War Emperor

Chapter 2044: Mysterious woman

Everyone is waiting for this moment.

There was also a feeling of boiling hot inside him.


However, at this moment, under the moonlight, a black shadow flew past him.

Very fast, like a ghost.

Lin Han was surprised, who is this person? Such a powerful body style, the opponent's talent should not be far away from him, he didn't even notice that if he attacked himself, he might not be able to resist it.

You know, after many trials, his consciousness has reached a very strong level, and it is almost impossible to be attacked by others.

Encountering this scene naturally surprised him.

"Who is it, stop!"

At the moment, Lin Han's face sank and shouted.

This person was hiding near his inn, so he naturally had to question him clearly.

It's a pity that the shadow in the moonlight, she doesn't even know her head, and flies towards the distance.

This is a very graceful woman, like a fairy flower in the moonlight, very attractive.

When Lin Han moved, it turned into a violent wind and chased him.

In Huangyuan City, the night was quiet, and the two of them looked like two ghosts, passing the eaves of many buildings, and flew towards the outside of the city.

After a while, they came to a forest outside the city. There were towering ancient trees, steep mountains and long roars of beasts, which made people shudder.

However, with their arrival, most of the roars of the beasts became silent, as if they noticed some terrifying fluctuations and stayed away from here.

With Lin Han's current strength, even if it didn't bloom, it was enough to form an invisible deterrent, making some ordinary beasts in the mountains and forests afraid.

The woman's aura was not under Lin Han, and it was normal for them to form this scene.

"Who are you?" Lin Hanning squinted the woman's back, narrowed his eyes, and asked solemnly.

In the process of chasing, he used all the time and space steps to show off before he could catch up with the woman, showing the horror of this woman.

You know, with his current knowledge of time and space, it is impossible for anyone of his age to compete with him for speed.

"Ha ha……"

The woman didn't look back, and under the moonlight, her long, supple hair was scattered, as if she was coated with a layer of silver, very gorgeous.

She let out a sweet and crisp laugh.

Lin Han couldn't help but his body shook when he heard the laughter, his eyes shot a bright light.

This voice was a little familiar.

"Su Wen Lin Han, a talented evildoer, for a while today, it is really extraordinary, let me see again, what is your name."

The woman didn't answer Lin Han's words, she said as if she deliberately controlled her voice, slightly hoarse.


Just when Lin Han carefully identified the woman’s voice, the woman suddenly moved, like a bolt of lightning, extremely fast, and disappeared in place, appeared in front of Lin Han, Yu pointed out, with a finger Point to Lin Han's eyebrows.

In an instant, Lin Han felt a smell of great danger coming, as if the power of the great world was carried in this finger, even if he felt a heavy breathing.

This made Lin Han's astonishment deeper.

Few young people can give him this feeling.

Too weird.

The more so, the more he wants to know that this woman is the identity.

At the moment, there was a sense of warfare in his eyes, and his strength had just improved. It was just right to train him with a character like a mysterious woman.


Right now, he snorted coldly, his face sank, and he was also pointing, and the speed was also very fast, like a flash of lightning.

It is impossible for ordinary young people to respond in such a short period of time.

Lin Han can.

He has experienced countless battles, large and small, and his combat experience has been so proficient that outsiders can hardly match it.


The **** met in the void.

Lin Han possesses a heavenly demon body with infinite power, and generally resists directly, rarely falling into the wind.

But at the moment of the collision, Lin Han felt that the woman's seemingly slender and weak jade fingers carried a terrifying power, and he launched a counterattack in a haste but was not the enemy.


The magnificent power hit, Lin Han was shaken back a few steps, and every step he fell, he stepped on the rocks on the ground and exploded.

There was also a feeling of turning over the river in his body, which made him churn with blood and had an urge to vomit blood.

"This is the power of sorcery..."

Lin Han's face changed slightly and he lost his voice.

Five continents and four seas, his dealings with Wudao in the same line are not small, and he is naturally familiar with this power.

It is the power of the witchcraft that the woman uses.

There was a peculiar cold air in his vigor. After entering his body, he felt that his internal organs had signs of freezing, and his whole body was cold.

If not for his extraordinary physique and strong strength.

Perhaps under this blow, he was frozen into an ice sculpture unable to move.

This made him feel a little moved.

The power of the witchcraft is too powerful, far from what he has experienced in all continents and seas.

"Some eyesight..."

The woman was covered with a black veil and smiled faintly, with a touch of interest and playfulness in her tone.

In the eyes of others, the well-known Lin Han is nothing more than a plaything in her opinion.

Lin Han couldn't help but a touch of hostility appeared in his eyes. He also had a touch of arrogance along the way.

The mysterious woman, even despised him so much.

An irritation came out of him.

"Okay, I want to see how far you have cultivated the magic power." Lin Leng laughed, then took a deep breath, his face returned to calm, and an orchid fingerprint was pinched out in his hand.


In an instant, in him, there was a loud chanting sound, as if there were three thousand Buddhas awakening in him, a huge and majestic Buddha power immediately overwhelmed the entire mountain forest.

On the surface of Lin Han's body, a golden light burst out, like a reincarnation of a **** and Buddha.

"Great Brahma Prajna power?"

The mysterious woman's beautiful eyes condensed, and her tone finally revealed a touch of shock.

The Great Brahma Prajna is the most powerful secret of Buddhism. Looking at the immortal world today, only Master Huijing who is famous in the eighteen realms can learn it.

This is a figure of Taishan Beidou level in the current cultivation world, and countless peerless masters must salute him when they see him.

When Lin Han performed this skill, she was naturally a little stressed.

"Yes, let you see its power." Lin Hanlang smiled, with pride in his eyes.

Ascending two small realms, his comprehension of the Great Brahma Prajna power is also more thorough.

Lanhua's fingerprints kept changing in his hands, and the surface of his body exuded golden light, which became more and more blazing, like a big golden sun, with a powerful momentum.


In the end, Lin Hanlan Lan's finger print pointed forward, and behind him, a golden gilt Buddha appeared, and he patted a palm to cover the mysterious woman.

The chanting sound that sounded in the void was even greater, as if it could penetrate the past, future, and present time and space.

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