War Emperor

Chapter 2041: conspiracy

The surrounding atmosphere became silent.

Gongsun Wentian's arrival made many people feel a little heavy.

After all, his fame is too great, he is a character who only appears in rumors.

Some young girls couldn't help but flash their beautiful eyes, looking at Gongsun Wentian with admiring eyes. For their young age, such men are undoubtedly the perfect prince charming in their hearts.

Lin Han looked at Gongsun Wentian, his eyes condensed in the depths of his eyes. This was indeed a powerful person, several times more powerful than Huangpu Haoran. He couldn't help sighing that Xuanyuan Holy Land was really extraordinary. It was only three times. The Great Sage Child ranked last, so powerful, it was hard to imagine how terrifying Xuanyuan Yun that ranked first would be.

But now is not the time to think about this, even if Xuanyuan Holy Land provokes him so much, he won't shrink back.

His face returned to calm, Lin Han stared at Gongsun Wentian and smiled lightly: "It's me, your junior, in broad daylight, intending to buy and sell, I just teach him Xuanyuan Holy Land for you."

Behind Gongsun Wentian followed a group of disciples from the Xuanyuan Holy Land. Hearing the words, he couldn't help showing a look of anger in his eyes. Looking at Lin Han, he was a little angry and arrogant. How could this little brat be able to teach them for them.

This is desecrating them Xuanyuan Holy Land.

Gongsun Wentian's pupils couldn't help but shrank. He was able to mix his eyesight at this point naturally. At a glance, he could see that Lin Han was only in his twenties. He was not someone who had lived for tens of thousands of years. Looks. And at this age, how strong is Zhao Suzhi's ability to be so submissive?

He couldn't help taking a breath, and there was a touch of shock in his eyes. This is definitely a shocking freak.

Immediately, he seemed to understand something, his face sank, he snorted, and said with a cold smile: "I see, your kid is Lin Han, right?"

"Lin Han?" Lying not far away, Zhao Su, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but shiver, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes looking at Lin Han.

He had previously wondered who this kid was sacred and why he was so perverted. Now he finally understands that he is a famous young man.

Known as the first evildoer in ancient times.

Now it seems that it really deserves its reputation.

Then he clenched some fists, a little unwilling.

Originally, when he heard Lin Han’s name, he still thought that if he meets this kid one day, he should be humiliated and let the world know that the so-called first evildoer in ancient times is just a loser at his feet. , So that I can add a little more to my fame.

Now that he has fallen to this point, it is really a thorough face slap to him.

It turns out that he is so strong that he can't deal with it at all, and his previous ideas were really naive.

The corners of his mouth are a little bitter, like being poured with cold water, and his whole body is whizzing cold.

"You still have some eyesight." Lin Han smiled faintly and didn't hide it. He knew that with his current fame, there were many geniuses who wanted to defeat him and become himself.

He is ready for this.

Although Gongsun Wentian was very powerful, it didn't make him shrink.

"Haha, good, great." Gongsun Wentian laughed, and there was a frenzy in his eyes, looking at Lin Han, like a militant who had met a long-cherished opponent, with a deep tone. The cold face was slightly flushed and said: "I heard that your mental power is very strong. How about the mental power of the two of us? If you can win, I don't care about you beating Zhao Su, but I will give you a thousand. Five Elements Pill, how is it?"

"Wow, a thousand five-element pill?"

Many people were shocked, their bodies trembling.

For ordinary people, fifty five-element pills are already a large number at one time, which is almost a number that more than ninety percent of the practitioners have never seen in their entire lives.

Gongsun Wentian actually took out a thousand five-element pills to gamble, the number is too alarming.

Many people's breathing has become rapid, like a long-hungry man who has encountered a source of water.

If they get these thousand Five Element Pills, their strength will definitely increase and they are very eager.

"A thousand five-element pills?" Hearing this, Lin Han couldn't help but licked his lips, a fiery color appeared in the depths of his eyes. His physique was relatively strong, and the same amount of five-element pills might be able to others. Adding one or two small realm improvements, but for him, the effect will be greatly reduced. This is also a drawback of his cultivation of the Celestial Demon Body.

After all, the physique of the demon is much stronger than that of the same level, and it will be more difficult to improve.

The eight hundred five-element pill he obtained from Huangpu Haoran's spatial ring before, for him, the level of improvement is extremely limited, so he did not rush to swallow it.

If one thousand five-element pills are added, his realm will also increase significantly, which is also very important to him.

"Okay, let's talk about it, how do you compare." Lin Han smiled lightly, but he was more confident in himself if he was more than mental.

Gongsun Wentian sneered, and there was a taste of conspiracy in his eyes. He naturally knew that Lin Han's mental power was very strong, and almost no one among the younger generation could compare it.

The reason for the comparison is because he wants to "steal" Lin Han's mental power.

Stealing mental power is a relatively rare thing.

It can only be done through some special methods.

He accidentally got a "Stealing God Tower", as long as it was displayed, it could steal the spiritual power of others, and the spirit of the stolen would be exhausted and die.

However, he was not adept at the destruction of the God Stealing Pagoda, and he could only steal it when others actively displayed his mental power, so he had this test with Lin Han.

As long as Lin Han releases his mental power, he will be hooked.

At the moment, the smile on his face was a bit gloomy, and he smiled: "I have a magic weapon, as long as your mental power can shake it, even if you win."

Many people can't help but flash a hint of curiosity.

According to rumors, Lin Han's mental power has reached the level of heaven.

What is this concept?

Looking at the entire fairy world, how many people can reach the heavenly spiritual power?

Even some old antiques who have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, may not be able to do it.

Lin Han's mental power is also a major sign of him.

The mental power of this rank is not bad at all when it is displayed, it is enough to destroy the mountains, move the moon, and shake the galaxy.

Gongsun Wentian only took out a magic weapon to shake it and he won.

This is a bit sloppy.

There are not a few magic weapons that can't be shaken by the heavenly spiritual power.

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