War Emperor

Chapter 2208: Powerful statue

"Leave quickly, this is not a place for you to get involved, otherwise you will die!" One of the sculptures, holding a bronze warrior in his hand, said indifferently to Lin Han.

It has the strongest breath, standing in the center of a kind of statue, and riding a war horse underneath it, really like a soldier who walked out of ancient times, with a pair of eyes with the air of looking at the world.


When speaking, the bronze warge in his hand moved forward, and the void was shattered in a large area, like glass, bursting open.

Many people couldn't help but pale and were startled. The strength of the statue was too strong, and the young man could not be an opponent at all.

Besides, there are so many more.

"What's the secret here? Let so many statues guard?" Lin Han's eyes shone brightly, and the curiosity in his heart became more intense.

Then he smiled faintly: "You want me to leave, but it's okay, at least you have to tell me, what is this place, right?"

"Hmph, you know it's not good for you, get out!" Holding the bronze statue of warrior with a sneer, his eyes looked like looking down on an ant.

Although they are not living bodies, they have special soul fluctuations. In a sense, they are not much different from a creature.

Because of the secret method, they have survived extremely long in the world, and there is no problem in keeping them for hundreds of thousands of years.

Lin Han couldn't help but his face sank. Damn, this statue is too arrogant.

He has always been the one who refuses to suffer. How could he be fooled away like this?

At the moment, he smiled coldly and said, "I won't leave today. I want to see, what is the way here."


After finishing speaking, Lin Han's body shook with a powerful aura, and immediately erupted from his body, like a volcanic eruption.

Even though these statues are strong, he has strong confidence in his own strength.

"Looking for death!" Holding the statue of the bronze warrior with a grin, this hairy boy didn't dare to listen, he really didn't know what was good or bad.

"In that case, let you understand that there are some things that you can't mess with."


At the moment, he turned his arm, directly slammed the bronze warge in his hand and moved towards Lin Hanwu.

In an instant, Lin Han felt that if this space was about to collapse, the bronze warge carried the aura of a big universe.

Some low-powered people turned into blood mist on the spot, uttering miserable screams.

Sun Lingling gasped, too, this statue holding a bronze warrior is so strong.

"Humph!" Lin cold yelled, fearlessly, a cold lightning burst out of his eyes, the blood of the emperor sword in his hand moved away, and it immediately hit the opponent's battle.

Although the opponent's strength is very strong, his physical strength is not covered.

A loud voice sounded, as if a fairy was hitting iron, and the ground around it collapsed.

Holding the bronze statue of the warrior, he couldn't help taking a step back, and he noticed a rush of power, which caused a crack to appear on his arm.

A touch of shock suddenly appeared in its eyes.

They are all cast using special methods, and the magical soldiers are hard to hurt, and it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to deal with their bodies.

This young man actually shook it with flesh and blood, and made a crack in its arm?


Of course, Lin Han didn't feel well either. The powerful force shook him back a few steps. The blood qi in his body was tumbling, and it felt like a big wave slapped, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The expression was solemn, and the body of the statue was indeed sturdy. Even a person on the fifteenth floor of the ordinary realm's main realm was enough to break with his blow. It was only a small crack in the opponent's body, which showed its extraordinary.

"Boy, you can't see that your body is so tough. I will have fun with you today." The statue laughed angrily, and the flames of war burned in its eyes. They were silent for hundreds of thousands of years, too lonely.

To have an opponent is extremely eager for them.

"Look at it!" At the moment, it roared, urging the horse underneath, and rushing towards Lin Han.

Da da da……

The hoofs of the war horse ran on the ground, and every step it fell, it was like stepping on a sacred drum, and there was a loud and incomparable sound, which shook many people vomiting blood one after another in amazement and backed up.

The breath carried by the statue is like a huge ocean impact.

So rushed, filled with a world of power.

Lin Han's eyes flickered, and he was also aroused by a sense of war. He was holding the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, and the cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame appeared behind him.

He has indeed not had a physical battle with others heartily for a long time.

The statue also made him a little excited.


Next, Lin Han and the statue were intertwined like two lightnings. In a blink of an eye, there were thousands of collisions, each time they fought against the world, and there were big cracks in the terrifying space, blooming continuously.

Winds and clouds change, they hit from the ground to the sky, like two ancient gods coming across the boundary, they want to penetrate the world.

Many people are dazzled and enthusiastic.

For people at their level, it is no less than "heaven".

"Lin Han's strength has increased again." Some of them had witnessed the battle between Lin Han and Lei Wuji, and found that Lin Han's strength had increased again. They couldn't help being shocked. It was a pervert. There will be a leaping increase in strength over a period of time.

How did you cultivate?

Lei Wuji and Du Feiyang were also watching, and they were fluttering.

It turns out that this kid is so powerful, if it is replaced by them, it is impossible for the war to reach this point.

At the moment, their fear of Lin Han is much stronger.

They were all arrogant people originally, but now they are really convinced.

"Happy!" The statue laughed, and the fighting spirit in his hand danced horizontally and vertically, every blow was like a blast of sky, Lin Han's physical strength was extremely powerful, which made him feel very comfortable.

Lin Han also laughed a long time. Such a physical battle is indeed very exciting, but at this moment, his eyes flashed, seeing a flaw in the statue, and the blood falling emperor sword in his hand turned vigorously, like It was the poisonous dragon who sent out and stabbed towards the armpit of the statue.

The dazzling sword light eclipsed the sun, moon and stars, as if there was only this sword left in the world, illuminating eternity.

Everyone changed color, and some flaws were indeed exposed under the armpits of the statue, but it was only a thousandth of an instant, and it was impossible for a normal person to capture it at all, and it was difficult to attack effectively.

Lin Han did, like an eagle with sharp eyes. Just this little combat experience makes many people feel ashamed.

At a young age, the fighting methods are too old.

The statue was also surprised, and was even more amazed at Lin Han's combat experience.

However, it has survived for hundreds of thousands of years and has its own way of parrying.

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