure, practicing his fingers.

Strangely, this figure just sat cross-legged on the Huangquan River, maintaining a gesture of pointing a finger forward.

Nothing happened!

The picture seems to fall into stillness.

Some strange roars sounded in the void, like a ghost expounding a certain secret in a unique way.

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