War Emperor

Chapter 2151: Break the line

After being urged, it will issue a full blow to sacrifice the array mage to break all formations below the rank of the array mage.

Because it is too cumbersome to practice it, the materials needed are also very precious, basically in the formation world, very rare.

Sun Lingling has one, maybe she really hopes to break this sixth-order fairy king formation.

This made him couldn't help sighing, she deserves to be a lady of the big sect, sometimes with a solid background, it is indeed too useful.

You can save a lot of trouble by being given some treasures by some strong people at will.

"Okay, let's do it together." Lin Han smiled excitedly, looking forward to breaking the formation.

Sun Lingling nodded, and the young boy had a beautiful face in the moonlight, with a warm smile on his face.

In fact, only she herself has a certain degree of certainty to break the formation, but somehow she just wants to bring Lin Han, so they can share what they have gained.

This made her not even know why she was so good to this rascal guy.

Thinking about it, the tips of her ears couldn't help but blush.


Lin Han and Sun Lingling stood together, and their supernatural powers immediately poured into the white jade sword fiercely.

The little white jade sword was crystal clear and gleaming, it was originally just exquisite, and it didn't appear to be so majestic.

But under the perfusion of the divine power of the two, a dazzling white light was emitted from the small sword in an instant, like a bright silver moon, illuminating a large area of ​​the night sky, dazzling.

Fortunately, Lin Han and Sun Lingling made their moves in time, and quickly raised their palms to cast a dark light curtain to cover up all these lights, otherwise it would definitely cause a sensation and let other array masters come and spew out branches.


Along with Sun Lingling's soft drink, Bai Yu Xiaojian shot at the big hole.


When it came to a certain range, the divine light surged around the big hole, and a huge array of ten meters in size appeared as expected. The power of the array was dazzling, and it seemed that no power in the world should be close to it. Holes, all have to be isolated.

But the killing power of the hole emanating from the little white jade sword was too strong.

He slammed into it, and immediately shook like a mountain. The ground here began to shake wildly, as if it were about to collapse.

If it hadn't been for the cover formation formed by Lin Han and Sun Lingling, such a big movement would inevitably be disturbed by other formation mages in the city.

Because of this, both Lin Han and Sun Lingling couldn't bear it, shaking for a while, desperately injecting energy into the cover formation.

Gradually, their expressions were a little pale, after all, they had already consumed a lot of energy when urging the small white jade sword, and it was too much for them to bless the formation with such strength.

Even if Lin Han is full of blood, there is a sense of weakness in his heart, and his footsteps are floating and a little unstable.

"Hold on!" Sun Lingling gritted her silver teeth. She didn't feel well either, but she had the tenth level of the realm master realm, which was much higher than Lin Han, and she was in better condition than Lin Han.

But on her smooth forehead, a little bit of sweat was still dripping down, making her bright and pretty face whiter and tender, like a lotus flower, making people want to be affectionate.

Lin Han nodded.

His physique is extraordinary, and this kind of consumption can still be withstood for him.


In the end, after holding for about ten seconds, in Lin Han and Sun Lingling's surprise gaze, the white jade sword finally broke through the shackles of the formation, and suddenly pierced the formation through a hole, passing through it.

The spirit of the formation flowed out, and the breath gradually weakened.

Lin Han and Sun Lingling were relieved, they were almost weakened, and there was a burst of excitement. Without the barriers of formation, they were no longer a problem to get the longevity medicine.

"Is this the longevity medicine?" Lin Han then asked in surprise.

I saw that after the formation was broken, the light surged there, as if there was a special space emerging from it, and then golden light sparkled, and a plant appeared.

This is a vegetation that resembles a golden pagoda, and every leaf in the whole body is golden and brilliant, cast like molten iron, with a strong sense of strength.

With a refreshing scent, Lin Han and Sun Lingling both felt extremely comfortable, as if they were about to lift up the sky.

The long-lasting vitality surrounds it, and it looks very dreamy.

"This is the golden pagoda longevity medicine!"

There was a huge ecstasy in Sun Lingling's beautiful eyes, she said.

Jinta ranks thirteenth among the 24 longevity medicines, and many heroes in history cannot find it.

It was so dreamy that they would get such a high-level longevity medicine. She cheered excitedly and couldn't help but kiss Lin Han on the forehead.

After finding out, Qiao's face flushed like a big apple.

Lin Han didn't care, and his heart was filled with immense joy. The two longevity medicines he took before were ranked relatively low, and they were not at the same level as this Jinta longevity medicine.

He had a hunch that the potency of the Jinta Longevity Medicine was more powerful than those two plants.

At this moment, his heart was beating, his heart was hot, and he wanted to smile forever.

"Haha, the longevity medicine actually appeared, great, this is really for me." At this moment, a wild laugh suddenly sounded.

Then with a bang, Lin Han and Sun Lingling arranged a cover formation. They were hit by a brute force from the outside world, and they were instantly broken and opened.

Then a golden figure flew up, stretched out his palm and instantly grabbed the Golden Pagoda Longevity Medicine, laughing.


Lin Han and Sun Lingling naturally didn't expect someone to come at this time, and their complexions changed drastically right now. This is the longevity medicine that they had to work so hard to obtain. How could they tolerate falling into the hands of others?

"Put down the longevity medicine for me!"

Lin Han's face was angry, his eyes looked like he could kill, and he exuded a terrible killing light, and shouted angrily at the golden figure.

Sun Lingling also stood up, did not speak, and the icy color in her beautiful eyes was also very strong. They were bound to have this longevity medicine, even if the fairy came, they would not be able to let the other party **** it.

"Hmph, two ants, dare to yell in front of me, can't you die?" However, Lin Han and Sun Lingling couldn't help but sneered after a glance at the golden figure.

This is a young man wearing a gold coat, tall and mighty, with piercing eyes, with a supernatural aura, like a golden **** arrogant to the world, and the strong fluctuations of divine power in his body are also unparalleled. The natural overflow makes the space collapse.

Just as if you don't make a move, you can burst into tears and scream as soon as you make a move.

"It's you? Liu Zhiyang?" Sun Lingling stared at the man in gold, her eyes stunned.

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