War Emperor

Chapter 2533: Qingping Sword Power

Qingfeng and Mingyue couldn’t help but smile deeply. What kind of freak is this guy. They dare to **** the items connected to the gods. Although they also know that this is definitely not done with integrity, but it is also This is only one case in Honghuang.

"Fucking... this, it's a **** of a ghost." Ming She also stared like a fish-eye, and couldn't believe the scene before her.

Who is the Master of Heaven? The Pangu Yuanshen, one of the three Qings transformed, has a position in the prehistoric state, like a sun star in the sky, shining across the vast earth, extremely radiant.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant he screams, there are few predecessors in his eyes. He also knows that there is still an insurmountable gap between him and the master of the sky. In front of the latter, even he dare not have any. rash.

As a result, Lin Han, a human who was as weak as an ant-worm in his eyes, dared to **** the Supreme Sword of the Master of Heaven. It really gave him a sense of absurdity. He felt that his heart felt like a heavy hit. The hammer threw up the waves, and the body shivered slightly.

"The best Congenital Lingbao, you..." The white woman was smashed into a mountain by the shock. The white woman's mouth was bleeding and her face was pale. Looking at the dazzling Qingping sword in Lin Han's hand, her eyes were also a little shocked. In the predicament, Lingbao largely influenced the combat power of a cultivator. Generally speaking, Xiantian Lingbao is already very rare, not to mention the best Xiantian Lingbao, even Master Naruto, it is definitely not easy to get one.

This Qingping sword is still a magical tool of the Master Tongtian, and it is more powerful than the average top-grade innate spirit treasure.

Under the majestic power of the Qingping sword, she felt a scent of panic and trembling.

At the same time, she also regretted that she never thought that Lin Han would have a baby of this level.

She also didn't expect Lin Han to have such a thing, and she was beyond reach.

"You are not my opponent!" Lin Hanlang smiled, with an aura like a dragon, with a Qingping sword in his hand, like a round of cyan sun, and everything covered by the sky loses its luster, his eyes are cold.

At this moment, his demeanor is too detached, as if it can illuminate the years, many creatures are branded with eternal imprints in their hearts.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan breathed a sigh of relief, even if he was a little bit eager for Qingpingjian, Lin Han's trump card method was too envious of people's hearts.

However, what puzzled him was that the leader of Tongtian was a fierce and domineering, kendo-willed leader. Generally speaking, no one had dared to provoke him. Lin Han took away his Qingping sword. Why did the leader of Tongtian? Nothing happened?

He couldn't help looking at the clouds in the sky, and he seemed to be able to see a vague figure, and if it was in the deepest part of Nine Heavens, there was a strange color in his heart, I am afraid that there is a saint's calculation.

Unsanctification is always an ant. Only by becoming a saint can you truly control the world and see through everything.

On the surface, the six saints are aloof and friendly to each other. In fact, the calculations are so profound that ordinary people can't figure it out.

In the end, he can only sigh lightly under the pressure. The saint must not be arrogant, and don't even guess the best in his heart.

When he lectured at the Purple Cloud Palace, he didn't get the great purple aura, which was the biggest regret in his life. Otherwise, the supreme position might not be without him.

The white woman’s silver teeth were about to be crushed. Lin Han’s Qingping sword gave her a lot of pressure, but she was not afraid. Lin Han’s realm was too low, and his power towards Qingping sword was bound to be inevitable. Limited, at the moment, she took a deep breath, the holy light evaporated all over her body, healed the injuries in her body, and flew into the air again.

At this moment, her aura also seemed to rise, exuding a majestic scent. In her beautiful eyes, there were blue lightning intertwined.

"Angel Divine Lightning?" Seeing the blue lightning in the beautiful eyes of the pure white woman, some experts in the Southwest Earth race couldn't help but look solemn and murmured in a low exclamation.

In addition to having extremely powerful bloodline powers, the angels can run wild and overwhelmingly powerful, but they also have some gifted magical powers. This angel magical power is one of them.

The pure white woman was obviously caught in a rage, and she was about to use her powerful methods.

"Let you see how powerful my clan is!" The corner of the pure white woman's mouth held a sharp arc, and she was full of pride. After talking about her white jade-like hands, she formed a cumbersome knot on her plump chest, which was in her eyes. Inside, the scene of blue light intertwined suddenly became much more intense, and faintly, there was also a terrifying vision of blue light destroying sentient beings, which was extremely frightening.

Click! Click!

The next moment, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and blue lightning descended from above the nine heavens. Each of them was as large as a mountain and very magnificent. The atmosphere of destruction contained in it reached an astronomical figure, even in the lightning. There are palaces, terraces and rockery fountains, which seem to contain a magnificent small world, which is amazing.

Countless creatures jumped in their hearts. In the angelic divine lightning, there is a small world scene, which means that the power of this thunder and lightning has been understood to a very high level. Even the old people of the angel family have reached this step Not too much, the pure white woman has a short cultivating time, and she can do it when she is still young in the predicament. She deserves to be the number one arrogant of the Southwest Land. This aptitude is too shocking.


Then, under the horrified sight of everyone, a thick thunder and lightning finally fell towards Lin Han, some of the thunder and lightning showed the palaces and pavilions, some showed the magnificence of the river, and some showed the universe starry sky. , And some show the mountains and rivers, full of good fortune.

The majestic breath made Lin Han's figure seem extremely thin, and there was a smell of being crushed into mashed flesh at any time.

Lin Han also knew that the white woman’s attack was extraordinary, but with the Qingping sword in his hand, he also had the kind of grace that I have in the world, and he was not very afraid, and his eyes flashed. , The abundant divine power in his body, like an angry dragon, spreads across the major meridians, and the sound of landslides and tsunamis is heard. The divine light from the Qingping sword in his hand is all restrained in an instant. It was like tide water, revealing a simple sword body engraved with large lotus patterns. Finally, Lin Han pierced out with a sword and drank in his mouth.

The extreme dazzling returns to the ordinary, and then it is like experiencing a throbbing. On the Qingping sword, the divine light that illuminates the universe is once again blooming, the endless sword aura, like a tsunami sweeping forward, and in the process, those swords Qi slowly condensed in the air, forming a huge blue lotus with a height of ten thousand feet.

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