War Emperor

Chapter 2069: White Tiger Soul Eater

To know that he reached this point, among the young people of the Heavenly God Realm, almost no one could give him this feeling.

His eyes widened, like **** in the day.

However, even if he doesn't believe it anymore, he naturally can't just sit and wait for death like this. If this punch really hits like this, his big hand will not only collapse instantly, but he will also suffer a huge backlash.

He would never allow this to happen.

Now roaring, the divine power in the body vigorously urged, so that the light from the big hand became more and more flaming, like a huge milky white star falling from the sky, crushing the world.

But everything is useless, Lin Han's Hetu Book of Profound Art, mysterious and endless, just like this, it feels that even the universe can be shaken.


In the end, his fist hit the big hand fiercely, without the slightest accident, Hudong instantly burst into pieces like a mountain collapsed, turning into pieces of energy, and falling down.

A fierce counter-shock force struck, causing the tiger to make a scream, and the body was blown out and hit a cliff not far away. The magnificent cliffs were all cracked. Open, the rocks rushed into the sky, and the smoke rose.

"Grand Prince..."

The children of the tiger family all looked dazed and pale.

The invincible big young man in their minds was actually injured by an unknown kid outside?

To them, it was like the sun coming out from the west, which was incredible.

After a long while, they stunned one by one, reacted, rushed over, moved one after another from the ruins, and dug out Hudong from the pile of rocks.

Hudong now has disheveled hair, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, pale face, weak breath, and constant coughing.

There was a big difference from the previous point of view, the spirited and unbelievable appearance.

The children of the Tiger family are a little bit chilly, never seen before, the eldest son will be so embarrassed.

"Hudong, is this your power? But you." Lin Han smiled faintly, patted the non-existent dust on his shoulder, and said calmly.

The voice is not high, but like a loud slap, it slaps Hudong's face.

Suddenly, Hu Dong slapped his face, and his face became hot and flushed.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, almost crushing them, staring at Lin Han, viciously like a devil.

"Asshole!" He roared, very unwilling, just because he was too careless. He didn't expect that Lin Han was so immature and his strength would be so abnormal.

Especially just now, there were one hundred and eighty big holes lit up all over his body, connected to the stars in the sky, Lin Han seemed to be one with the universe, thinking about it, there was lingering fear in his heart, what kind of profound art is this, how could it be so powerful, and it feels like invincible.

Then, he seemed to think of something, his eyes flashed, and he lost his voice: "Could this be the legendary Hetu book profound art?"

Hetu and Luoshu are the most famous congenital chaos treasures in the universe, possessing the ultimate fortune.

In history, many people of the world have been searching for it, but there is no result.

They only exist in the legend.

According to legend, after the profound arts in the book of Hetu are displayed, the acupoints in the body will automatically light up, which will communicate with the universe and greatly increase the combat power of people.

However, this is only recorded in the oldest books.

At this moment, the young man in front of him is really similar to his working profound arts.

After all, Lin Han's realm was far inferior to him.

"If you still have some knowledge, this is indeed Hetu's book profound art. You are not at a loss if you lose under my move." Lin Han nodded lightly, and he was a little admired in his heart. This Hetu book's profound art, It's really extraordinary, he just got it, and he is not skilled enough to be able to exert such an amazing power.

With his later understanding, the power will inevitably be stronger.

This made him a little excited.

Hu Dong's heart was beating frantically, and there was a look of shock in his eyes that was hard to hide.

The legendary exercise was actually learned by an unknown boy.

If it is known by others, the fairy world will cause a sensation.

I don't know how many "old monsters" will jump out and grab this power.

This is a marvelous work that can be proven for good fortune and can break the origin of the universe.

Then, there was also a huge greed in his eyes, like an old virgin who had guarded for tens of thousands of years, seeing the peerless beauty naked, his eyes flushed like lava.

"Haha, good, great, I will kill you today and get the profound art of the book of Hetu. In the future, who else in the young generation of the gods and gods can compete with me? At that time, I will stand at the top and become the 18th realm of the immortal world. Peak powerhouse, just around the corner, boy, I really thank you..."

He burst out laughing, shaking with excitement.

Even with his talents, he still has a long way to go to become a master Huijing, Beihuang Piaofeng, etc., and it is very bumpy.

With this work, no trouble.

Like a broad road, before him, the joy in his heart is naturally indescribable.

"Wishful thinking, are you sure you have that strength." Lin Han sneered.

After learning the profound arts of Hetu Book, he also has the confidence to be pretentious.

Even if there is another Hudong teaming up now, he is not afraid.

"Boy, you look down on me too much. As the most outstanding genius of the Hidden Family, the means are as powerful as you can imagine." Hu Dong's face sank, extremely annoyed, and Lin Han's tone made him unbearable.

He has never been treated this way among young people.

With this alone, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Lin Han go.

"Let you see now, I am amazing!"

"White Tiger Soul Eater, kill!"

Right now, he yelled, and his whole body once again bloomed with white light, as if he had fully displayed his realm, which was several times more powerful than before.

His original white pupils are deeper, and there is a strange power flowing in them, as if some kind of secret power has been communicated.


Immediately afterwards, an astonishing scene appeared, and within his pupils, a fierce tiger roar came over, shaking the world.

Many nearby mountains were exploded one after another by the earthquake, and the underground magma was gushing out.

A white fierce tiger appeared and rushed towards Lin Han.

It's about a hundred meters in size, its fur is white and shiny, like silk, spotless, four hooves, sturdy, and a huge body. It just hits away, full of a tragic smell.

The body rubbed against the air, and the gust of wind that set off caused the nearby rocks to fly out like weeds.

Little Fatty, Golden Retriever King, Li Ling and others couldn't bear it, suffocating for a while, a little shocked.

Such a blow is really shocking.

"White Tiger Soul Eater?"

The little fat man frowned. The pupil technique was originally a very powerful type among all attacks. Once it was displayed, it was difficult for the practitioner to resist.

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