War Emperor

Chapter 2139: Exit

Moreover, the two-headed crocodile tore off a large piece of meat from its body, which was as long as seven or eight hundred meters, deep into the bones, and the Yin Shark couldn't help uttering a muffled grunt, extremely painful.

"Huh? What's in your mouth, why don't you open your mouth?" The two-headed crocodile seemed to have discovered something abnormal, and asked in surprise.

As an old opponent of the evil Shark, he clearly understands that the opponent’s mouth is very powerful. Even if it can gain the upper hand, if the opponent bites, it will suffer a certain amount of injury. However, the Shark closes its mouth tightly. It feels unusual as if it contains something important.

"Nothing." Shark Yin Shark said coldly.

Lin Han's alchemy is related to its life, even now, it still holds on to some hopes.

"Haha...well, it seems that in your mouth, maybe it is the big secret in the legend. I see how long you can hold on." The two-headed crocodile laughed wildly, thinking that the key was found.

The Shark Yin knew that he was dying, so it was normal to find the secret and want to swallow it alone.

It seems that I came in time.

If the Shark of Yin Shark is really rewarding, it will be too late.

"Now you go to die." It gritted its teeth, and was not ready to keep its hands anymore, its body erupted like a volcano, and rushed again.

This time, the momentum was dozens of times more terrifying than the previous blow.

As if the river water was about to explode, it opened the mouth of the blood basin and ate towards the Yin Shark.

At the same time, there was also a strong aura that pressed the Shark Shark to lock it, making it difficult for Shark Shark to move at all, and could only stand and die.

It was full of bitterness in its heart, and sighed leisurely, it seems that today is doomed to escape.

The two-headed crocodile is full of sorrow. When it gets the secret, it must completely control the Yin Sha River. At that time, it will not only become a king here, let all creatures, surrender themselves, but also actively attack the outside world and let those The hateful character, surrendered his beautiful home, and occupied himself.

Thinking of the scene where the blood was flowing into a river and the dead body was endless, it was full of expectation and excitement in its heart, and wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.


However, at this moment, within the mouth of the Shark of Yin Shark, there was a huge spiritual wave transmitted, like an unstoppable tsunami that hit everything, and there was also an extremely powerful imperial prestige contained in it, like nothing. The big guys on the show are angry and full of irresistibility.


The two-headed crocodile naturally did not expect that there would be such a change, and it was not able to withstand it for a while, and immediately the huge body was shaken and flew out, and it slammed into a big underwater mountain not far away. The mountain was smashed into pieces, the rocks were flying over, and the scenery was amazing.

"Who is it? Asshole, dare to shoot at me!"

The binocular crocodile was furious, controlled his body, floated again, and shouted.

There was a touch of jealousy in his eyes, this power turned out to belong to spiritual power, and the most vulnerable part of the universe's fierce beasts was the spiritual aspect.

How could the Shark's mouth exude such a powerful mental power, like a legendary emperor, which shocked its heart.

This kind of power is already enough to threaten it and has to be taken seriously.

In the eyes of the Shark Yin Shark, a scene of scenery appeared, as if from a dead end. It was obvious that Lin Han had succeeded. Although he did not understand, how could Lin Han's mental power have changed so much in such a short period of time. It is undoubtedly a benefit to it, in this way, it will be more certain to defeat the two-headed crocodile.

Its huge mouth finally opened.

Lin Han looked like an ancient heavenly emperor, like a king on the mortal world, walking out of the ferocious mouth of the evil evil shark, the picture was extremely shocking.


The two-headed crocodile was dumbfounded. It thought that there was something terrifying in the Shark's mouth, but it never thought that it would be a teenager.

At such a young age, how did he possess the imperial power?

It's like **** in the day, it feels incredible.

"Two-headed crocodile, you are so brave, you dare to disturb my Qingxiu, and I won't be able to die?" Lin cold smiled, and said with a condescending manner.

After breaking through the imperial level mental power, his current temperament has indeed become much stronger than before.

The strength also reached the ninth level of the Five Elements Realm, which was not comparable to the previous one.

Right now he has a lofty ambition that can sweep everything.

"Asshole, the stinky kid, dare to talk to me like this. I think you are tired and crooked." The two-headed crocodile sneered. Since it is a teenager, it will naturally not take it seriously.


At the moment, it had a mouth, and a large silver ball of light immediately appeared in its mouth, like a silver sun, and it bombarded Lin Han fiercely. The aura carried on it was very powerful, seemingly Ling pressure world.

A touch of solemnity appeared in Lin Han's eyes, even if his combat power was greatly increased, after all, this two-headed crocodile was an underwater overlord, and it was not so easy to deal with.

However, he still has a lot of confidence in himself.


In an instant, his mind moved, and endless spiritual power poured out again. This time, the spiritual power turned into a line of power in the void, and a formation was condensed in the blink of an eye, which wrapped the whole body of the double-headed crocodile.

The Five Elements Sky-shaking Array!

Five killing swords of different colors emerged, each of which was huge as a mountain, with a momentum like the sea, full of a sense of shocking the world.

Sun Lingling couldn't help being a little surprised. Lin Han didn't display the formation, but with mental power, he could display this level of formation. This method already appeared to be powerful.

Even she may not be able to do it.

The most important thing is that under the envelope of the imperial mental power, within a few kilometers of Lin Han's body, a special world has been formed. The corrosive power of the Yin Sha River water has no effect on him, so that he Unfettered.

Regardless of whether it was the realm of formation or the realm of divine power, she was much stronger than Lin Han, and could not do it. It can be seen how powerful Lin Han's emperor-level spiritual power is.

"Asshole, dare to use the killing formation to besie me!"

The two-headed crocodile roared, and the most annoying was the array mage, which was very difficult to deal with.

Right now, its whole body was burning with raging flames, its thick tail, condensing the strength of its life, and it wanted to shred the huge array built by Lin Han's spiritual power.

Can't fall into the trap, the formation of the array mage can consume people to death.

The only way is to break it with force and make a quick decision.

However, there was a sneer at the corner of Lin Han's mouth. If it was so easy to deal with, then it would not be called the emperor-level mental power.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At the moment, the five-handed killing swords glowed fiercely, like the five sleeping divine swords revived, slashing towards the tail of the double-headed crocodile.

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