War Emperor

Chapter 2047: Kill Saint Son


On the blood-killing gun, the spear light that exudes is more exuberant, like a burning super magic soldier.

He stabbed him with a single shot and became more powerful.

However, Lin Han still gave a cold sneer, the Blood Falling Emperor Sword in his hand exuded surging divine light, and he shot a sword.

It is the eighth sword of the eight swords of the universe, destroying all things!

This sword, when used with power, is naturally stronger than before. The sword light splits out and destroys everything in the universe, like a flood that floods the front.


As a result, it is still sad.

Under Jianguang's rush, the blood-killing spear was instantly shattered into two halves. Then, Gongsun Wentian let out a mournful cry, and the body was washed into a mist of blood, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Both form and spirit are destroyed!

Completely dying!

Only a pool of blood was left, flowing down in the void.


All around fell into deathly silence!

Countless people were shocked, stunned on the spot, unable to react.

Gongsun Wentian just died like that, which is too scary.

Lin Han's swordsmanship is really abnormal.

Moreover, surrounded by Xuanyuanyun and a group of disciples waiting for the Xuanyuan Holy Land, Lin Han was too courageous.

Naked is hitting Xuanyuan Holy Land's face.

"What a guts!"

Sure enough, after seeing Xuanyuan Holy Land, he was immediately furious, and one after another gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to protrude.

Gongsun Wentian is the three saints, the face of Xuanyuan Holy Land.

Just like that was killed by Lin Han, Lin Han didn't give Xuanyuan Sheng a child.

"Lin Han, you won't be able to die, you know, the fate of killing my Xuanyuan Holy Land Saint Child." At this moment, an angry rebuke came, and a man carrying a white divine sword came out, pointed at Lin Han, and said sensibly.

This man in white clothes wins Xuexue, aloof from the dust, and has a very strong aura in his body, which is stronger than Gongsun Wentian.

When speaking, the voice was like the explosion of nine gods of heaven, shaking the earth.

Many people felt a terrible pressure and couldn't help but step back a few steps, shocked in their hearts.

"Su Liujian?"

Seeing this man, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

He is Su Liujian!

The three disciples of Xuanyuan Holy Land ranked second.

In the Heavenly God Realm, he was also a legend, not much weaker than Xuanyuanyun and Li Lingling.

He showed up, obviously there was a good show.

"End? I don't know." Lin cold smiled, without fear at all, just calm, and said: "I only know that if he wants to kill me, I will kill him. It's that simple."

The tone was light, with an air of pretentiousness.

"Okay, you really don't know how to live or die. In that case, I will kill you." Su Liujian sneered, choked, and drew out the long sword behind him, bursting out a dazzling divine light, covering the day.

In an instant, his aura began to rise, and quickly rose.

The whole person was out of its sheath like a magic sword covered in dust under the years, and the cold light was compelling.


Without any nonsense, his sword fell towards Lin Han's Heavenly Spirit Cap, the bright sword light, like a big sun, was incomparable and amazing.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and Su Liujian's swordsmanship was also famous in the Heavenly God Realm.

It is said that he has reached the stage of superbly superbly, and many elderly people are not his opponents.

This sword is too powerful.

In him, the breath that broke out at this moment was also very strong.

Nine floors of the Five Elements Realm!

He has reached such a state.

Compared to Gongsun Wentian, he was more powerful.

However, Lin Han looked cold and didn't say much. He flipped his palm, took out the ancient giant cauldron, and smashed it toward the front.

The ancient giant cauldron is also a supreme artifact, with its name moving from ancient times.

Lin Han rarely displays it on weekdays. Once it is exhibited, it also overwhelms everything and shocks the world.


The gods are shining to the sky, the ancient giant cauldron is engraved with complex patterns, like the original Dao seal of the Kaitian period, and there are huge abnormal noises in the sky, deafening.

In the sky, there are all kinds of mysterious figures rushing, whistling, sitting cross-legged for nine days, looking at the world, it is very terrifying.

Everyone felt the irresistible pressure and fear in their hearts.

Wild ancient giant tripod!

Lin Han urged this thing to move, the momentum was too strong.


Su Liujian's sword light instantly collapsed, making it vulnerable to a single blow.

Then a powerful aura swept over, causing Su Liujian to make a scream, and his body collapsed and flew out.

Two of his front teeth fell off, which did not match his dusty and detached image.

Still lost, Su Liujian solved it with one move.

Everyone was amazed, Lin Han was indeed a shocking freak.

"Su Liujian, is this your strength? You are also qualified to scream in front of me?" Lin Lianlin smiled, showing his body skills, appearing beside Su Liujian like a streamer, lifting the soles of his feet, and stepping directly. On the face of Su Liujian.

On the bones, there was a clicking sound.

Su Liujian made a louder scream, like killing a pig.

The people in Xuanyuan Holy Land were all annoyed, and their eyes burst into flames.

Lin Han was openly humiliating Xuanyuan Holy Land.

The people in Xuanyuan Holy Land were treated like this, and no one would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

"Lin Han...you, let me loose it, otherwise I will definitely smash you into ten thousand pieces, and I won't die." Su Liu Jianqi's teeth creaked and said grimly.

As an outstanding person, I never thought that he would fall into such a field.

To him, it was too shameful.


However, Lin Lian Lian smiled indifferently, and didn't give him a chance to say any more. He stepped on it, facing Su Liujian's head with a thud, directly crushing Su Liujian's head instantly.

Like a watermelon, Su Liujian let out a scream and died in front of everyone.

Countless people's mouths opened wide, and it was difficult to breathe.

Killed Gongsun Wentian and killed Su Liujian!

This pierced the sky.

Right now, Lin Han was flying with long hair, standing in mid-air, with Su Liujian's corpse under his feet, which made him look like a young **** and demon, extremely scary.

"Lin Han, are you ignoring me?"

At this moment, a loud shout full of anger rang out, like thousands of gods and kings yelling together.

Qiankun fell into a huge shock, and the space was broken every inch.

Many people suddenly ruptured their eardrums and wailed.

Lin Han was shocked by this sound and stepped back a few steps, his face turned pale.

He looked up at Xuanyuan Yun not far away, with a solemn expression.

Xuanyuanyun, really powerful, this voice alone is far from being comparable to characters like Su Liujian and Gongsun Wentian.

The opponent's realm has reached the peak of the Five Elements realm, and only one step away can enter the main realm!

The pressure on him is really not small.

Everyone was also looking forward to it, seeing this, Xuanyuan Yun would definitely make a move.

I want to see how he got up.

Some excitement.

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