War Emperor

Chapter 2074: Jiuxiao Palm Power

Over the years, I can only forbear.

Even so, Li Qing has been reluctant to let him go, and secretly shot him many times, causing him to die.

Therefore, he naturally didn't have a good face towards Li Qing, even as if he was meeting an enemy, he was extremely jealous.

"Haha..." Li Qing laughed and didn't care about the hatred of Li Ling at all. There was only a little cruel color in his eyes, and he grinned and said: "Li Ling, this is not just your business, it's you The clan rules have been broken. As a direct young master, I have the right to dispose of you. If I am acquainted now, I will obediently abolish my self-cultivation and confess my mistakes on my knees. Otherwise, don't blame me for ruthlessly and kill you on the spot!

After speaking, Li Qing raised the cyan long sword in his hand, immediately exuding a huge and vigorous aura.

Coming towards Li Ling like a big mountain, Li Ling's strength is also extraordinary, but the gap between Li Ling and Li Qing is so big, his knees bend in an instant and he almost kneels down.


Lin Han's eyes condensed and said in surprise.

Li Qing's realm had already reached the realm master state.

Compared to Xuanyuanyun, Li Lingling and others, he was even stronger.

The outstanding youth of the Celestial Race is really amazing.

"Li Qing, you want me to kneel for you, in your next life." Li Ling said angrily. He clenched his fists tightly, resisting the strong pressure of the opponent, his teeth were about to bleed, his eyes were full of firmness and indomitability.

He hated Li Qing so deeply, it was absolutely impossible to give in.

If there is a chance, he still wants to kill Li Qing with a thousand swords.

This **** killed his biological mother. He doesn't share the same relationship with him.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry, and now you dare to be hard-headed, I will crush the bones of your whole body a little bit, making you like a dead dog, and see if you still submit!"

Li Qing smiled playfully, treating Li Ling as a plaything. As a strong realm master, someone like Li Ling who is not even a saint child is too weak in front of him.

If it weren't for the clan, the rules were strict and the clan members should not be harmed, Li Ling would have died countless times in his hands.

Now when he is outside, he can let go of his hands and feet and will not miss the opportunity to clean up Li Ling.


When he thought of this, his eyes sank suddenly, and the breath radiating from him suddenly became several times stronger.

The pressure on Li Ling immediately increased, and the bones at his knees, without accident, made a crackling sound.

He couldn't hold on anymore, but now his body was shaking uncontrollably, as if he was about to fall apart.



Seeing this, the little fat man and the Golden Retriever King couldn't help showing anger in their eyes.

Li Ling was their teammate, and they naturally couldn't help but watch Li Ling being bullied so much.

At the moment, they all played their magic light and launched an attack on Li Qing.

But their strength is sealed, naturally it is impossible to be Li Qing's opponent.

Li Qing only sneered at their attacks. With a wave of his sleeves, a majestic divine power poured out. The little fat man and the Golden Retriever King couldn't bear it at all, puff puff...spout two mouthfuls of blood, and his body flew upside down. .

Lingxuan couldn't help biting her silver teeth, and her face was angry. This person was too domineering and totally unreasonable.

Lin Han's face was as deep as water, and he walked out and said in a deep voice, "What a big dog!"

The sound was not loud, but it was like a thunder that blew up here, puff puff puff...Many Li Qing’s followers immediately spewed blood and flew out, even some people exploded directly on the spot and turned into The blood mist died tragically on the spot.

Even Li Qing didn't expect that there was such a powerful voice in his voice. Unprepared, his body stepped back in embarrassment, his face turned pale, and he felt the blood qi in his body tumbling and uncomfortable.

"Who is this kid?"

"How can it be so tough?"

Those of the Celestial Race were all taken aback, looking at Lin Han as if they were seeing a freak.

Lin Han was so young and immature, they didn't pay attention at all.

I thought it was Li Ling, a casual teammate, but the quality was not high.

Only now did they know that they were wrong.

This young man is a pervert with shameless appearance but powerful.

"Who are you?"

Li Qing also showed a hint of anger on his face, facing Lin Han, clenched some fists, and said murderously.

As an outstanding genius of the Celestial Race, he was so arrogant that he was drunk by a teenager outside, unforgivable.

He looked at Lin Han, and if his eyes could kill people, Lin Han would have been thwarted and broken into pieces.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is to apologize to my friends, including Li Ling." Lin Han said with an indifferent expression.

The breeze blew, her hair was flying, her eyes were calm, and there was an unspeakable sense of fierceness.

It seems that a peerless Heavenly Sword hidden under an ordinary scabbard, once it is shot, it will inevitably be shocked for nine days, and its aura will cover the clouds.

Those people of the Celestial Race all felt a scent of mountain rain, and looked a little afraid.

Unbelievable, a teenager would give them this feeling, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe it if they were killed.

Even Li Qing may not be able to do it.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Li Qing uttered three good words in a row, and then smiled angrily: "What if I don't apologize?"

"That's only—death!"

Lin said coldly.

Speaking of the last word, when the word "dead" came out, there was a boom, a powerful aura bursting out of him, like a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting at the same time, the entire mountain forest began to tremble crazily, and many trees collapsed. , The mountains collapsed.

No less than a disaster to the surrounding area.

On the sky, dark clouds rolled, and thunder and lightning fell, like a **** of power.

Li Qing's pupils shrunk slightly, and finally realized that Lin Han is not simple. Although the surface realm is only five levels of the Five Elements realm, the real combat power far exceeds that.

Facing Lin Han, even if it was him, there was a sense of pressure.

An irritation rose in his heart.

The stronger Lin Han is, the more unhappy he is. Could it be that he himself can't deal with a nasty kid outside of Li Qing?

There was a sharp light in his eyes, and he said grimly: "No one dares to be so arrogant in front of me. You are the first one. Today I swear in the name of the young master of my celestial family, you are dead, I will let You regret coming to this world!"


After speaking, he drank heavily, and the cyan long sword in his hand was rotated, and a dazzling glaucoma, like a cyan sun, bloomed in the mountains and forests, and suddenly the vast green splendor flooded the place.

The most powerful sword power, like pervasive, would crush Lin Han into mashed flesh.

Lin coldly smiled, this guy really dared to make a move on himself, he really didn't know what to do.

"In that case, I will let you know that I am awesome!"


When the voice fell, Lin Han's fist was instantly squeezed, and within his body, endless clouds and mist rose up immediately. In an instant, Lin Han seemed to stand on top of the nine heavens, with a kind of supreme spirit that can be seen through the world, but I dominate.

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