War Emperor

Chapter 2322: Xu Mingyang

He fell to the ground embarrassedly, and some bones and tendons on his body were smashed by the sound wave. Xu Hua's face was pale, and his expression was slightly hideous because of the severe pain.

At the moment, he raised his head tremblingly, looking at Lin Han, and there was also a trace of fright in his eyes, and he trembled.

With a faint voice, he can be shaken like this, his strength can be known with his butt, his strength is very lofty.

And he could still vaguely perceive that Lin Han still had reservations about this, otherwise a voice would fall, maybe he would be wiped out in smoke, and died tragically on the spot.

This made him feel excited again, and a chill rose on his scalp. What terrifying young man was this after all.

The strength is almost impossible to predict.

I am afraid that the ancestors may not be opponents.

"Haha, it doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that in the future, if you provoke others and put your eyes on bright spots, don't provoke existences that you can't afford." Lin Han glanced at the uncertain Xu Hua, and the corners of his mouth evoked a touch. Sneered, mocking.

With his strength, if he wants Xu Hua to die as a so-called genius, it can be said that with a look, the opponent will directly evaporate.

He naturally reserved his hands and gave the other side a warning.


Hearing Lin Han's words, a cold breath sounded all around.

Xu Hua is a genius of the Xu family. Among the eighteen realms of the universe, he is extremely famous.

He said Xu Hua can't afford to offend?

Everyone looked at each other, and they all felt a little dazed.

Xu Hua's face also sank, and Leng Sen said: "You can't help but value yourself too much. Even if your strength is extraordinary, you will despise my Xu family, you will not end well."

He grew up in Xu's family since he was a child. In his mind, Xu's family is faith and cannot be desecrated.

Lin Han sneered, didn't pay attention to this guy at all, and was about to leave with Shangguan Xiyun right now.

Everyone was amazed that this was the bullish character, not only solved Xu Hua casually, but also made Shangguan Xiyun very obedient to him.

This is simply something that many geniuses dare not dream of.

"What happened?" However, just as Lin Han just turned around, behind the crowd, a vigorous and deep shout spread, and then the crowd separated into a passage. A middle-aged man in brocade clothes came and said in a solemn expression. .

Inside the burly body, there is an aura of power, and there are also very strong energy fluctuations on the surface of the body, just like this, it gives people a sense of oppression invisibly.

"This is the head of the Xu family, Xu Mingyang?"

After many eyes looked at the majestic face of the middle-aged man, an awe-inspired exclamation of exclamation instantly resounded in the crowd.

Many onlookers couldn't help but step back a few steps, and there was a look of extreme fear on their faces.

This Xu Mingyang, the head of the Xu family, is a great figure who resounds through the Three Ching Realms, and his strength has reached the realm of the immortal ancestor!

In Sanqingjing, he is almost synonymous with gods and faith.

No one thought that he actually appeared.

"Xu Mingyang?" Lin Han raised his brows, and a touch of surprise flashed in his heart. Unexpectedly, this guy was actually a figure in the realm of Immortal Ancestor.

It seems that in this universe, there are far more immortal ancestors, the four people of Beihuang Piaofeng, the head of the ghost clan, Gu Yantian, and Master Huijing.

However, after a little thought, he understood that the universe is vast, and even his current realm, the exploration of the universe is only a vague and general understanding.

Some powerful people who have been practicing for countless years and possessing strange methods cover up their information so that they can't sense it, but it's normal.

But after learning that the other party was a figure in the Immortal Ancestral Realm, Lin Han couldn't help passing a chill in his heart.

Back then, the Lord of the Great Destruction swept across the universe and started killing. Only the Northern Emperor Piaofeng, Noble Patriarch, Gu Yantian, and Master Huijing stood up to resist the catastrophe for all beings in the universe.

The opponent has such a strong strength, but he hasn't shown up, showing his selfishness.

For such a person, he was naturally a little shameless, so soon his face slowly sank, and his expression was slightly indifferent.

"Father, you are here..." Xu Hua was also startled when he looked at Xu Mingyang. Immediately, on his pale face, a touch of ecstasy was immediately set off, regardless of the sharp pain in his body at the moment, moved his body and came to Xu Mingyang, pulling His robe pointed at Lin Han, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Father, you are here just right, this **** kid actually destroyed the bones and meridians of my whole body, and asked Dad to be fair for me.

When speaking, he gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Han with a grin.

In his opinion, even if Lin Han is something wrong, how could he be Dad's opponent.

Dad is the master in Sanqingjing, and he can look down upon the entire universe.

With Dad here, this kid must be over.

"Bastard!" Xu Mingyang looked down at Xu Hua's body, and could sense that the bones and meridians in his body were indeed the most fragmented, and an uncontrollable anger suddenly appeared on his face.

Xu Hua is the proud son of their Xu family, and it took countless efforts to cultivate it.

After being so badly injured, it can almost be said that Daoji has been destroyed.

This makes him not angry.

"Boy, abolish my Xu family genius, today you are hard to redeem!" At the moment, his gaze suddenly turned to Lin Han, his face became slightly hideous and cold, and the murderous intent burst out of his tall body. The air nearby became bitterly cold, making countless people pale and frightened.

This kind of fairy ancestor breath is really terrifying.

The invisible Dao in the starry sky seemed to be trembling.

"He deserves it, why, do you want to do it too?" However, Lin Han looked calm, stared at Xu Mingyang faintly, and smiled.

In those clear eyes, a faint chill passed by, causing Xu Mingyang's majestic body to tremble slightly, and he felt a sense of fear.

This shocked his eyes. He was a strong man in the realm of ancestors. Looking down on the world, how could a young man who looked like a handsome and long-standing boy give him this feeling.

He shook his head fiercely, suppressing this feeling, he looked at Lin Han, but there was a suspicion in his heart, and he felt that Lin Han's face and posture seemed to be seen there.

He thought to no avail, with a grin at the corner of his mouth, and said sharply: "Well, in front of me, I can still be so calm, I want to see how hard your bones are."

Even if Lin Han looked like something was wrong, he wouldn't care too much.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Lin Han wounded his most distressed son into such a miserable appearance. He had to humiliate Lin Han to death in order to vent his hatred.


As soon as the thought fell, he clenched his fist, screamed, and hit Lin Han's face with a fist. The powerful energy carried in his fist made the space like the surface of a lake, and suddenly violent turbulence. Up.

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