War Emperor

Chapter 2053: Great ape

A human ape actually holds up a mountain in his palm!

This is a terrifying picture.

Lin Han swayed and stood unsteadily, and almost fell from the sky.

They didn't expect that they would encounter such a thing, and they were a little panicked for a while.

"No, it's going to open its mouth and eat all of us." At this time, Ling Xuanqiao paled in fear.

Lin Han looked up, and sure enough, the huge apes seemed to have encountered a few delicious snacks. When the palms were placed a certain distance, they opened their huge mouths and wanted to swallow them.

Inside the throat, it was pitch black, like a giant swallowing beast.

Lin Han felt like a ghost gate, approaching them.

Even if Little Fatty and Golden Retriever King can't help but squat, how can they resist?

On the apes, there is still a powerful aura that locks them, and the surrounding space is frozen, completely immobile.

If this goes on, they really have nothing but to be swallowed.

"Hmph, want to devour us, how can it be so simple."

Lin Han's face sank and he gave an angry smile. He survived all the hardships and ups and downs, and if he finally died in the hands of an ape, he would be too aggrieved.

Even if the popularity of this head is indeed strong, he is not afraid.

"Break for me!"

At the moment, Lin Han yelled, the heavenly demon body burst out, rolling demon energy, immediately whizzed away from his body, like a tsunami sweeping across the sky.

The world has become dimmed.

The skin on Lin Han's body became pitch black, like a cast of black gold.

Along with it, Lin Han drank heavily, locked in the breath that was imprisoned around him, and was immediately broken away by him like an invisible iron chain, making a crackling sound.

Then, Lin Han was like an evil beast, with long hair flying, punching out, showing the unparalleled fist power of the heavenly demon!

Popularity did not expect that a thin young man like Lin Han would explode with such a strong power. Seeing Lin Han break free of his breath, he couldn't help being stunned, and there was a touch of humanized surprise in his pupils.

Then, seeing Lin Han's majestic punch, he was even more furious.

Unreasonably, a weak human dared to open his teeth and claws in front of him.



Then, his upper body began to swell, as if holding a breath, and then a terrible sound wave was emitted in his throat.

The sonic power was also very powerful, and the void was shaken by layers of ripples, shrouded in Lin Han.

Among them, the breath of invincibility and destruction is very rich.

It seems that under the crush of sound waves, all tangible matter in the world will be destroyed.

The sharp edge of the magic weapon will be broken.

If he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.


However, he still underestimated the dominance of Lin Han's punch. With Lin Han's current physical strength, it was not so easy for ordinary creatures to parry.

Even if the orangutans are huge and powerful, they still fall short.

After the two collided, Lin Han's fist strength immediately smashed into pieces, and directly obliterated the sound waves of the apes.

Then, his fist hit Huanglong, punching through the throat of the orangutan, and there was a big hole that was translucent, only a hundred meters long, and the blood continued to flow to the sky. The picture looked extremely bloody.


Such a huge movement has long attracted the attention of many geniuses nearby. Seeing this scene, many people are also shocked.

Lin Han is too abnormal.

Such a **** ape was punched through his throat.

This is the real humanoid monster.

The ordinary mountain forest overlord, compared with him, is still a lot worse.


The orangutan roared, his voice full of anger.

At his level, he has already vomited.

Injured by Lin Han, he could not swallow this breath.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of here, dare to stand in my way, die!"

Lin Han's eyes were cold and coldly said.

Although the apes are strong, they can't pose too much threat to him, so he is not afraid at all.

The ape looked gloomy and felt that Lin Han's words made him even more unacceptable.

How can the great overlord of the dignified mountain forest tolerate a human being so arrogant in front of him.

At the moment, he raised another palm, like a mountain, and pressed it down towards Lin Han again, with a violent aura.

Just the blowing wind blows the mountains and forests, and many towering trees rise from the ground, flying like weeds.

"court death!"

Lin Han smiled coldly.

The power of this ape's bloodline is a great potion, he cuts and refines it, it can strengthen the muscles and bones, and strengthen his flesh.

It is also good for him.

He originally planned to let go of the great apes, and it was no wonder that the other party didn't know how to promote him.


Lin Han stood on the spot without any movement. Within his eyebrows, there was a large milky white divine light, whizzing out, like indestructible steel needles, converging toward the ape's eyebrows.

In the milky white light, the murderous aura that emerged was also very vigorous.

As soon as Hajime appeared, the sky and the earth changed colors, the sun and the moon were dark, like the end of the day.

Even viewers who are far away are trembling, frail, sifting the chaff, and retreating in embarrassment.

The mental pressure is too majestic, and it is simply unbearable.

"Tian-level mental power?"

The apes were shocked.

Heaven-level mental power is a very powerful power in the world, more powerful than many magical powers.

In the entire fairy world, there are very few people who can enter this state in every era.

Lin Han is a stinky hairy boy with a heavenly mental power?

He even wondered if his eyes were misreading.

Could it be that the boy in front of him is just an illusion, but he is actually an old antique that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions?

Puff puff puff...

Unfortunately, before he had time to make him doubt more, the overwhelming spiritual power entered his forehead.

Mental power is extremely difficult to defend, and even some well-trained masters are difficult to defend against.

The apes are wild creatures, and naturally they can't compete.


At the moment, he uttered a scream of terrible screams.

The spirit is like being killed by thousands of sword holes.

After a while, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally his expression became hollow.

The huge body suddenly collapsed from a high altitude, crushing several mountains.

In the center of the eyebrows, a huge blood hole appeared.

The spirit has been completely beheaded!

The current apes, worthy of the name, are just a flesh body, completely dead.

All around fell into deathly silence.

Many people are deeply shocked and unable to extricate themselves.

Lin Han was too strong, so the apes were killed.

Lin Han smiled, didn't say much, took out a divine sword, directly cut a big hole on the huge body of the ape, and got the blood from the root bone.

With these essence and blood, his strength will increase again.

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