War Emperor

Chapter 2117: Mufeng

Lin Han was surprised, this old man must be very difficult.

"Famous old man?" Feng Jiu and Feng Manlou were surprised. This is the famous formation master in the southern part of the Heavenly God Realm, and his attainments are not far from the level of the Immortal King.

Except for the four Immortal King Array Masters of the Four Great Protoss, his Array has the strongest water quality.

They didn't expect that Mu Feng would invite the famous old man.

"Yes, I paid a lot of money, and the old man promised to help you unlock the "locking dragon formation" that the four immortal king formation mages laid down. However, the price is you Feng Jiu, you want to marry me!"

Mu Fengyin smiled.

He has been coveting Feng Jiu for a long time, and when he saw the other party, he made up his mind to get Feng Jiu.

There is finally a chance now.

Feng Jiu was angry, and Mu Feng threatened her with this.

This is about the rise and fall of the entire family, and the elders in the family might really agree to sacrifice her happiness in exchange for this opportunity.

Sure enough, not far away, an old man walked up and said, "Feng Jiu, for the sake of the family, I have agreed to it for you!"

It is the great elder of the Feng Clan, whose status is still above Feng Man Lou.

Feng Jiu is bitter, and he really wants to be a victim of the family.

"Haha, let's go, Feng Jiu, today you follow me into the bridal chamber, tomorrow I will let the famous old man take action." Mu Feng laughed wildly, holding Feng Jiu's boneless jade hand, he was about to pull Feng Jiu away.

The guards of the Feng Clan were annoyed. If the young lady gave birth to a shameless flower, if she was ruined by the lustful wooden wind, it would be really good cabbage to let the pigs go.

There was a trace of sadness in Feng Jiu Ye's beautiful eyes, and she unconsciously glanced at the young man beside her.

The complex emotions in beautiful eyes are enough to melt any man's heart.

Lin Han sighed, Mu Feng didn't seem to be a good person, and he couldn't look at Feng Jiu, being so defiled.

At the moment, he took a step forward, slapped and slapped Mu Feng's palm holding Feng Jiu directly, and said with an indifferent expression: "What kind of thing are you, you want to get involved with Feng Jiu, and you don't take a pee. Myself."

Feng Jiu was moved for a while, and felt that Lin Han seemed to be shining now.

This domineering look is very charming.

"Asshole, do you dare to hit me?" Mu Feng was surprised. Lin Han's slap made the back of his hand flushed and grinned with pain. He was fierce, as if to kill.

"My name is Lin Han, I'll crack this so-called Locking Dragon Formation, and you can take your people to roll." Lin Han smiled lightly.


Many people from the Wind Clan were surprised. Does he really have a way to crack the Suolong Formation?

How could it be possible, at least to be able to do it with a formation mage of the Immortal King level.

Even the famous and famous old people may not be able to succeed.

"Brother Lin Han, what are you saying...really?" Feng Manlou was also excited, eagerly holding Lin Han's hand, and said in a trembled voice.

If it is true, Fengzu is willing to pay any price.

Feng Jiu also stared at him nervously, Lin Han is a young man who makes people unable to see through, maybe there is a way.

There was a surprise in her heart. If the major troubles that had plagued them for many years were really relieved, Lin Han would have saved the entire Wind Clan.

Over the years, the Feng Clan people have been in a state of anxiety, becoming weaker and weaker day by day, and they are really worried.

"You can try, at least than this so-called elder, the success rate is much higher." Lin Han chuckled lightly. Although he didn't use his formation and water quality frequently, his realm was very high, and he was not inferior to immortality at all. King-level array mage.

Suolong formation, for him, shouldn't be a problem.

"Hahahaha..." Mu Feng laughed, as if he heard some good jokes, and said: "You are the right one who took a picture of you with soaking urine. What are you worthy of unlocking the lock dragon formation? Stop talking nonsense. Dare to hit me, now kneel down for me and call me grandpa!"

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth fiercely and slapped Lin Han's head with a slap.

He is a cruel master, and those who offend him near this Southern Territory have been tortured to death by him with extremely cruel methods.

He wanted to clean up Lin Han first and let out a sigh of relief.

Lin Han's eyes were cold, this person was too arrogant.


Right now, he stretched out his hand and slapped it with the same palm.

However, Mu Feng looked at a child fighting back, full of ridicule. He was a genius of the Mu family, and his strength had reached the peak of the fifth level of the realm master realm. An ordinary genius was not his opponent at all.

Lin Han was a teenager, he didn't take it seriously.

Feng Jiu felt pity for him.

Look down on Lin Han, he will suffer a big loss.


Sure enough, at the moment when the two palms touched, a brilliant divine light burst out of Lin Han's palms, like endless clouds condensed in the sky, with a scent of ethereal and majestic atmosphere.

At the same time, there are also Three Thousand Avenues, the vision that surrounds Lin Han's arm, and Lin Han's palm is magnificent and powerful.

"Gu Yuan Immortal Skill?" Mu Feng's expression changed and he lost his voice.

This is the sign of Gu Yuan's fairy skills.

This kind of fairy skill, even a big clan like the Wind Clan, may not have it, Lin Han, a young man, got it from there.

Even if you get lucky, it's not his age, you can comprehend it.

He looked sluggish, like a daydream.

It was the palm of Nine Heavens that Lin Han displayed. As his strength progressed, his power became more and more terrifying.

"Block me!" Mu Feng was annoyed, and finally understood that Lin Han was not as simple as it appeared on the surface. It was harmless to humans and animals. In fact, he had hidden the power of a giant dragon. Divine power, like the vast sea bursting a bank, roared fiercely, entered his arm and blessed his palm power.

At this moment, the power contained in the palm is an astronomical number, which can destroy everything.

Even if Lin Han had the Ancient Yuan fairy abilities, it was just **** of the Five Elements Realm, too far behind him, still losing.

He had expected that Lin Han was vomiting blood when he was punched, and his heart was filled with sorrow. Then he must break Lin Han's bones one by one and let him kneel in front of him like a dead dog and let him vent. Hate in the heart.

There was a grin at the corner of his mouth.


However, at this moment, he was dumbfounded, and a scene of scalp exploding appeared.


When the two palms were handed over, Lin Han’s palm power instantly disintegrated Mu Feng’s palm power, and the overwhelming power poured out, making Mu Feng’s entire arm resemble a plastic tube, with a crisp sound of bone cracking. Break and open.

Bai Sensen's bones and scum were exposed.

Gu Yuan's immortal skills are too powerful, he is not an opponent.


Mu Feng let out a scream like a pig, and almost jumped up, piercing the pain.

The heart is full of shock and disbelief.

He has already used all his strengths, how come he is not Lin Han's opponent.

Is Gu Yuan's immortal skills so powerful?

Many people around also admired Lin Han for a while.

It was as simple as eating and drinking water to defeat the characters in the Five Elements Realm, but Lin Han was the only one.

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