War Emperor

Chapter 2299: Demon Realm, Witch Realm

The land is vast and vast, and the history is heavy. In this cosmopolitan land, I don't know how many shocking and shocking past events have been staged.

A great demon, howling heaven and earth!

An ancestral witch, shattering the world!

Once the predecessor was a real golden world, there have been many demon gods!

It's a pity that for some reason, the predicament has withered, and all those top-level beings have passed away.

Even at the peak of the prehistoric times, there were six saints in the sky, like six shining suns, illuminating the endless future, the heavens and the world.

However, in the years, even they are destroyed!

This is a land full of secrets.

Demon world!

Located in the eastern part of the prehistoric land, among the boundless mountains.

The prehistoric water is deeper than the world imagined, and the demon clan was once destroyed.

But in fact, they did not really die out completely.

In the demon world, it has been thriving.

In a magnificent hall, there is a huge and unparalleled divine clock, suspended there, with a smell of suppressing the heavens, as if it can destroy the endless space-time universe.

The horror and mighty momentum put the whole hall under a kind of powerful coercion.

Chaos clock!

If someone sees this clock, they will be shocked.

This was once in the midst of the wilderness, setting off the boundlessly oscillating divine bell, known as one of the treasures of the prehistoric defense.

At this moment, this sacred clock is still there?

Didn't it follow the destruction of the Demon Race, and with its owner, the invincible Demon Emperor, returned to the chaos?

Under the Chaos Clock, there was a tall figure sitting cross-legged, with deep eyes, and the whole body was surrounded by a strong imperial aura, as if it could destroy the world with every gesture.

This invincible transcendence is too strong.

Ordinary strong men are no different from ants in front of him.

"Master Demon Sovereign, Honghuang Daojun, is dead." At this moment, someone walked into the hall and reported.

In the main hall, there are also some amazing demon saints, each of them is the strongest existence that has followed the demon emperor, howling the world, and fighting all directions.

At this moment, they couldn't help but change their color.

"What's the matter? In today's withered prehistoric, can anyone still kill the prince of the sword?" The tall, stalwart man called the Demon Emperor said solemnly. The sound resembled the sound of the sky, resounding through the hall, with a terrifying and magnificent atmosphere.

As if he were the sky, he was the rules, order, and all spirits in the world, eternal years, would crawl under his feet and kowtow to him.

"I don't know, it is said to be a human youth from later generations." The big demon replied.

"Huh, Lord Knife, it is an important chess piece that my demon race arranged on the wild land. It guarded our former mortal enemy Wu Clan Buzhou Mountain. It was pulled out by someone. It is really hard to redeem!" That tall and majestic man! Man, shouted.

The voice carried an immense majesty, so that the demon saints couldn't help but trembled, and their complexion changed slightly.

After these years of dormancy, this former emperor has become even more terrifying.

"Master Demon Sovereign, what should we do now?" A demon sage said solemnly.

He has nine heads, each of which is hideous and terrifying, like a baby, but with wide-mouthed fangs, and his eyes are dark and vicious, like a demon who has killed hundreds of millions of creatures.

The whole body's blood is evaporating, and there is boundless demon energy spreading, and if you are alone, you can destroy a world.

This momentum is too strong!

In eternity years, the so-called master, compared with him, is purely the difference between a baby and an adult.

Even Honghuang Daojun is not at the same level at all.

If Lin Han is here, he will be amazed.

Just being a demon saint has such a mighty power, it is unimaginable that the demon emperor who sits on the top and has the earth-shaking momentum has such a power that shocks the world.

"Go, get me the so-called Human Race boy, I want to see him, what is his ability, can travel the long river of time, come to the wild and kill my monster." On the seat, the tall and upright Demon King , Shouted.

The eyes seemed to be able to see through the ages, exuding a mysterious light.

But he clearly knew that the long river of time had clearly been sealed by "that", and the people of later generations, no matter how strong they were, would not be able to travel here.

A few years later, it was really surprising that a very weak human race teenager was able to do it.

"Yes!" The demon saint with nine babies nodded. The human youth must have an extraordinary hole card that can be drawn for research.

"Haha, after so many years of silence, my monster clan can finally reign over the barren land again. Excited." The demon saint who has a nine-headed baby laughed again, full of excitement.

It can be expected that the peaceful prehistoric will cause endless waves again because of him.

At the same time, in the Far East, there is also a mysterious land.

For the creatures of the prehistoric future generations, it is like a forbidden land, generally afraid to set foot.

Looking around, the mountain peaks here are tall and black all over, surrounded by a band of magic mist, giving people an extremely unknown taste.

This is the witchcraft world.

Similarly, after the so-called "lich calamity", the witch race that should have been shattered did not die.

There is still some combat power, hidden, and thriving in the wizarding world.

"The power of Pangu's heart has been absorbed by others!"

In the witch world, on the top of a high mountain, a girl sitting cross-legged suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes seemed to swallow all things in the world, exuding a terrifying demeanor.

She looked like she was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was slim, beautiful, and a little weak!

But anyone who knows her identity will be shocked beyond words.

Because this woman is an ancestral witch of the Wu clan!

Zu Witch!

These two words weighed more than ten thousand times on the once prehistoric land. Each of them has the power of breaking the sky and the earth. With gestures, the mountains and rivers can be destroyed, the sun and the moon sway, and the universe is torn apart!

During that period, it was almost synonymous with invincible.

Even the supreme demon emperor and emperor of the demon clan have suffered a great loss in their hands.

"The heart of the Great God Pangu, isn't there a young girl from the next generation, who absorbed it there?" The top of the mountain is very wide, and there are several powerful figures sitting cross-legged there, and they also have the power of destroying the sky and the earth. .

One of them, a tall, muscular man with thick long hair, spoke.

From the standpoint, obviously he is the head of these ancestral witches!

The momentum on the body is even more amazing!

Vigorous and prosperous, like an eternal sacred furnace, burning blazingly.

"The young girl, we have observed that although it is absorbing the original power of the Father God’s heart, it is impossible to absorb it completely, but this time the teenager is very likely to completely absorb it. And in the statue of the Father God, open Tianjiu style seems to have been learned by this young man." The black-clothed girl frowned.

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