War Emperor

Chapter 2293: Get nine formulas

It can be said that because there is Pangu, there will be the wonderful and sentient beings on the cosmic continent for hundreds of millions of years.

Every creature should respect Pangu extremely.

"That Pangu's axe method for opening up chaos is the nine forms of opening the sky?" Lin Han looked regretful. When Pangu opened up the chaos, he did use the nine axes together. There is a very profound meaning and mystery in these nine axes. Extremely.

Lin Han couldn't help feeling regretful when he saw it.

It is like a supreme martial arts door, opened to him, let him feel the unprecedented excitement.

It seems that every axe that Pangu swings exhausts the supreme wisdom in the universe, and there are many sources in it.

"It seems that you have seen the nine forms of opening the sky, understand it well, and learn this axe method. Even in the prehistoric masters like clouds, you have the potential to reach the peak and in all directions." Hong laughed.

Lin Han nodded, feeling excited.

The Kaitian Nine Pose is too strong, if he learns it, his combat power will not know how many times he has increased.

I thought that he had reached the half-step taboo, his cultivation path should have come to an end, and it would be very difficult to improve.

Now it seems that it is not the case.

In this way, in the empty Pangu Temple, the young man sat with his eyes closed in front of the hundreds of millions of li tall Pangu idols, with a mysterious and magnificent air flowing throughout his body.

It was as if Lin Han was comprehending the Great Avenue of the Universe, there were scenes of universes rotating around him, and even the huge Pangu idols resonated with him.


I don't know how long it took, Lin Han's closed eyes finally opened suddenly, shooting two sharp rays of light that penetrated eternity.

At this moment, Lin Han seemed to have turned into a magic axe, standing there with a demeanor that could destroy the world.

"Is this the nine forms of Kaitian? It's amazing!" Lin Han stretched out his palm and made a motion of holding a knife. In his palm, there was a wave of horror to extreme fluctuations, which was violent, as if he would act at will. It will be able to break through the predicament and shock the world.

This kind of powerful sense of power, even if he hadn't had it before.

Lin Han couldn't help but want to laugh up to the sky. This feeling was too comfortable. He had a hunch that if he confronted the Majestic Sabre again, he would definitely make Majestic Sabre so shocked and defeated.

It doesn't have to be as troublesome as before.

"The nine forms of Kaitian are broad and profound. If you want to be truly great, I am afraid that you have to reach the realm of Kaitian. But now in your realm, being able to display your fur is already very powerful. It is estimated that even if you have entered the forbidden realm. People, if you are not careful, you will suffer a lot." Hong laughed, and there is no doubt that Lin Han's trick is his killer now.

Lin Han nodded, and he could feel that now that the challenge is higher, it shouldn't be a big problem for him.

Then he stood up, relaxed his muscles and bones, his whole body was suddenly heard, crackling, the sound of bones moving, very comfortable.

"It's time to leave now..." Lin Han murmured, scanning the empty hall. It was already a huge opportunity to get the nine open sky styles here.

"Don't worry for now, there may be other benefits in the depths of the hall." At this time, Hong laughed.

"Oh, what's the benefit?" Lin Han's eyes flashed after hearing this, and a fiery expression appeared in his heart.

After learning the nine forms of opening the sky, he is undoubtedly full of heart for everything in Pangu Temple.

If there is really anything to gain, it will definitely be amazing.

"I'm not sure for the time being, so many years have passed, I don't know if the blood pool is still there." Hong said in a deep voice.

"Blood pool?" Lin Han groaned, and then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly took a breath, and a shocking expression appeared in his eyes, "What you said is not the original blood pool of the Witch Clan. Right?"

When speaking, Lin Han's mouth was dry for a while.

According to the news he got in the wilderness, the original blood pool of the Wu Clan was the place where Pangu's heart was placed.

In the Witch Clan back then, the twelve ancestral witches of the Howling World were born out of twelve drops of essence and blood from the heart of the Great God Pangu.

Every ancestral witch has the mighty power, can whizz around the world, pick the stars and take the moon, and break the continent.

And a drop of essence and blood in the heart can do this. It is conceivable how terrifying the energy of that real heart is.

This is simply the supreme treasure.

Back then, the biggest secret of the Wu Clan was that, countless strong people among the ten thousand clan wanted to **** them when they went crazy.

Unfortunately, the Wu Clan is too strong, and no one dares to mess around.

"Yes, it is the blood pool. Although the Wu Clan has been destroyed, after all, the Pangu's remaining prestige in the mountain is still there. In addition, the blood pool is a powerful place, so many ancient powers are helpless, so in the past After so many years, the Pangu Heart in the blood pool may not be found by others." Hong said with a smile, if Lin Han discovered it, then it would be a unique opportunity.


"Where is it?" Lin Han immediately took another breath, his eyes hot.

If it can be found, it is indeed a great thing for him.

His strength is bound to have extremely shocking changes.

"Let me deduce that there are too many restrictions on the Witch Clan in the main hall. There is endless space hidden, and it is not easy to find it." Hong Dao.

Lin Han nodded, probably because of this, the chance of Pangu Heart not being found would increase a lot.


When Hong’s words fell, Lin Han could perceive that in his dantian, in the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, there was a very terrifying mental power, like a vast ocean, in a circular shape toward the huge Pangu Temple. Whizzed away.

The majestic momentum made the space boil.

"Tsk tusk..." Lin Han couldn't help sighing. After reaching the half-step taboo, his mental power had reached the level of the Heavenly Dzogchen, but in the prehistoric future generations, he could crush countless immortal ancestor peaks with only his spiritual power The powerhouse is a realm that no one can reach.

But at present, even if he has such a strong mental power, compared with Hong, there is still a big gap.

Although Hong is only the spirit of the sword-forging furnace, he possesses extremely powerful strength.

Especially in the past ten years, he has absorbed the power of the origin of the endless universe in the sea of ​​the origin of the immortal world, and Hong has also absorbed a lot. I am afraid that the current state is truly reaching the top.

With this kind of tyrannical mental power, once it is displayed, even if the sword master sees it, he will have a green face.

He couldn't help but admire the fact that Hung was not a loss, and it was really unfathomable.

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