War Emperor

Chapter 2087: perish together

In this way, it went back three to four hundred thousand miles, and finally escaped the aftermath.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that the heaven and the earth above the giant tree had already been battered, and it didn't look like it was.

The rays of destruction were raging crazily.

"What about the golden boa constrictor, the sacred beast, and the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace? Are they all dead?"

When everyone saw it, they were all taken aback, only to see that there was nothing there, and they lost the traces of the three major creatures.

Between heaven and earth, only a smell of blood permeated.

Lin Han thought secretly in his heart, it is very likely that they were all killed in this explosion because of the power.

To die together is perhaps their best end.

"No... Palace Master, how could you just die like this..."

Not far away, there were some children of the Nine Demon Palace. They were still very excited when they saw the palace lord's arrival, showing their power. The result was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky. Their expressions were bitter and they were crying bitterly. .

Lin Han sighed that the death of a big power leader was indeed an unimaginable blow to the people in the power.

To blame, it can only be the palace lord of the Nine Devil Palace, which is too unlucky.

"Huh, what is that?"

At this moment, Lingxuan said in surprise.

I saw that the space above the giant tree squirmed for a while, and then an ancient key flew out, suspended in mid-air.

The key is only two inches in size, with a taste of the vicissitudes of life.

"It's the key to open the treasure house. The golden python is dead, and the key fell for cultivation!"

Everyone was overjoyed and screamed.

There is also an amazing energy in the key. Not only can it open the treasure house, but it is also a magic weapon that is not weak, and possessing it will have unexpected effects.

"Haha, great, grab it."

At the moment, everyone laughed and flew forward.

Lin Han is the same, since the key appeared, he couldn't sit idly by.


In an instant, he started to move through time and space, like a stream of light, affecting time and space, and instantly came to the key, and took the key in his hand.

Those people were all in shock, their expressions shocked.

No one thought that such a young boy would fly out at this juncture.

The speed is too amazing.

Everyone only felt that if they had been frozen, only Lin Han was moving forward.

It's dreamy.

What footwork in the world can do this.

"Shuttle time and space step, is it that he is displaying the legendary time and space step?"

Someone said in amazement.

There was a shock around him, and many people's eyes became fiery.

This is a famous footwork, known as the fastest in the fairy world, and everyone wants to have it.

They also understood that the identity of the young man must be the legendary Lin Han.

There is a touch of fear in most people's eyes.

Everyone knows that Lin Han is a pinnacle genius with strong strength.

Annoyed the boy, there is only one word in the end, death!

No one dared to mess around.

"This is the key to the treasure house? Not bad..."

Lin Han held the key in his hand, looked at it, and smiled happily.

Inside the key, there is a strong divine energy, which will inevitably have a special effect.

After getting it, there will be unexpected benefits.

"Lin Han, don't patronize, open the treasure house quickly." At this moment, someone sneered.

It was Zi Ming, his face was a little ugly, Shi Cai also tried to **** the key, but was truncated by Lin Han, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Lin Han is indeed a little weird, he may not be an opponent alone, only forbearance.

Not far away, Mo Xiao was also watching, his face was a bit gloomy. If it hadn’t been for the sudden appearance of the Divine Beast, he and Zi Ming would have joined forces. Maybe they had already beheaded Lin Han. Now that Lin Han had the key, it would really make him stop. Pleasure.

However, it is not the time to worry about these at present, the most important thing is to open the treasure house.

"Okay!" Lin Han glanced at Zi Ming, but he didn't conflict with him. He also wanted to open the treasure house early to see what it was like.

There is a keyhole on the giant gate.

Lin Han put the key on it.

However, just as he was about to insert it, Lin Han suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong, why don't you do it?" Mo Xiao asked.

Many people are also puzzled.

Lin Han was a little embarrassed, thinking of Huang Zu's words, if some kind of big evil is really sealed inside, it will endanger the world, just open it like this, will it cause catastrophe.

He didn't want to bear this kind of guilt.

"Lin Han, if you don't want to open it, just let me do it." Mo Xiao sneered.

"You do it." Lin Han felt unstable and threw the key to Mo Xiao.

Within the key, he had planted a special mark, and after the Mo Xiao opened it, he could retrieve the key again within a single thought.

Therefore, it is completely impossible for Mo Xiao to swallow the key.

Perceiving this, Mo Xiao took the key and couldn't help cursing Lin Han for being cunning.


Mo Xiao is a fearless person. After getting the key, he went to the giant door without any hesitation, inserted the key into the hole, and twisted his palm forcefully.

Suddenly, inside the magnificent bronze gate, there was a sound of mechanism turning.

Many people are looking forward to it.

Lin Handu's eyes were a little hot.

Even if there is a real problem inside, deep down, he wants to open it up.


Suddenly, at the moment when the door was just opened, a majestic divine power poured out, causing the Demon Xiao to make a scream, and his body flew out backwards.

The blow was extremely heavy, and several bones in Mo Xiao's chest were broken, and the meridians broke very uncomfortably.

Lin Han laughed, and Shicai also felt that after opening the giant gate, there might be some danger, as expected.

The divine power is coming so fiercely, even if he wants to react, it is not easy.

If he opens the door, he will be injured.

"Damn, Lin Han, you dare to yin me." Mo Xiao said angrily.

"You are stupid, you can't blame me." Lin Han smiled lightly and said with a hand.

Mo Xiao's teeth were about to be broken, and he couldn't wait to cut Lin Han with a thousand swords.

Everyone didn't pay attention to him. They looked at the giant gate, and saw that the inside of the giant gate was completely dark, and they couldn't see anything. They didn't know what the scene was inside.

"Go, go in and take a look!"

Many people looked at each other and started to move. At this point, no matter how dangerous they are, they can only move forward.

The same is true for Lin Han.

After entering the giant gate, nothing happened again.

boom! boom! boom!

In the dark environment, as if someone stepped on the sensor, torches were lit up all around.

The space becomes brighter.

Lin Han looked around and found that they had entered a hall.

Inside the hall, the dust is not stained, it is very solemn, the floor is smooth, and the area is vast.

The thick pillars stand majestically, with dragons and phoenixes carved on them, which are lifelike.

At the very center of the hall, there is a large cauldron, burning with flames, like an eternal flame, the tongue of fire is vomiting, which is eye-catching.

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