War Emperor

Chapter 2205: Du Feiyang

The Nine Revolving Magic Medicine has only matured in 500,000 years, and already possesses a certain degree of intelligence, and it is not easy to find it.

Only with his Zihua mirror is easier to find.


But at this moment, suddenly a stone body resembling a human statue cracked in the stone forest, and then a terrifying light burst out.


A majestic force struck, Du Feiyang was immediately shaken back a few steps, his brows were slightly cracked, and blood overflowed.

The people of the Immeasurable Formation Sect were shocked, the big brother's divine power was so great, a stone body could shine, and shock him back?

"Asshole, where is the ghost, get out of here!" Du Feiyang's face sank and shouted angrily.

There is a strong breath in the stone body recovering.

Stone Forest is not simple, a bit weird.

Click! Click!

Then, in the surprised eyes of those people, a stone began to fall off, and an armored sculpture came out.

The whole body is stone, full of vicissitudes of life, holding a war spear in his hand, without the slightest release of divine power, standing there, but there is a kind of coercive aura.

The people of the immeasurable array were all in a daze.

How can a sculpture have such a powerful force.

"Don't disturb the living beings here, don't want to die, go away!" The sculpture Tianling cover glowed, and an ancient soul wave spread out.

It doesn't have life, it just executes a certain order, and its tone is domineering and deterrent.

Du Feiyang sneered and said, "You dare to scream in front of me. I want to see what you can do."

A mere sculpture, he did not take it seriously.


At the moment he pinched a handprint in his hand, and a purple war sword flew out of his chest, cutting through the sky, and slaying fiercely towards the sculpture.

As the first person in the Boundless Formation Sect, he is very strong, even more powerful than Lei Wuji.

This purple war sword rubbed against the air, drawing a brilliant light, full of immortal energy.

Like a Tai Chi fairy light, it kills everything.

However, the sculpture snorted coldly, and the ancient stone warrior in his hand was raised. With a bang, the sword was blown out in an instant, sparks splashed, and a majestic force attacked, causing Du Feiyang to retreat again. Two steps, a sweet throat, a mouthful of red blood flowed out.

"Big Brother..." The people of the Boundless Formation Sect exclaimed. If the first time the senior was unprepared and suffered a loss, this time the senior brother has truly displayed his skills, and he has not been beaten. The sculpture is really strong.

They looked at the sculpture with a bit of horror.

A sculpture that looks so ordinary and ancient does not understand why it is so powerful.

"That's the strength?" The sculpture sneered, if he was looking at the ants.

"Bastard!" Du Feiyang gritted his teeth and looked annoyed. If he didn't smash the sculpture, his face would not be saved.


Right now, he yelled, and the purple mirror above his head radiated a divine light that illuminates the sky, and once again there was a purple deification, slamming toward the sculpture.

In the divine light, there is a spirit of killing everything.

It is as if a certain powerful artifact in the universe wakes up, and the world trembles crazily.

The people of the Immeasurable Array Sect looked awe-inspiring, and what the senior brother showed was the "Zihua Immortal Light", which was the original divine light of the Zihua Mirror, with infinite power.

Only when encountering extremely powerful characters will they be displayed.

Big brother obviously didn't keep his hands.

A touch of solemnity passed through the sculpture's eyes, and it was obvious that this blow was extraordinary.


At the moment, he roared, his body as if a Shenpeng spread his wings and flew towards the nine days, and the war spear in his hand flew towards the Zihua fairy light and furiously killed.

The war spear is made of ordinary stone, looks very ordinary, and does not have any divine power fluctuations when attacking.

But at the moment it was shot, a large area of ​​space collapsed and shattered like a sea.

It seems that this blow can disintegrate a piece of the world.

The surrounding mountains trembled, ancient trees collapsed and mountains collapsed, and the scenery was terrifying.

But Du Feiyang's Zihua Mirror is too powerful, not weaker than the artifact of the ancestor, and Zihua Xianguang is no small thing.

The sculpture's war spear, no matter how strong it was, was broken with a sound, and a hole was punched out in the sculpture's chest. The front and back were translucent, with blue smoke overflowing.

"Kill!" Du Feiyang was unforgiving, with a cheerful heart, and then stepped on the mysterious footwork, rushing towards the sculpture.

The sculpture dared to despise him, he was angry and must beat him to pieces.


He is overwhelmingly powerful with every single blow.

The palm of the hand is split down and transformed into an ancient monument, majestic and full of the flavor of shocking the six and the eight wastes.

It was like a monument of a world-shaking god, falling down from the 33rd floor.

There are many roaring voices of fairy kings in the void.

The sculpture roared in anger, spreading out his hands, forming a dragon and tiger seal, the left hand was a dragon seal, a blue dragon appeared, the right hand was a tiger seal, and a white tiger roared into the moon.

Putting both hands together, the dragon and the tiger mingled together and blasted towards the front.

The gust of wind in the mountains and forests is stronger, like the end of the day.

Many people were attracted to it, and there was a horror. The Dragon and Tiger Seal was also an ancient combat skill, and it was unexpected to be exhibited by this sculpture.

The green dragon was rushing, and the white tiger roared in the middle of the moon, they smelled the great aura and wanted to kneel down.

It looks like the real supreme white tiger and blue dragon, very terrifying.


In the end, in the horrified eyes of the crowd, the slinger and the Dragon Tiger Great Seal slammed into each other, and a brilliant divine light swelled between the two, covering hundreds of miles in a radius like a whirlpool.

The power of destruction was stimulated from it, and many people were in awe.

If these forces hit them, they would be wiped out in an instant.

Lin Han also came, and couldn't help but slap his tongue, Du Feiyang's strength was indeed extraordinary, Lei Wuji was not his opponent at all.

Under the hands of Shaibei, he smelled a great pressure.


The light lasted for more than ten seconds and finally dissipated. The sculpture's body, which was shaken by a powerful force, was like cracked porcelain, cracked and then exploded.

"Very well, your strength is enough, and you are qualified to get the Nine Rank Magic Medicine." The sculpture smiled, leaving this sentence, and then disappeared.

Obviously he was to test others.


In the next moment, the stone forest land cracked.

Under the tense and fiery gazes of the crowd, boundless rays of light poured out from the ground, like a round of sun.

A magical medicine rushed out, about three meters high, with nine branches, each of which was made of gold, vigorously like a horned dragon.

The whole body flows with golden light, cast like gold juice, sacred and peaceful.

A pure scent, diffused and opened, let many people smell it, and all of them were ecstatic, as if they were going to soar in the daytime, it would be extremely comfortable.

Everyone was shocked, and it was obvious that this was the magic medicine of Rank Nine.

Lin Han is also fiery, this is a heaven-defying thing of physical transformation.

Just looking at it, he felt that every cell in his body was greedy and wanted to absorb it.

If successful, the body will undergo tremendous changes.

"Haha." Du Feiyang laughed, this Nine Ranked Magic Medicine obviously belongs to him.

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