War Emperor

Chapter 2221: Resolutely

The atmosphere in the square is tense.

Lin Xiao gazed at Sun Zhengyi with a gloomy look. He didn't expect this guy to threaten him in front of so many people.

Although the ancient Lin clan did not want to oppose the Heavenly Formation Sect, it did not mean that he would be afraid of the Heavenly Formation Sect.

There was also a cold look in his eyes at the moment, and said to Sun Zhengyi: "At this point, I am afraid I can't blame the ancient Lin clan. That kid Lin Han is a heresy. My ancient Lin clan must get rid of it, expensive. Qian Jin walked so close to him, and stood up for him. She was afraid and couldn't blame others."

Sun Zhengyi's face was warm and angry, and the other party meant that even if his daughter died, she would take the blame.

"Hmph, anyway, I don't care about it. I only know that if my daughter has any shortcomings, I will definitely make the Lin clan pay a painful price." Finally, he retracted his gaze and said with a stern tone.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but bit his teeth secretly, this guy really didn't know whether to live or die.

At the moment he looked at the picture scroll, hoping that Lin Ye could cut Sun Lingling.

He wanted to look at Sun Zhengyi, what can he do with their ancient Lin clan.

If you don't know what is good or bad, the ancient Lin clan will come out, destroy the Heavenly Formation Sect, and put all the excellent Formation Mage under his command, which is not a bad thing.

And seeing the sense of coldness that pervaded the square, everyone couldn't help but be speechless. It seemed that this matter might really become the fuse for the development of the two major forces.

At the moment everyone looked at the scene in the picture scroll, their eyes became tense, and they all wanted to see what Lin Ye would do.

In the picture, Lin Ye saw Sun Lingling slap Lin Han into the distance with a palm, standing in place, looking at him firmly.

He couldn't help frowning, a touch of coldness flashed across his eyes, and said: "Sun Lingling, what do you mean, get out?"

Although he didn't want to make enemies with Sun Lingling when he was not a last resort, but if Sun Lingling insisted on protecting Lin Han, he would naturally have to be ruthless.

The threat of this guy Lin Han is getting bigger and bigger, and if he is not beheaded, the hidden dangers in the future will be more and more sufficient.

When he was speaking, his eyes flashed murderously, and he was determined to pay attention. Today, Lin Han must be killed anyway.

Sun Lingling's pretty face was calm, looking at Lin Xiao's murderous eyes, there was only a touch of firmness in her beautiful eyes, and she said lightly: "I won't let you kill Lin Han. If you want to do it, you will start from mine today. Step on the corpse."


When the voice fell, the brilliance in her hand flashed, and a sword with flowing blue light appeared.

The white and delicate face was full of heroic spirit, with a scent of death.

"Asshole!" Lin Xiao immediately shouted, with surging killing intent erupting all over his body.

Staring at Sun Lingling, his eyes were as cold as a knife. He said one word: "Sun Lingling, don't think I really dare not kill you!"

Lin Han was determined to kill him, and there was a scarlet color in his eyes climbing out, if he was about to fall into a furious beast.

"Then there is nothing to say, let's see the real chapter under your hand." Sun Lingling's pretty face was indifferent, her eyes drooping slightly, she stretched the cyan long sword in her hand across her chest.

At the blade, blue light was flowing, causing the surrounding atmosphere to solidify slightly.

Upon seeing this, many eyes were stunned. It seems that today's matter is really going to be a big deal.

Many people looked at Sun Lingling and were a little worried. Although Sun Lingling is also an extremely talented girl, there is still some gap between her and Lin Ye. Moreover, she was previously injured by Du Feiyang and Lei Wuji, but now she is not completely Recovered.

If there is a real war, there will be no good fruits to eat.

Seeing Lin Ye's murderous look, he might be relentless, and it might even be cruel.

"Okay, you asked for this, don't blame me for being ruthless." Lin Ye's eyes throbbed with anger, staring at Sun Lingling to see that beautiful and charming face, without the slightest hint of compromise.

He took a deep breath and his eyes became completely cold to the bone.


After finishing speaking, he carried the boundless blue light in his body and rushed towards Sun Lingling suddenly.

From a distance, it was like carrying a cyan ocean, very magnificent.


When he came to the front, he lifted his palm, and a bright golden light burst out of it, and he patted Sun Lingling's body with a palm.

"Golden Dragon Palm!"

Everyone changed their faces and exclaimed in exclamation.

I saw a golden dragon taking shape between the whistling rays of light. It was seven or eight hundred meters in size, with a vigorous body and glowing scales.

It flared its teeth and claws, opened its blood basin, and bite towards Sun Lingling.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but pale. This golden dragon palm was considered a very advanced fairy skill, and it burst out with the majestic power of the forest, and it really had a smell of destroying the earth and breaking the mountains and seas.

Under Sun Lingling's feet, the void had already cracked one space after another, and the wind roared with violent aura.

Looking up at the golden dragon rushing in tragically, Sun Lingling's beautiful eyes also showed a sense of solemnity. She naturally knew that Lin Ye's strength was strong, and she was a little reluctant to deal with it.

But in her mind, thinking of the thin and firm face of the teenager, she felt like endless power surged in her heart.

A touch of indomitable determination also emerged on the crystal-clear and pretty face.

"Sky Splitting!"

A squeaky sound was spit out from her rosy lips.


With immeasurable light rushing into the sky, Sun Lingling raised the long sword in her hand, and with a bite of her silver teeth, she slashed at the majestic golden dragon fiercely.

"Sky Split?" Everyone's expressions changed again. This fairy skill is also a very powerful technique of the Heavenly Formation Sect, which is similar to the reputation of Golden Dragon Palm.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of interest in their eyes, wanting to see if the two fairy abilities collided, which one is strong and weak.


Looking at each other with curious eyes, the dazzling sword light collided with the golden dragon, and immediately burst out a group of brilliant divine light.

The surging energy exploded and shocked the space.


In the space turmoil, a figure quickly retreated.

It is Sun Lingling!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help sighing, obviously they weren't opponents. At this moment, Sun Lingling's face was a little pale, with a touch of red blood hanging on the corners of her mouth, but a touch of sadness was revealed.

And seeing the girl so injured, many people can't help but feel distressed.

After all, Sun Lingling is a very beautiful woman...

"Huh..." Seeing that Sun Lingling was injured, on the other side, Lin Ye never stepped back, surrounded by brilliant light, watching Sun Lingling's pretty face, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and said: "Do you know the gap between you and me now? Go back quickly, it’s still too late."

"Stop talking nonsense, come again!" However, facing the words that there is a way out of the forest, Sun Lingling has a cold face, wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, and stood there with a sturdy and slender figure. taste.

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