War Emperor

Chapter 2184: Trample the elders

To the world, **** is mysterious.

Lin Han pointed out that he was able to punch out the scene of hell, which was shocking to the world.

Roar rumbling!

Finally, under the horrified eyes of everyone, Lin Han’s fierce fingers and Lin Gu’s Eight Desolation Palms finally collided fiercely, like a violent encounter between two galaxies, the endless brilliance in an instant, Like a big wave, flying wildly around.

The momentum caused this time was even greater, and the sky of thousands of li was all over, colorful, and the rays of light bloomed.

The void forms a huge energy vortex, which is very spectacular.

It has to be said that Huang Quan is worthy of the ancient Yuan fairy skill that is famous in the ancient times. The hole killing power is too strong. It seems to carry a special spiritual power, and has the immortal spirit of not killing the enemy and swearing to stop.

So after the two fiercely collided for more than twenty seconds, Lin Gu’s palm power immediately felt like a big hole was drilled by a fierce drill bit, breaking a big hole, and endless essence poured out from it and began to disintegrate. .

Lin Han's finger strength continued unabated, and he pressed down towards Lin Gu.

This finger light was a hundred thousand feet thick, and its whole body was yellowish yellow. It was like a huge and extremely huge **** outside the territory, stretching out a finger to kill the creatures on the ground. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The aura of collapse, crazily and mightily descended.

Lin Gu couldn't help but a look of horror in his eyes. In this hit, he noticed a strong chill. If he hit him, his fate would be unthinkable. Even if he didn't die, he would suffer unimaginable serious injuries.

Right now, he gritted his teeth, trying to mobilize more than 30% of his power to resist.

At this juncture, he didn't care about any agreement not to be agreed.

However, Jin Lao sneered and said: "Lin Gu, you can't do anything wrong, lock your breath, lock me!"

He naturally couldn't let Lin Gu violate the agreement at this time.

When the next instruction came out, the endless formation pattern was surging, and at the fastest speed, a Conferred Spirit Formation was formed and rushed towards the forest valley.

It was only because of his terrifying formation skills that he could do this step, and it was even more impossible for an ordinary formation mage.

Under the blockade of the Spirit Sealing Array, Lin Gu wanted to mobilize more than 30% of his power, instantly dumbing the fire.

"Jin Lao, you **** up!" Lin Gu was furious, and Jin Lao clearly harmed him.


In the end, he could only cry without tears, and watched the huge finger power, slamming at him fiercely.

The entire mountain top and the earth roared violently, as if it were about to disintegrate and collapse.

Fortunately, the ancient Lin clan, every mountain has a large guarding formation, so under the activation of a peaceful light, the mountain does not have any physical damage, otherwise this finger is likely to cause the entire mountain to collapse.

The momentum is too domineering.

A huge mushroom cloud rose to the sky.

It is a thousand feet long and very spectacular.

It took about ten minutes before the smoke and dust dissipated.

Even with the guardian formation, there was a pit of more than ten meters on the ground. Lin Gu was lying there, his whole body was cracked, blood was flowing, and it was almost like a dead person.

The blood in his mouth is constantly pouring out like a fountain.

Out of breath, his chest fluctuated violently.

This look is really horrible.

Many people sucked in cold air, with cold hands and feet. This is an elder in the clan, who is unattainable in the eyes of young people. It is so dreamy to be beaten like this by a young man under their noses.

Many young people looked at Lin Han, feeling a little hairy in their hearts.

Originally, after they heard about Lin Han's deeds, they didn't pay much attention to this young man who was only in his twenties.

Only now I know that they were so wrong. The youngsters can make such a big name outside, and they really have a lot of money.

At the very least, among the talented people of the ancient Lin family, more than 80% of young people consider themselves not his opponents.

The power of Huang Quan's finger made a deep shadow in their hearts.

Lin Ye also clenched some fists, which annoyed him as a result.

"Lin Gu, you lost, it was you who said, regardless of life or death, now you also take your life." Lin Han smiled happily, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart that he could defeat Lin Gu.

However, it has to be said that with so many hole cards and playing Huang Quanzhi, his consumption is also very huge.

So he was panting, and there were beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Compared with Lin Gu, his situation is undoubtedly much better.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and his body shape turned into a flash of lightning, rushing towards Lin Gu.

"Asshole boy, what are you...doing?" Lin Gu suffered such a serious injury, and he was already in pain and couldn't bear to speak.

Seeing Lin Han rushing in full of evil spirits, he couldn't help but stare, and made a roar with all his strength.

This bastard, is he really going to kill himself?

Damn it!

A touch of fear rose in his heart.

There was also an uproar in the surroundings.

Lin Gu is an elder among the ancient clan. If he was beheaded by Lin Han and half of an outsider, things would be a little bit messy.

"Lin Han, stop me!" At this moment, an old shout spread, and then an old man in blue appeared and shouted to Lin Leng.

He was from Lin Ye's family and had a good relationship with Lin Gu, so naturally he couldn't watch Lin Han kill him.

With a wave of his sleeves, a powerful force of imprisonment erupted, and Lin Han was about to be imprisoned.

With his strength, wanting to clean up Lin Han couldn't be easier.

Lin Gu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his life was saved.

"Hmph, I want to kill Lin Gu, no one can stop it!" However, Lin Lian Lian smiled, just when the imprisoning force was about to hit him, with a flash, he immediately performed the shuttle space-time step, like time left and right. , Dodge this imprisoned force away.

Then, without even a one-thousandth blink, he came to Lin Gu.

Lin Gu Chili Pawai colluded with Lin Ye's line to deal with the original line, and he would die.


With a Leng Sen smile on the corner of Lin Han's mouth, Lin Gu stared at Lin Gu with a look of astonishment, and stepped on Lin Gu's head with one foot.

On the soles of the feet, the power contained is extremely majestic, such as the topping of Mount Tai, which is enough to turn the earth upside down.

There was a boom.

The earth trembled again, and Lin Gu had no capital to resist. Lin Han directly stepped on Lin Gu's head and exploded with his foot. The blood and brain were sprayed, and his body was exploded like a water-filled balloon. Is everywhere.


The surroundings fell into deathly silence.

Many people's expressions were frozen on the spot, with deep horror rolling in their eyes.

Dignified Elder Lin Gu... was trampled to death by Lin Han?

Vaguely, everyone seemed to have heard the screams of Elder Lin Gu's stern and unwilling voice, as if he hadn't even thought of himself, and he would have died like this.

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