War Emperor

Chapter 2114: Amazing swordsmanship

"You don't need to know this." Lin Han smiled lightly, with an icy light in his eyes, and then stepped on the void with the soles of his feet, and rushed forward, this time he chose to attack actively.

Heihu gritted his teeth and furious, a hairy boy, really think he can't deal with it? Otherwise, there will be any face in the future, mixing in this sea.

At the moment he seemed to have made some determination, and with a boom, a blazing light burst out of his body, and then a fiery red flag appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, an extremely magnificent aura swept away, Lin Han couldn't resist it, and was immediately shaken so that a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What a strong banner!"

Feng Jiu's beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and she lost her voice.

The banner is majestic, and seems to be able to overwhelm the world.

The crimson flames burning on the flag surface, if it could burn the heavens.

Lin Han couldn't help but be a little surprised, Black Tiger would have such a powerful flag.

"Haha, boy, this is what you forced me. Today I will burn you to ashes with the flag of fire." Heihu laughed. After displaying this flag, his confidence increased greatly. The flag swayed and opened, and the whole sky was covered. It was rendered fiery red.

The vast sea water turned crimson, like a piece of magma, the picture was amazing.

The flag of raging fire, in the sea, is a brown treasure. A peerless master died here and fell to the bottom of the sea within 10,000 meters.

Over the years, many pirates have been desperately looking for them.

If you get it, you can unify all the pirates here, and the status and status are different from before.

Heihu was finally found in a remote sea three years ago.

He was ecstatic and felt God's favor.

For three years, he has been cautiously refining, wanting to wait until the time is right to catch all the pirate teams by surprise and bring them under his command.

Right now, the only way to display it is ahead of schedule.

Lin Han beat him back again and again, and he couldn't bear it.

Do everything today and let this kid stay in this sea forever.

"Good flag!" Lin Han admired.

The power of this flag is strong, and the black tiger can obtain it, it is his good fortune.

However, Heihu was annoyed, and only felt that Lin Han could still be so calm, despising him.

Senran said: "Let you try it, what it's like to burn your body, go to death."


The divine power in the body was injected into the flag of fire, and the light emitted by the flag of fire was even more dazzling, like a huge sun with a ray of light.

The arms swayed vigorously, the flag was spread, and a large area of ​​fire swept like a mountain torrent. The terrifying flame caused the large area of ​​seawater nearby to instantly evaporate, giving off endless white smoke.

On the Broken Boundary Boat, many Feng Clan people were breathing, with a look of aghast, and they backed a few steps one after another.

The power is too scary, the fourth and fifth levels of the realm master can't resist it at all.

There was a sense of war in Lin Han's eyes, and the strength of the black tiger was just right, allowing him to temper himself.

"Break it for me!"

At the moment, Lin Han drank heavily, and directly displayed the Heavenly God suit, the armor of Shenwu, the slender figure set off, and the mighty cloak of blood inflammation, made him descend like an immortal God of War.

Suddenly, Lin Han's breath rose suddenly, reaching the peak of the Five Elements Realm.

The gap between the two people instantly narrowed a lot.

Then, in Lin Han's eyes, a thick divine light erupted, using the Blood Falling Emperor Sword to display the seventh sword of the Eight Swords of the Universe, destroying all things.

The sharp sword light is like the immortal light of the beginning of the universe, everything is unbreakable.

Although the flag of Agni is very strong, it has become much smaller under this sword.

After all, Lin Han's sword was far more temperamental than before.


The divine light emerged, and the black tiger's flag of fire was instantly split into two halves, then the black tiger's eyes widened, his head was cut from a sword, and his body was cut in half.

Heihu's expression solidified, and there was a touch of shock and astonishment in his eyes.

The Fire Banner is a treasure, so it was cut by Lin Han with a sword, how could this be too terrifying.


Those people in Baigushan also took a cold breath.

This kid's swordsmanship is simply shocking.

They had never seen such a weird boy.


Lin Han received his sword and returned to the deck again.

The black tiger's corpse finally fell from mid-air and turned into two halves, blood staining the sky.

Silent all around!

The people of Baigushan have hairy hair.

"Say it again, get out, or die!" Lin Han said indifferently, without lifting his head.

At the moment, the people of White Bone Mountain feel like a forgiveness, like a bereaved dog, driving a huge ship and fleeing here.

If someone sees the infamous Bone Mountain pirate and flees so embarrassingly frightened by a young man, they don't know what they will be astonished.

The soldiers of the Feng Clan also admired Lin Han for a while.

"Brother Lin Han, thank you so much this time." Feng Jiu walked over and smiled at Lin Han.

Now Lin Han looked like an unsheathed Heavenly Sword, her eyes turned sideways, and she was extremely attractive. She looked at that delicate face, and her beautiful eyes were mixed with an abnormal emotion.

"It's just a matter of effort." Lin Han smiled.

He wanted to go to the Heavenly God Realm, only relying on the Broken Boundary Ship.

"Yeah." Feng Jiu nodded, and everyone in the boat regarded Lin Han as a real guest.



Three days later, Lin Han and the others finally crossed the sea and came to the Heavenly God Realm.

The vigorous spiritual energy rushed towards his face, which made Lin Han's spirits startled, a kind of surprise.

Sure enough, this aura was very strong, several times stronger than the Nine Wonders Realm.

No wonder the people in the Heavenly God Realm look down on the Nine Wonders Realm.

In the starry sky, there are also many stars and stars, spreading all over the avenues, and the speed of cultivation will increase.

The star where the Wind Clan is located is a big star named "Fengyuexing", with an area of ​​tens of billions of miles, numerous sects, intricate strength, and magnificent mountains and rivers.

The broken ship landed in front of a plain not long after.

Here is a huge building, towering palaces, dotted with lakes, and undulating mountains, like a treasure land of immortals.

"Sister Jiu, you are back." Feng Jiu and others just came to the door, inside the magnificent gate, a group of people came out in surprise.

The head was a tall man in brocade clothes, with a golden crown and tied hair, with a sense of dignity.

The realm reaches the fifth level of the master realm!

Lin Han secretly smacked his tongue. Before, he was really a frog at the bottom of the well. It turned out that the genius of the Heavenly God Realm was so strong.

This should be the young master of the Feng Clan's direct line.

Sure enough, Feng Jiu saw the man with the golden crown and hair tied, a touch of joy appeared on his delicate and pretty face, and said: "Brother Six, you are here."

"Haha, yeah, it's the first time you've traveled far away, and I came here to pick you up." The man with the golden crown and hair chuckled lightly. His name is Fenggu, the sixth-ranked son of the Feng Clan. He was shocked to see Lin Han Said: "Jiumei, who is this person?"

He narrowed his eyes, his eyes a little cold.

Worried about Jiumei being cheated by someone outside.

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