War Emperor

Chapter 2058: Two strong meet

"It shouldn't be wrong, there is indeed the aura left by the ancestor Huang." Xuanyuan Yun frowned, took a closer look, and said in deep thought.

In the depths of the wings, there is a vast and majestic aura, which indeed belongs to Huang Zu.

As for its wings, how could it corrode like this? He didn't know.

"Haha, Xuanyuanyun, you have spent so much effort to get such a tattered piece, but the bamboo basket was completely empty."

At this moment, a sweet laugh came, and then, the light mist surged from the sky, the divine light was mighty, and a woman flew into the sky, slim, like a fairy in the lower realm.

"Li Lingling..."

Many people cried out in exclamation.

Among the many geniuses in the Heavenly God Realm, she is the one who can compare with Xuanyuan Yun on the bright side.

It was exciting to meet Li Lingling and Xuanyuanyun right now.

If the two of them can fight, it will definitely be an exciting event.

There were also many people who looked at Li Lingling, with extremely admiration in their eyes.

This is the goddess that many people admire.

"Li Lingling, are you gloating?" Xuanyuanyun glanced at Li Lingling with a sneer. He was obsessed with the Tao, long ago would not put any woman in his eyes.

In the face of Li Lingling, there is no doubt about it.

Only hostility.

He also wanted to defeat Li Lingling and establish himself as the first son.

"Hehe, what about schadenfreude? If I get you away now, wouldn't it be the best opportunity?" Li Lingling smiled, and a look of danger flashed across his eyes.

Xuanyuan Yun spent a lot of divine power in order to fish out this tattered one, and it was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to defeat.

In this way, she could hardly find an opponent in the Secret Realm of the Phoenix Palace.

Many people are shocked, it seems that the two of them are going to fight.

There are also many women who are worried about Xuanyuanyun.

In their minds, Xuanyuanyun was also an idol, a male god.

"Your wishful thinking is too loud." Xuanyuan Yun sneered. He can get to this point, and naturally there are so many hole cards that others can't imagine.


When he flipped over his palm, the light flickered, and in the palm of his palm, a red fruit like agate appeared, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Then, Xuanyuan Yun opened his mouth and swallowed the fruit.

His original malaise breath immediately rose wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching its peak state.

"Red pine cones?"

Li Lingling's beautiful eyes condensed.

There is a million-year-old red pine tree in the Xuanyuan Holy Land. It is very famous. There have been countless strong people in the past dynasties. In it, the red pine tree has endless good fortune, and the fruit it bears is extremely powerful.

People who are seriously injured can recover in the shortest time as long as they do not die, even if their origins are dried to the extreme.

Because it is very difficult to form, it is very precious.

Even some elders in Xuanyuan Holy Land may not have them.

Xuanyuanyun actually ate the red pine nuts at will, his family was really rich enough.

"Li Lingling, I am afraid that your idea of ​​taking advantage of people's dangers will be lost." Xuanyuan Yun smiled lightly, and his body was full of radiance.

Standing at the top, he has a arrogant pride. Even if this person is Li Lingling, he is fearless and feels able to crush him.

"It's okay, you still have to lose in your peak period." Li Lingling smiled and patted her hand to the side.

She and Xuanyuan Yunzhen played against each other, it would definitely be a hard battle.

She just wanted to get rid of the other party quickly.

The applause fell, and not far from Li Lingling, the space was squirming, and a girl in white appeared, surrounded by a scene of orchids hovering.

In her pair of eyes, there was a scene of stars sinking and moon falling, very terrifying.

It seems that there is the profound meaning of the universe in her body, which is vast and unimaginable.

"Who is this person?"

Many people were stunned, looking at each other, a little puzzled.

This girl is extremely face-to-face, not a famous genius.

The most important thing is that she is very young. Judging from her bone age, she is only in her twenties. She feels like she is not inferior to Li Lingling and Xuanyuanyun at all.

This is shocking, how is this possible!

Apart from Lin Han, how come there are such evildoers in the world.

"Who are you?" Xuanyuan Yun also changed his expression and said in a deep voice.

Lin Han's birth, known as the first evildoer in ancient times, has already caused a great sensation in the fairy world.

A girl who didn't know where she came from, also had a talent that was not inferior to Lin Han, which was really incredible, like a ghost in the day.

He even suspected that the girl was not a "human" at all, but an old monster who deceived everyone with blindfolds.

"My name, you don't need to know, you just need to know, after today, you are just a dead person."

The girl's red lips opened slightly, and she uttered a sound like a natural sound.

The sweet and pretty face, with a kind of coldness, gives a sense of rejection to people thousands of miles away.

It is Xiaolan!

With a special realm, she has achieved what she is now.

Even if Lin Han saw it, he would be very surprised.


After Xuanyuan Yun was startled, he suddenly burst out laughing, among the younger generation, who is qualified to say this to him.

A weak girl dared to do this, he thought it was ridiculous.

Even if Li Lingling and the mysterious girl are added together, he is not afraid.

At this point, the invincible belief in his heart has been generated. Among young people, he has the confidence to sweep everything.

"Well, today I will let everyone know how my Xuanyuanyun's supernatural power will crush you two."

Xuanyuanyun's face sank, and he shouted sharply. Then the brilliance in his hand flashed and choked, there was a sound of some kind of magical weapon unsheathed.

I saw that in Xuanyuanyun's palm, a dark red Fangtian painted halberd appeared!

It was two feet long, and the momentum was condensed. At the tip of the halberd, there was a terrible murderous aura flowing. It seemed that a slight movement could tear the world apart.

"Sky Splitting Dragon Halberd?"

Many people's faces changed drastically, exclaiming.

"Sky Splitting Dragon Halberd!"

Li Lingling's expression also changed a little.

The Sky-Splitting Dragon Halberd is a treasure of inheritance in Xuanyuan Holy Land. The body of the halberd is extremely heavy, enough to crush the stars and destroy the universe.

In the Xuanyuan Holy Land, in history, there are very few people who can lift this halberd.

Once it becomes powerful, its power is also extremely powerful, and all the sharp blades of the gods and soldiers, in front of it, are like paper, only broken.

Xuanyuanyun was obviously serious about showing the Sky Splitting Dragon Halberd.

Facing this Fang Tian painted a halberd, even she felt a sense of pressure in her heart.

"Good halberd, from now on, it belongs to me." Xiaolan smiled, as if she had encountered some kind of favorite item, she could get it at hand, and said softly.

"Humph!" Xuanyuanyun snorted coldly, feeling deeper towards Xiaolan's heart.

This girl who does not know the heights of the sky, dare to insult him repeatedly, and is unforgivable.

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