War Emperor

Chapter 2038: Rare beast ring

Xiao Lanyu played with the delicate jade cup, sneered slightly, and muttered to herself.

Who can guarantee that among so many geniuses, there are not some Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons?

The Celestial God Realm civilization is prosperous, with a vast area, and the quality of genius is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

"That's right, let's watch again when the time comes." Li Lingling nodded lightly, without thinking deeply. The boat went straight to the bridge head. Xuanyuanyun wanted to be the leader, naturally it was not that simple.

If nothing else, just Xiaolan is enough for him to drink a pot.

At the moment, she glanced at her beautiful eyes, and the sunlight outside the window couldn't help but a hot color appeared in her eyes.

Although it would take five days to find out the secret realm of the Phoenix Palace, she was able to smell the fiery atmosphere in Huangyuan City.

It can be expected that when the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace is truly opened, it will be a huge event.

There was a look of expectation in her heart.



Huangyuan City has a magnificent layout and magnificent architecture, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles.

Every tall building is like a big mountain, standing in the city, surrounded by clouds and mist, very magnificent.

The street is also very spacious, and people are very small in it.

After Lin Han and others defeated Huangpu Haoran, they strolled around the city for a while.

There are strangers with wings on their backs, big men riding tigers and leopards, beauties with rings on their backs, and monks wearing robes and robes... There are so many.

It is dazzling and dizzying.

Lin Han was a bit eye-opener.

When he came to the immortal world, he hadn't felt this noisy atmosphere for a long time.

The aura in many people's bodies is not weaker than that of the Son.

He couldn't help sighing, the water in Huang Yuancheng was indeed very deep.

"Huh, what is that?"

At this moment, Lingxuan said in surprise.

Lin Han looked in the direction of her slender fingers, and a group of people gathered in front of a booth.

Most of them took a silver steel ring about one meter away and moved toward the booth.

Inside the booth, there are iron cages, and inside the cages are many rare and exotic animals.

Such as red birds, blue unicorn beasts, purple goats, green boars, etc...

Most of the body surface is shining, like having an extraordinary blood, which makes people eye-catching.

With curiosity, Lin Han, Ling Xuan and others walked over.

The stall owner was a lean man with a horoscope-shaped beard with a sly eyebrow and a mouse face, giving people a sense of marketability that had been in the market for a long time.

At this moment, he was smiling and receiving the pills passed by many people, and then took the silver steel ring hanging on his arm, and gave them to those people, yelling: "Come on, pass by, don't miss it," Rare beast ring", as long as it can be trapped, the rare and exotic beast in the cage is yours..."

"Zhen Beast ring?" Lin Han raised his brow, something strange.

In this way, it is necessary to pay the other party in exchange for steel rims to set up the exotic animals in the booth.

"Boss, how do you sell steel rims?" Lingxuan said with a smile.

As a young girl, I find it fun.

The thin man looked like a beautiful young girl full of aura, his eyes lit up, and then he smiled: "Well, a five-element pill and a steel ring are equivalent to an opportunity..."

"So expensive?" Lingxuan opened his small mouth in surprise.

A five-element pill requires a five-element state figure to condense for several months to produce it.

Here you can only get one chance, which is really expensive.

The lean man knows that girls with innocent and innocent games like to play this kind of game most. Lingxuan is a very suitable customer for him. He explained with a diligent smile: "Girl, there are reasons to be expensive. Look at the birds in these cages. The beasts are all in their infancy. When they grow up, they can become powerful beasts that fly to the sky and spit out fire and water. A five-element pill, in exchange for a chance, is already very profitable."

Lin Han glanced over and nodded lightly. This is true.

He saw the white jade lion beast, the purple gold worm beast, the black-winged bird, etc., the famous beast cubs in the forest.

They are all precious.

A five-element pill is indeed not expensive.

Lingxuan seemed to understand this too, and he hesitated before turning around and smiling at Lin Han: "Give me ten Five Element Pills, let me try..."

Stretched out a white jade hand.

Lin Han smiled helplessly. He knew that the Lingxuanhui would be like this. Fortunately, he defeated Huangpu Haoran and snatched the opponent's ring of space. In the ring, he found about 800 five-element pills.

Ten five-element pills are nothing to him.

With Lingxuan's relationship with her, he would naturally be satisfied. With a wave of his palm, he took out a small package and placed it in Lingxuan's palm with a bold smile: "Although play..."

The lean man glanced at Lin Han, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. There are not many customers who can take out ten Five-Element Pills at one time. There are at least fifty in Lin Han's small package.

What is the origin of this guy, so rich at a young age?

I thought to myself, it was very likely that he was a rich young man who came out of a certain powerful force. He was not short of money.

"Boss, get me twenty first." Lingxuan got the five-element pill, naturally elated, opened the package, took out twenty black, finger-shaped pill, and handed it to the thin man with a smile. Tao.

"Good..." The thin man responded with a smile, counted twenty steel rims from the many steel rims on his arm, and gave them to Lingxuan.

Lingxuan naturally couldn't finish it, so he gave it to Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, and Li Ling to help her hold it.

Then, with only three or four steel rings left in Lingxuan's hand, he began to move towards with an iron cage enthusiastically.

Lingxuan is not an ordinary person, and the accuracy of throwing the steel ring is very expensive. With a flick of her slender hand, the steel ring traversed a perfect arc and flew forward.

Her goal is a furry creature that is shaped like a puppy.

There are two two-inch small white jade horns on the head, making it even more lovely.

Lin Han could recognize that this strange beast was named "Yuetian Dog", absorbing the power of Yuehua, it could send out an extremely powerful sound wave attack.

When it grows to adulthood, it will be as big as a house, and it can crack mountains and rivers under a roar.

In childhood, it was so cute, and the Spiritual Association wanted it, and it was normal.

Damn it!

However, when the steel ring was about to be trapped in the iron cage, the iron cage was relatively round and the gap was very small, which caused some errors. The steel ring hit a corner of the iron cage and was bombed out.

"Damn it, just a little bit..."

Ling Xuan couldn't help but stomped his feet angrily, annoyed.

Although it was Lin Han who changed the pill, she wasted a five-element pill like this, she still felt a little painful.

"Girl, it's a little difficult. You can do it a few times, maybe you can get it." The thin man smiled and comforted.

Lingxuan naturally refused to admit defeat. He wrinkled his nose and snorted, and indeed began to do it.

Unfortunately, the end is generally the same as before.

None of the sets, most of them, bounced off the iron cage.

Little Fatty, Golden Retriever, and Li Ling all tried them, but they were unsuccessful, making them laugh.

In just a few minutes, twenty steel rims were set.

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