War Emperor

Chapter 2076: Behead

Lin Han is like a **** who can control the sea and is invincible.

"Kill!" Lin Han's hair was flying, his fist finally slammed forward.

All the visions turned into a stream of light and entered Lin Han's fist. In an instant, the power of Lin Han's fist rose to countless levels.

A big green circle appeared, crushing the void. Inside the big circle, it looked like a huge star, with blue waves and sea water.

It is powerful enough to break the starry sky.

This blow was truly stunning.

Even with Li Qing's sword light, its power has become much weaker.

"This ancient magical skill...seems to be really stronger..."

Many people have sore teeth and trembling voices.

Lin Han actually possessed two ancient magic skills at the same time.

Everyone felt as if they saw two suns appearing on the sky, and they were dumbfounded.

And in the vision of this punch, the power of the law of the Three Thousand Great Dao is even more intense.

Everyone was full of envy for Lin Han.

This guy really has a chance to go to the extreme.

If it is known to others, even some old monsters with high authority will drop their status and rob Lin Han.

This is a veritable big fat sheep.

"No... it's not true..."

Li Qing's body was stiff as if struck by lightning in an instant, the original spirit on his face became pale, his forehead sweated like rain, and his heart was full of grief.

He cannot accept it.

So, isn't he going to lose?


As a result, just as he expected, every time the Gu Yuanxian's skill level increased, its power would increase several times.

At the same time as Lin Han performed it, he also circulated the profound arts of the Book of Hetu, and 180 large holes lit up all over his body.

Therefore, the realm gap between him and Li Qing has narrowed a lot.

This blow directly crushed Li Qing's sword energy, and with a pop, the fist light penetrated through Li Qing's chest, causing a big hole to appear there, and blood flowed.

Li Qing's expression suddenly solidified there, her expression empty.

There is no doubt that this blow caused a fatal injury to him.

His origin is flowing crazily.


Li Qing was defeated.

Many people are shocked.

A young man of the Five Elements Realm, will kill the genius of the realm master.

This is too shocking.

"Young Master..." The children of the Celestial Race were also pale and ran over with sad expressions, trying to help Li Qing up.

Li Qing is their spiritual support, so being penetrated through their chests is also very uncomfortable for them.

Some people have burst into tears.

They noticed that the young master seemed to be powerless.

Li Qing half-kneeled on the ground, his expression was decadent, he did not speak, and there was an indescribable sadness in his expression.

It was originally intended that this time he was born, he would do a sensational event and make a face for the Celestial Race.

As a result, he was killed by a young man, which was too sad.

He looked up at Lin Han and couldn't help but ask with difficulty: "Who are you... on earth?"

He never believed that Lin Han would be an unknown junior.

Maybe it was an evil spirit from the ancient Lin clan, the Xianyuan Wu clan, and the Primordial Demon clan.

Although he was dying, before he died, he had to know who the killer was.

"My name is Lin Han, you can go with peace of mind." Lin Han said with a calm expression.

Exercising the sea-covering fist was also very costly to him. At this moment, his face was a little pale, and when he spoke, he gasped slightly.

Just as he killed a realm master realm genius, he also had a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The power of Fu Hai Fist did not disappoint him.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Han..." Li Qing frowned, chewed these two words, and then seemed to understand something, a bitter smile broke at the corner of his mouth and said: "It turns out to be the descendant of Piaofeng, known as the first evildoer in ancient times. The young man, really well-deserved, today I am defeated in your hands, convinced..."


After speaking, he collapsed and died completely.

Lin Han shattered his heart with this punch. Even if Da Luo Jinxian arrived, he would definitely die.

Heaven and earth fell into deathly silence, and Lin Han beheaded a strong master in the realm.

Many people's hearts have stopped beating.

This was the first time I saw someone in the Five Elements Realm and defeated the Realm Master Realm.

It has exceeded the imagination of normal people.

"Li Qing..."

Li Ling also looked sluggish. This is his great enemy. He dreams countless times every night and wants to kill him.

Lin Han was beaten to death right now.

He also felt very abrupt.

His grievance, just reported it?

"Li Ling, I just killed him like this, you don't blame me, I should leave him to you." Lin Han sighed and apologized somewhat to Li Ling.

Although Li Ling's strength is getting bigger and bigger compared with him, he did not despise Li Ling because of this.

Everyone is a teammate, and he respects them in common adversity.

Only when the battle was just now, it was really dangerous, he didn't dare to keep a little bit of his hand, and there might be some accidents that would wipe out Li Qing.

"It's okay, Brother Lin Han, what you are talking about, if it weren't for you, I would have been humiliated and killed by Li Qing now. What's more, you are equivalent to taking revenge for me. I should thank you." Li Ling quickly said, with ruddy eyes, he almost knelt to Lin Han.

Lin Han helped him get revenge, the gratitude in his heart was beyond words.

Lin Han smiled and helped Li Ling up so that he didn't need to do this.

"Brother Lin Han, as far as I know, Li Qing has a lot of pills of my clan hidden in his body. These pills are all yours." Li Ling smiled and took out a space ring from Li Qing's body. Give it to Lin Han.

These are all secrets he has, originally waiting for the time to come to expose Li Qing.

Now that Li Qing is dead, he naturally has to use these pills to thank Lin Han.


Lin Han was startled. Li Qing still had such wealth. He took the space ring and explored it with mental power. After seeing the pill in the space ring, Lin Han was mentally prepared. Can't help but be surprised, a shocking taste appeared in his eyes.

I saw that the area of ​​the space ring was about the size of a large mountain, and it was filled with various elixirs, blooming with colorful light. Most of the elixirs are very precious, and the strong fragrance of medicine rushes out, like a sea, Lin Han As soon as he came here, he felt refreshed and comfortable.

Healing, practicing, physical training, spiritual training, etc...

There are all kinds of weird pills.

Even in the hidden family, so many pills, at least, it would take thousands of years to refine them.

Li Qing's private possession is really scary.

He is also too courageous, if he is known by the high level of the Celestial Clan, he will inevitably be in disaster.

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