War Emperor

Chapter 2112: Border sea

There was a shock in his eyes. Although the young master's realm was only five elements in the five elements realm, his aura was indeed too strong, and he felt a little pressure.

And his realm is much higher than that of Lin Han.

Secretly, the young master deserves to be the first evildoer in ancient times.

The face said: "Yes, I will go back and report it!"

After speaking, stand up, go to the door, and the body is like a water wave, directly blending into the void and disappearing.

If anyone sees it, they will be amazed, this kind of body skills that come and go without a trace, I am afraid that only the talents of the Eternal Devil's Cave have.

This demon power is worthy of the existence that once made the fairy world tremble.

"Eternal Formation Contest, wait and see, Lin Xiao, Lin Ye, I will definitely let you pay for it!"

Lin Hansen stared at the envelope coldly, clenched his fist, and with a boom, a ball of flame rose in his palm, burning the letterhead to ashes.

Gritting his teeth secretly in his heart.

The father's business is his business, he will definitely go through fire and water and go all out.


On this day, the starry sky, the sun is warm.

The Broken Boundary Ship finally came to the edge of the Heavenly God Realm.

There is a huge ocean here. At first glance, it is all water, the blue waves are endless, and there is no end in sight.

There are many star skeletal remains, and the picture is grim.

Lin Han couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw this scene. It was the first time he saw such a sea.

"Be careful, there are pirates in this sea. As long as we successfully cross over, we will be able to reach the territory of our wind clan."

Feng Jiu smiled at Lin Han.

Now she didn't have the hostility to Lin Han before. After all, the strong respected, Lin Han showed enough strength to make her respect.

"Yeah." Lin Han nodded, hoping to get to the Celestial God Realm sooner.

However, he glanced at the vast seashore. With the Eye of Soul Eater, he seemed to be seeing something, he couldn't help frowning, and sighed helplessly. It seemed that God was really against them.

The more you fear, the more you come.


As soon as Lin Han's thoughts fell, he could only hear the desolate horns rising from the distant sea, and then one by one big boats, riding the wind and waves, came towards here.

Every giant ship is made of animal bones. It is huge and magnificent.

On the sails, there are some marks of bones and skeletons, hunting in the wind, letting people know that the visitors are not good.

"No, the pirate is here!"

On the deck, many soldiers of the Wind Clan were surprised.

The pirates in the sea are not easy to come across. It's really unlucky, this time I bumped into each other.

At the moment, many soldiers drew their weapons from their waists one after another.

They knew that these pirates were good at killing, and if they encountered it, a fierce battle would be inevitable.

"Haha, the ship in front, stop for me, and let Lao Tzu obediently search for the finances on your ship. As long as you are obedient, I can spare you a dog."

Five big ships were forced to come and stopped ahead.

On the most central ship, a naked man riding a black tiger, holding a black broadsword, laughed at the wind tribe on the ship.

The soldiers of the Wind Clan looked cold and a little frightened.

They recognized that this was the famous pirate—the man from Bone Mountain.

Among all the pirates in this sea area, the strength is considered extremely powerful.

And the number of each other is so large that they really can't compete.

Feng Jiu Yanran smiled and said: "You must be the master of Baigu Mountain, Black Tiger, we are from the Feng Clan. Can you give us face and let us go through it? If we can, we are willing to dedicate some treasures to the big boss. Home."

After speaking, he patted his hand, and there were a few soldiers on the side. They brought out a few boxes and presented them in front of the black tiger.

When the box opened, there were a lot of pill, spar, medicinal materials and the like. The array was dazzling, shining, and very splendid.

Heihu glanced at the items in the box, and there was a touch of greed in his eyes, but stared at Feng Jiu's bumpy and delicate body, and even licked his lips, his face was a bit obscene, and he said with a smile: "These Treasure, it’s really good, but compared to this, I’m more interested in your body. Little girl doll, if you want, I’ll spend three days with me, and I can promise to let you go away safe and sound. How about ?"


The pirates of Bone Mountain all laughed.

Feng Jiu is very delicate at a young age, and it must be very comfortable to play with.

They are all eager.


"This is the ninth young lady in my Feng Clan's direct line. I dare to speak disrespectfully. Don't you fear that my Feng Clan seniors will know that you will wipe out the Bone Mountain?

Many soldiers were furious.

In their minds, Feng Jiu is like a goddess, not to be blasphemy.

The big boss black tiger curled his lips and said indifferently: "What about the Wind Clan, the emperor is far from here, and I am not afraid of them when they come. Little girl, if you stay with me, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel and taking you. Kill all the people in the boat, then grab you and play around, you still can't escape this end."

Many people in Baigushan began to pull out their weapons, as if they were about to do it at any time.

The atmosphere on the sea is full of tension.

"Dreaming!" Feng Jiu only said these two words, let her accompany this disgusting master, it is better to kill her.

"Then don't blame me for being impolite, kill!" The master shouted angrily, and many people from the White Bone Mountain immediately slew towards the soldiers of the Wind Clan.

At the same time, the big master was driving the huge black tiger under him, and he came over with a leap, and the black sword in his hand struggling towards Feng Jiu.

He is determined to win the wind, this little girl, he must enjoy it.

Feng Jiu's pretty face is like frost, knowing that if he wants to survive this disaster, he must take the master as soon as possible, otherwise the Feng Clan will suffer heavy losses.

She was not afraid, her eyes were cold, holding a cyan long sword, and facing the master.

Her realm has reached the peak of the third level of the realm master realm, and with the spiritual power of the middle stage of the sky, even the people of the fourth level of the real realm can deal with it.

It is a pity that the strength of the master is on the fifth floor of the realm master realm, which is completely beyond the limit that she can handle.

In addition, the great master has experienced all kinds of battles, and his shots are so old that no more than 50 moves, Feng Jiu began to fall into the wind, and was forced into danger.

If this goes on, defeat will only happen sooner or later.

"Little girl, you are not my opponent at all, why are you still struggling and being played by me obediently, isn't it good?"

The master attacked and molested.

Feng Jiu didn't answer, her pretty face was like frost, and she suddenly slashed away with a sword, and with a puff, a blood stain was drawn on the face of the master, bloody, and blood flowed long.

If he hadn't reacted in time and dodge a little, this sword would be enough to cut his face in half.

"Asshole, you are looking for death!" The master was angry and unforgivable. The girl irritated him and did not intend to keep her hands.

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