War Emperor

Chapter 2080: Do not invade


Mo Xiao sighed, a little helpless, and didn't want to fight with Zi Ming. The matter was over and there was no way.

At the moment, his body shook, and a monstrous black mist bloomed all over his body, like a demon god, also fighting with Zi Ming.

The realm of the two of them all reached the realm master realm, and when they fought, their natural specifications were extremely high.

Many people feel that it is like two gods are fighting.

A series of terrible killings, continuous flashing, infinite magic, vigorous energy, and boiling spirit.

It's like a catastrophe.

The two of them didn't make a hundred moves, and they all hit real fire.

At this level of battle, no one dares to have the slightest reservation, otherwise there is only one word in the end and that is-death!

In this way, after five hundred moves in the battle, in a fierce collision, the clover in Mo Xiao's hand was shot and flew out, but accidentally fell in front of Lin Han.

Lin Han picked it up and was in a daze. Originally, he was still thinking about how to **** the clover. He wanted to fly to him like this, which really made him somewhat unexpected.

Everyone around was also dumbfounded, looking at Lin Han in amazement, a moment of confusion.

This kid, luck is also too good.

What a **** luck.

If he ran away right now, it might really be possible to get the clover for nothing.

Naturally, Lin Han would not escape. There were Lingxuan, King Golden Retriever and others beside him, who were not strong enough to keep up with his speed.

If he escapes, it will only put them in danger.

At the moment, with a light smile, he took the clover into his arms.


Zi Ming and Mo Xiao turned their gazes, just to see this scene, they suddenly shouted and murdered.

The two of them played against each other, how could it be a hairy kid.

Zi Ming flew first, stretched out his big hand, facing Lin Han, with murderous eyes in his eyes, and said: "Boy, hand over the clover to me obediently!"

Mo Xiao also stopped fighting with Zi Ming, his face was gloomy, and he warned Lin Han.

They are all spreading terrifying power, enough to suppress ordinary people.

Many people are hairy, thinking that if it is their own, they will hand it over obediently, they are not opponents at all, they will die if they don't do anything.

However, Lin Han smiled faintly, and said calmly: "The clover flew to my side by himself, why should it be handed over to you? This shows that it has a predestined relationship with me."

Many people looked at Lin Han in amazement.

Doesn't he know that this is the strong man of the two major realms? Lin Han seems to be in his twenties, so if he dares not to meet him, he really thinks he has lived too long.

"Huh?" Both Mo Xiao and Zi Ming were taken aback. They didn't expect Lin Han to be so kind.

Zi Ming smiled cruelly and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

With a scream, from the space ring, he took out a shimmering sword, a move that would attack Lin Han at any time and cut off his head.

Even if Lin Han is very young, he won't have the slightest softness.

Lin Han just shrugged, did not speak, the firmness in his eyes did not weaken at all.

"Okay, I grant you death!" Zi Ming was not in the mood either, and talked nonsense to Lin Han. The treasured sword in his hand was clenched a bit tightly, and he slashed at Lin Han's head.

The fiery light of the knife seemed to divide the world into two.

The brutal murderous spirit is mighty.

Near Lin Han, some low-powered people flew out like rotten grass.

Even Li Ling, Lingxuan, Little Fatty, and Golden Retriever King couldn't bear it. They flew upside down for a while, spurting blood from their mouths.

Zi Ming is too strong, and the aftermath of the light is not trivial.


However, Lin Han's head was not split in half.

A black mask rose on the surface, like some of the strongest objects in the world, directly resisting the light of the knife.

A ball of sparks threw out there.

Lin Han is unscathed!

Everyone was shocked, their eyes almost protruding, why is Lin Han's protective mask so powerful?

You know that Zi Ming's knife can kill people in the Five Elements Realm, just like killing an ant.

This scene challenged their imagination too much.

"how can that be?"

Zi Ming also condensed his expression, like **** in the day, looked at his treasured sword, thinking that something was wrong.

With a good knife, how can you not kill a kid?

Too unrealistic.

"Could it be... a demon body!"

Mo Xiao's pupils shrank, his expression was a little shocked, and he lost his voice.

As a person in the magic path, he can recognize the celestial monster better than ordinary people.

At this moment, Lin Han's demon aura exuded from his body, much like the legendary demon body.

This made him feel terrible.

The magic way he cultivated is already very advanced.

There is still a big difference with the demon body.

I thought that the heavenly devil body in the Sutra of Heavenly Demon had long since been lost.

Seeing it again, the impact on him was extremely large.

"Zi Ming, haven't you eaten? This knife is soft, without strength at all." Lin Han smiled calmly.

With the continuous improvement of strength, his comprehension of Jue Tian Mo Jing has also undergone a qualitative transformation.

Once urged out, it is too difficult to find an attack and want to cause some damage to him.

With this scene, he was not surprised at all.

If the celestial demon body is fully urged to open, it is even stronger than this.

Zi Ming clenched his teeth, feeling very annoyed, **** it, a kid, dare to humiliate himself.

"I have to see how hard your Zeng turtle shell is!" He shouted angrily, not knowing the devil body, even if he knew it, he would not easily admit defeat. Lin Han must be split in half to build His prestige.

Otherwise, it will be a shame to him.


At the moment, the divine power in his body urged forward frantically, causing the long knife to emit a dazzling divine light, like a bright star, illuminating the eight wilderness.

He roared, swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, and hacked again.

This knife can really crumble the endless earth and turn the mountains into ashes.

Unfortunately, it's still useless, Lin Han's Heavenly Demon Body is strong and powerful, and extremely domineering.

The knife light split on the black mask, and did not affect the mask at all. On the contrary, there was a huge counter-shock force in the mask, causing Zi Ming to make a scream, His body flew out and hit a mountain not far away, smashing that mountain and exploding, smoke and dust rose up, and the scenery was harsh.

Everyone was in a daze, like being struck by thunder and lightning.

The imposing and powerful Zi Ming just now suffered such a big loss in the hands of an unknown young man.

Everyone felt like dreaming.

Many people couldn't help but converge on Lin Han, shining with curiosity and shock.

What kind of identity is this young man, how can he be so powerful at such a young age.


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