War Emperor

Chapter 2149: Liu Zhiming

Liu Zhiming's body immediately stiffened and was a little dumbfounded. None of these three beauties said anything. What is your plain-looking country boy talking about here?

"Punch." Sun Lingling couldn't help but cover her mouth and smiled, feeling very interesting.

Lin Han was so overbearing that the young man was a little charming.

Yuetian also chuckled, wanting to see how Lin Han could solve it.

"Boy, what is your relationship with these three beauties?" Liu Zhiming sneered slightly, with some hostility in his eyes.

He felt that Lin Han was at most just a follower of these three beauties.

"It has nothing to do with you. In short, this is our table. Leave quickly." Lin Leng Leng laughed.

He has seen a lot of men like Liu Zhiming who are extraordinary in appearance and lustful inwardly.

He could vaguely perceive that when the other party stared at the beautiful bodies of Yue Xiaoshuang, Sun Lingling, and Yue Tian, ​​there was a greedy color beating in the bottom of his eyes.

You don't need to think about it, this is a polite sexist, in order to avoid trouble, he will naturally get rid of him first.

Liu Zhiming was a little angry, fucking, Liu Zhiming himself was walking in the universe. Several young people dared to talk to him like this.

It's unreasonable for a hillbilly and hairy boy to be like this.

In front of the three beauties, of course he couldn't bear to swallow.

Drive this kid away, these beauties will all be yours.

At the moment he sneered: "Okay, your Excellency is really arrogant. I don't know if there is real talent for learning. It's better to compare the two of us. If you lose, you will obediently disappear among the three beauties and let me protect These three beauties."

"What if you lose?" Lin Han smiled lightly.

"Your Excellency really has confidence in yourself." Liu Zhiming laughed, how could this be possible.

He is the genius of Wangzong. He is a rare rival among the younger generation. There is not much difference between a hairy boy and him. Then he said: "If I lose, let me do anything with Liu Zhiming, even if I shine shoes. ."

"Okay, what do you say is better." Lin Han smiled.

The other person looked like a dog, and he also wanted to let him eat well.

"It's easy to say..." Liu Zhiming stretched out his palm, picked up a useless bowl, and smiled: "I lifted this bowl high, and the two of us stood still. Who can use mental energy for the first time? Whoever grabs this bowl will win, how about?"

Many people are surprised, is this a competition for mental speed?

It's also considered alternative and more interesting.

At the moment, many people are interested.

"Hey, Liu Zhiming, are you a bit bullying? You are a brilliant genius of the king's sect, with extremely strong mental power. How can a young boy be your opponent."

"Yeah, young boy, don't compare it, and quickly apologize to him and admit your mistakes, stay away from these three beauties."

"These three beauties are not something you can get involved."

Many people laughed, with a strange tone of yin and yang.

Lin Han's ability to follow Yue Xiaoshuang, Yuetian, and Sun Lingling made them a little jealous.

Liu Zhiming also smiled, and said with a chest out: "How about it, compare it, if you give up now, it's still too late."

The Formation King Sect is also a large formation of the Heavenly God Realm, which is not weaker than the Heavenly Formation Sect.

As a man of great influence among young people, his formation technique is extremely superb.

He looked down on Lin Han completely.

"Why not, I'm waiting for you to polish my shoes, let's start." However, Lin Han smiled.

Competing with him for mental power is simply looking for abuse.

"You..." Liu Zhiming's eyes showed a touch of anger. This **** is really looking for death, and now he dares to be hard-headed. After driving Lin Han out of these three beauties, he must find a chance and kill him.

Immediately took a breath, calmed down, and smiled: "Okay, in that case, then I will start, pay attention."


After speaking, he was indeed holding the jade bowl and toss it high. The jade bowl flew about three or four meters before it slowly fell.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the lobby became tense, and countless people looked at the jade bowl with shining eyes.


Liu Zhiming's eyes were cold for the first time, and the mental energy burst out from the center of his eyebrows, evolving into a cyan palm, and grabbing it towards the jade bowl.

"Psychic power?"

Many people are amazed that this is a very clever technique, and it is impossible for people with insufficient realm to do it.

Liu Zhiming's evolved palm is still very real, really like a human hand, and even the pores and hairs on it can be clearly seen, which is amazing.

It's speed is also very fast, everyone feels that their eyes are blinking, they are already about to grasp the jade bowl.

"Hey, why didn't the boy take a shot?"

Many people were surprised and looked at Lin Han in amazement. Now Lin Han is still sitting there calmly, without any mental power, which makes people puzzled, but Liu Zhiming is about to win.

"Haha, don't you kid have no mental energy, it's a waste." Liu Zhiming gave a long smile.

There are not many people who can cultivate spiritual power. Lin Han is just an ordinary guard. If he doesn't have spiritual power, it's normal.


Many people couldn't help coming out and mocking Lin Han for a while.

He doesn't even have mental power, and he's still pretending to be coercive here.


However, just when everyone thought of it like this, a scene that made them dumbfounded appeared in the next moment.

I saw Liu Zhiming's mental power palm. When he was about to grasp the jade bowl, a transparent light mask suddenly appeared on the jade bowl, as if surrounded by some mysterious power.

Liu Zhiming’s palm was immediately shaken back by a powerful force, and a sharp pain appeared on the palm. Not only did he suffer a certain amount of back shock, his body retreated with a slamming sound. The bench exploded and sat on the ground embarrassedly.

"what happened?"

The weird scene made everyone dumbfounded. They looked at each other and didn't understand what was going on. How could there be an inexplicable force on the good jade bowl?

"That is a stronger mental power than Liu Zhiming." Then everyone seemed to understand something, and couldn't help but breathe in shock and said.

"What, hiss!"

Hearing this, many people looked astonished. Liu Zhiming's mental power had reached the peak of the heavenly rank, and he was only one step away from reaching the emperor level. Lin Han's mental power was even stronger than him. Could it be that... he was at the emperor level? !

Thinking of these four words, many people's hearts can't help beating a few frantically, and there is a terrible storm in their hearts.

The emperor's spiritual power is boundless, and people who are not talented enough will not be able to achieve it for a lifetime of cultivation. They really can't believe that a young boy who is only in his twenties can do it. This is too far-fetched.

"Asshole, what demon technique did your kid use?" Liu Zhiming was also furious, staring at Lin Han with cold eyes like a poisonous snake.

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