War Emperor

Chapter 2060: Join hands

He rotates the Sky-Splitting Dragon Halberd in his hand, sending out dazzling kills, and constantly fighting against Li Lingling and Xiaolan, the sky is like iron, with many sparks flashing, the entire universe is indeterminate, and the scene is terrifying.

I have to say that Xuanyuan Yun is indeed too strong. With one enemy and two, he still hasn't fallen in the slightest. On the contrary, he still has a more courageous attitude.

Many people can't help being full of deep admiration for him.

If he were replaced by ordinary people, he would have been defeated long ago and died on the spot.

After this battle, Xuanyuan Yun's reputation will rise to the next level.

"Haha, is this the combination of the two of you? It really disappoints me." Xuanyuan Yun laughed, his blood in his body seemed to be burning, and his madness was exposed.

He is full of desire and high morale.

The invincible vibe, overwhelming all around.

Both Li Lingling and Xiaolan's faces were cold and frosty. As the two of them, they couldn't allow Xuanyuanyun to be so arrogant. It was also a great shame for them.

"Let you see the following, I am great." Li Lingling smiled coldly. As the master sister of the Lingxiao Holy Land, her methods are naturally not imaginable by ordinary people.

She saw that her left arm shook, the long sword in her hand pointed to nine days away, and a soft drink was made from her ruddy lips. In an instant, the long sword was covered with a layer of light of seven colors, like a rainbow, connected world.

The seven-color light only evolved for a moment, and it became a colorful peacock. Li Lingling slashed down like this with a sword, like an ancient divine bird, coming against the sky, with the tolerance of crushing the world.

"Colorful Divine Sparrow Slash?"

Some well-informed people seemed to recognize something, their expressions changed, and they exclaimed.

The Colorful Divine Sparrow Slash, in the Lingxiao Holy Land, can be regarded as an immortal skill at the level of the town teaching. Once there were supreme powerhouses in the Lingxiao Holy Land.

Because this killer move is too advanced, and the requirements for the performer are also very high, there are definitely very few people who can learn in the Holy Land of Lingxiao.

It has not been seen by outsiders for many years.

This time, everyone felt an eye-opener.

Worthy of being a legendary fairy skill, its power is really terrifying.

Its rank has also reached the level of ancient Yuan fairy abilities.

Above Li Lingling's head, the visions that flowed along Three Thousand Avenue revolved.


A roar shook the world.

At this moment, Xiaolan also offered a killer move. She was a member of the Ancient Witch Clan, and the methods she used were even more shocking.

Even if for some special reasons, he couldn't play his full strength, it was amazing.

I saw that her hands pinched a peculiar knot on her chest, and a large black light burst out. In front of her, there was a huge black canthus, huge as a mountain, with tragic momentum, thick fangs, thick limbs, and eyes. It seems to crack the sky.

With one step on the sturdy limbs, the world seems to be broken and opened.

This is also a very powerful witchcraft fairy skill, which is not weaker than Li Lingling's Colorful Divine Sparrow Slash.

It's just that outsiders know very little about the ancient Wu Clan, so they can't name it.

The attacks of the two burst out like this, and this mountain area was filled with that powerful aura, as if it was about to split apart, trembling crazily.

"Want to kill me Xuanyuanyun, how can it be so simple!"

Xuanyuanyun's expression was solemn, and his eyes were fierce, knowing that the two of them were powerful in this blow, and if one was careless, he might be planted here, and he did feel the tremendous pressure at this moment.

But he is a militant, the greater the pressure, the more he can stimulate the will to fight in his heart.

Right now, he clenched some Sky-Splitting Dragon Halberds, and these words popped out from between his teeth.

Suddenly, the divine power in his body was mobilized by him in all directions, urging him into the Sky-Splitting Dragon Halberd.

On his body surface, every inch of pores was gushing out endless flames. At a glance, the whole figure burned away and turned into a big fireball, with a scorching hot, burning world.

"Kill kill kill!"

He roared wildly, the Heaven-Splitting Dragon Halberd, and constantly chopped and slashed, killing all of them that could tear the space, playing fiercely.

Each one is more than ten miles long, and he splits out in an instant, hundreds of thousands of them, with the most powerful and unparalleled momentum.

It is a pity that the attack jointly launched by Li Lingling and Xiaolan is too strong, even if he has a monstrous intent to fight, he is still invincible under the crush of absolute strength.

After the two attacks collided, all of them were killed, and they were all wiped out after only a few minutes.

Li Lingling and Xiaolan's attacks seemed to have turned into two big mountains, and they were crushed.


Although Xuanyuanyun tried his best to resist with the Sky-Splitting Dragon Halberd, he still couldn't do it. In an instant, his body seemed to be hit by a magnificent star, his waist was bent, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and his face turned pale.

On his forehead, there are beads of sweat, which are as big as soybeans, dripping down continuously.

"It's over... Xuanyuan Yun is about to lose..."

Upon seeing this, many people couldn't help but breathe stagnant, and said in shock.

Under such powerful attacks from Li Lingling and Xiaolan, Xuanyuanyun had no power to fight back.

He is passive.

The attack continued to land.

If it is really overwhelmed, Xuanyuanyun is very likely to be crushed into mash and die.

This is the first holy son of the Heavenly God Realm, his reputation is as bright as the sky, so he died?

Many people's nervous scalp is numb, and they dare not show up.

"Xuanyuanyun, before dying, what last words do you have to say?" Li Lingling knew Xuanyuanyun's state, gathered her hair, smiled lightly.

She and Xuanyuan Yun have been in the Heavenly God Realm and have been famous for so many years.

Today is finally defeating this old opponent, and there is an endless sense of joy in my heart.

Without Xuanyuanyun, she will stand out in the Heavenly God Realm, and no genius reputation can overwhelm her.

Even if she is a woman, she has a strong sense of accomplishment.

"Li Lingling, you won't be able to win by martial arts, and your reputation as the Holy Land in the High Heavens is vain. If you fight alone, you can't beat me."

Xuanyuan Yun gritted his teeth.

He worked very hard, and his body couldn't straighten up.

The palms were shaking.

Before long, he will be unable to hold on and be crushed into flesh.

When speaking, some bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

"The winner and the loser, what's the point of saying this, let's get on the road." Li Lingling smiled coldly, not necessarily that there was a problem.


At the moment, she waved her slender hand, her mind moved, and the attack strength increased again, and Xuanyuan Yun couldn't hold on any more, and let out a miserable scream.

His body was like a balloon about to be crushed, bursting open.


However, at this moment, suddenly not far from Xuanyuan Yun's body surface, the wings he had just acquired emitted a mysterious light.

The attacks of Li Lingling and Xiaolan were unable to land anymore, and Xuanyuan Yun seemed to have become a **** who cannot invade all laws under the shroud of this beam of light, full of a sense of transcendence and solidity.

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