War Emperor

Chapter 2197: Shot

Sweat appeared on his forehead, and his heart was a little frightened.

I can't even move, so what to do is almost certainly dead.

Seeing that the big fireball grew bigger and bigger in his pupils, he felt like a ghost gate, gradually approaching, and a coolness rose in his heart.

Unconsciously, a touch of bitterness overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and he was really forced to die. He had to do it.

If it is not too reckless, it will not fall to this point.

He felt like sinking into an abyss.


The huge fireball crossed the void, burning fiery flames, and was still approaching Zhao Haoran.

Zhao Haoran's original tall and slender figure seemed unusually small at this moment, like an ant welcoming the monstrous waves.

When the big waves hit, it was when he died.

"Big Brother..."

The young men and women of Liuzhenzong couldn't help crying out with sad expressions.

The big brother treats them very well on weekdays. The sunshine is gentle, like a big brother next door, who is about to fall into a trap when he looks at him, and their hearts are also very uncomfortable, as if they are being grabbed.

In Shiyin Shui Lingling’s eyes, a little bit of mist rolled out, stretched out a white jade-like slender hand and pulled Yang Fan’s arm, with a begging tone, and trembled: "Lin Han...Young Master, please. You, save our big brother..."

Although the magma tortoise is very powerful, it is not something young people can contend with, but she does not know why she has an inexplicable confidence in this young man.

Lin Han's rise all the way, created too many miracles in the immortal world.

Perhaps at this time, he is the only one who can save her senior brother.

When she was speaking, she bit her red lips with her teeth, and a thought passed through her mind.

As long as Lin Han can save Big Brother, she would rather... rather do everything for Lin Han.

For a woman, this idea is almost very generous.

Especially a beautiful woman.

But the senior brother is too important in her mind. Once she was often bullied in the Liuzhenzong, and it was the senior brother who came forward to beat those people away.

She was able to cultivate to this point, and the senior brother often helped her by giving her pills, exercises, cheats and other cultivation resources.

If there were no big brothers, she wouldn't have today.

As a big brother as a real brother, she can naturally give everything for the big brother.

Lin Han smiled and said, "Don't worry, he will be fine."

The strength of the magma tortoise was also a bit beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that Zhao Haoran would have little room for resistance in its hands.

Since everyone is a teammate, Zhao Haoran's outrageous temper is quite in line with his appetite, and he will naturally not watch his death.


Almost after saying this, he moved his body, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the field at a fast speed, like an arrow leaving the string, rubbing against the air, and drawing a gorgeous light tail. .

Shiyin laughed in surprise, only to feel that Lin Han's action, the safety of the big brother must be guaranteed.

The calm and mysterious temperament of the teenager gave people a great sense of security.

As long as he takes a shot, there is nothing in the world that he can't do.


At this time, the huge fireball finally came to the front, only one meter away from Zhao Haoran's door.

The blazing fire light emitted from the fireball was beating in clusters, burning the Void Dufan into powder, and falling continuously.

Very fast, in this case, it is almost impossible to save Zhao Haoran.


However, just at this very moment, a young man with a long figure flew, like a **** descending from the earth, with an immense divine light from his body, illuminating the valley.

A palm shot, a boom, a terrifying, vast and majestic aura erupted.

Like a young Lishen, he was reborn, slapped a palm, shining on the mountains and forests.


The originally dazzling scarlet fireball immediately disintegrated and collapsed like a solid, heavy mountain hit, and the burning energy fragments caused the surrounding mountains and forests to burn into flames.

"What happened?"

The shocking fluctuations naturally aroused the attention of many contestants around.

At the moment, among the vast and vast mountains, rivers and earth, brilliant streams of light are flying towards here.

Many people can't help but be stunned when they see the sights here.


"It's a magma turtle beast, a very rare beast in the fairy world. It is extremely powerful and almost invincible below the fifteenth floor of the realm master!"

"Who is that young man, so powerful, he exploded the big fire racket that was spit out by the magma turtle beast with one palm."

Many people's teeth are shaking.

I saw the young man standing in mid-air, full of golden light blooming all over his body, like a young ancient **** bathed in divine light, his demeanor was too glamorous.

The fire was raging all around, and the smoke was everywhere, and the young man who set off had a kind of transcendence.

"Lin Han?"

Zhao Haoran originally thought that he was bound to die. It was impossible for anyone to save him in such a short period of time. Seeing the back of the young man standing in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised.

Lin Han's speed is really fast, beyond his expectation.

He has a taste of life from desperation.

At this moment, the young man's back figure has become much taller and stalwart in his mind, like a big mountain, which is a little awe-inspiring.

At the same time, he couldn't help expressing gratitude to Lin Han.

If it weren't for a teenager, he must have been killed by the fireball and turned into a mass of flesh.

Lin Han saved his life.

"You go back first, leave this big guy to me." Lin Han turned his head faintly, and said with a light smile.

The voice is not high, but with a strong sense of confidence, it is as if the face is not a scary magma tortoise, but just an ordinary mountain beast.

Looking back in this way, it happened to outline the beautiful and determined face of the young man into a perfect arc, and it was like a work of art under the sun, full of awe-inspiring charm.

Many of the women who had just arrived, just seeing the young man's profile, couldn't help feeling stunned, and dazzled in their eyes.

"Okay!" Zhao Haoran was startled by his extraordinary youthful temperament, then quickly nodded and fisted away.

He also unconditionally believed in the young man, the shadow of the famous tree, Lin Han had done so many amazing things, since he had the confidence to solve the magma turtle beast, naturally there was no problem.

Right now, he walked quickly out of the valley and went to the outside.



The magma tortoise roared angrily, and he didn't expect that at this juncture, there would be a young man who saved the snack it was about to hunt.

A pair of cold and quiet, emitting green light, if the eyes of the eyes of the underworld, looked at Lin Han full of icy evil spirits.

If you dare to ruin his good deeds, this young man will undoubtedly die.

Many people couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on their foreheads. If it were themselves, facing such a monstrous magma turtle beast, there would be absolutely no courage to contend.

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