War Emperor

Chapter 2168: Unprecedented

That will give them great satisfaction, and they will surely be extremely happy.

Just thinking about it, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Chaos life chart, cut all the energy, kill!"

However, Lin Han sipped coldly, his voice transmitted endlessly between the heaven and the earth, like a **** who controls the fate of the world.


The ancient, rune-wrapped chaotic natal chart suddenly vibrated slightly, and a terrifying breath permeated from it, like the awakening of the most terrible item in the world, the crazy vibration of the heavens and the earth, the trembling of the universe, the shaking of the sun, the moon and the stars, It seemed to fall from the sky.

Even if Lin Han used the means of concealing the secrets of heaven and earth to block the world, the qi of the chaos chart still had an impact on the outside.

Fortunately, its essential aura has not been exposed, and the universe will not discover it.

Perceiving this terrifying fluctuation, the smiles on Liu Changfeng and Su Xiaoran's faces instantly solidified, as if they were slapped loudly.

There was some kind of great horror, it was recovering, and the hairs on their bodies were erected unconsciously.

If they hadn't put Lin Han's strange stone plate in their eyes at all before, it would undoubtedly have completely changed now.

The stone pan seemed terrifying, and a great sense of anxiety arose in their hearts.

call out!

In the end, under the scorching eyes of the crowd, the stone pan sent out a chaotic divine light, heading towards Liu Changfeng and Su Xiaoran.

The divine light is not dazzling, nor dazzling, like a thin thread, very ordinary.

Even a person who has cultivated for hundreds of years will not take it seriously.

However, Liu Changfeng and Su Xiaoran's scalp exploded in an instant, as if they were facing some serious danger, they were terrified in their hearts.

I saw that chaotic light. During the impact, the two figures of life and death created by the two of them, like a tattered piece of waste paper, were immediately cut in half, the energy dissipated in the air, and disappeared. .

Then the chaos divine light, like the unstoppable divine light of the beginning, against the chaos of time and space, once again slashed towards them.

In the dark, they felt that their luck was trembling, as if they encountered a terrifying murderous intent, constantly shaking.

Qiyun said that it is very ethereal, but it does exist, like an invisible hand, controlling everyone's destiny.

In the history of the universe, no one can control it.

This blue light could have caused such a big threat to their destiny.

They felt like a fantasy, and they couldn't speak in fear.

"No..." After a long while, they let out a heart-piercing roar, and they finally understood how violent Lin Han's blow was.

Can actually control fate.

Is this still alone? It's not an exaggeration to be called the true "God".

"This chaotic blue light can kill people's fate?"

Countless people in the surrounding area also discovered this, and immediately set off a terrible storm, and many people were shocked beyond words.

This is a taboo power, no one in the world can control it.

Jin Lao's heart was beating too, like a restless ball, which would jump out of his throat and couldn't bear it.

Kill destiny!

This is almost a kind of power in reasoning. Throughout the ages, no one can touch the strong like a cloud.

Lin Han did it, it was truly unprecedented.

Although he had a vague intuition in his heart for a long time, Lin Han should not die easily at this juncture, and there were still astonishing methods that he did not use, but he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

He has an urge to go crazy...

Sun Lingling, Yuetian, and Long Xiaoshuang were shocked and their pretty faces were stiff, like corpses, unable to move.

Now they really understand how enchanting Lin Han is.

It was far more weird than they thought.

"Yes, let's get on the road." Lin Hanlang smiled, and there was a burst of spirit in his heart. He hadn't performed this trick for a long time. If it weren't for Hongti's reminder, he almost forgot.

This is the most powerful move of all his cards.

Once in the five continents and four seas, the world was turned upside down, so that the big figures in the fairy world would pay attention.

Now that he is showing it, he also has the arrogant sentiment, and he feels hearty and comfortable.


Two strange sounds sounded. On the tops of Liu Changfeng and Su Xiaoran's heads, there were two vague beams of light, shining with what they had experienced in half their lives, and a vague trajectory that heralded their future situation.

This is their "fortune" and their destiny in the future.

But that chaotic blue light shot past, like a sharp flying knife, slashing on a ball of cotton.

The two light groups suddenly pierced through a big hole, and then the light group curled up and squirmed, slowly turning into nothingness.

Qi Luck was cut.

Liu Changfeng and Su Xiaoran naturally represent death and death.

At the first moment when the light group dissipated, their bodies suddenly stiffened, as if they had been taken away from their souls.

Then the light in his eyes gradually dissipated. After about ten seconds, there was no anger, and the corpse fell on top of the sand, completely dead.

Before they died, there was still a trace of unwillingness, fear, and amazement in their eyes.

Killing them would not have thought that Lin Han had this kind of trump card that shook the past and the present.

Even if the immortal world, a truly great figure, sees such an attack, he will definitely be shocked beyond words.

There is no way to deal with it without special means.

Speaking of it, it is an honor for them to die by this trick.

So at the corners of their mouths, there is a slightly self-deprecating and bitter smile...

The world is silent!

The entire desert is full of people, and hundreds of thousands of people are silent.

Many people did not blink their eyes, staring at the chaotic natal chart floating in front of Lin Han, full of curiosity.

How did Lin Han get this item? It's shocking to think about killing people's fate.

In contrast, the deaths of Su Xiaoran and Liu Changfeng didn't let them care at all.

call out!

However, Lin Han knew that the chaos chart was of great importance, and a little carelessness would cause catastrophic disaster.

Therefore, after the death of Su Xiaoran and Liu Changfeng, he smiled slightly and turned the chaotic life chart into a blue light with a stroke of his palm, returning to his heavenly spirit cover and disappearing.

He arranged the formation to cover the heavenly secrets, with limited energy, and he could only block the heavenly secrets for a short time. If it takes a long time to attract the attention of the universe and heaven, he will also be robbed.

So he naturally did not dare to expose it to the air for too long.


However, because Lin Han was wary of this, it seemed that it was a little late.

Next, a scene of horror appeared, and only the nine-day nebula changes, the time and space reversal, and the avenue resonance, as if something terrifying appeared, even the past, present, and future three time and space are constantly overlapping.

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