War Emperor

Chapter 2547: Rolling

With Lin Han on the sidelines, it was enough to deal with it.

Lin Han shook his head gently.

"What are you shaking your head for?" the tall purple armored warrior shouted coldly.

"Why are there so many stupid people in this world?" Lin Han said calmly.

There was a sudden silence in the surrounding streets, followed by an uproar.

Many creatures looked at Lin Han in surprise, a little surprised.

This guy was so crazy, he was so horrified by Oming.

Doesn't he know that this is the grandson family, the leader of the Purple Armored Army sweeping the Quartet? All the Zijia Army has experienced hundreds of battles and fierce fighting power. They are the important force of the eldest grandson family, sweeping this land, causing countless ethnic forces to change their colors.

Being able to be a leader among them is also very powerful.

Generally speaking, he stood at the gate of the city, like a god, supervising pedestrians coming and going, and did not dare to disobey him at all.

Lin Han said that he was stupid in the public. This is really bold.

Many cultivators smelled the scent of a mountain rain, their bodies shivered slightly, and they stepped back a bit.

Not far away there was an old tree with vigorous branches, winding and stretching. On the branches of the old tree, there were corpses one after another, which had dried up and died miserably. All the cultivators who refused to accept the command of Ao Ming and were killed by the commander of Ao Ming undoubtedly felt that the corpse of Lin Han was about to be hung on this old tree.

"You said...what?" Ao Ming was also taken aback, and then a look of anger surged in his eyes, like an irritated peerless beast, from a pair of pupils, a terrible light beam shot out, looking down at Lin Han, his mouth cracked cold. The color of the forest said grimly: "It's really bold, I don't know how to live or die, even I dare to stand up, let you know the end!"

At the moment, five fingers formed into claws, like iron hooks, grabbing towards Lin Han's throat, and a strong wind blew up in the air, blowing sand and rocks, dust and smoke everywhere on the street, and the air was astonishing.

This is the Purple Armored Army, the commander-level powerhouse, if a fierce **** is showing off his shot, it makes people shudder.

Lin Han's eyes were also slightly cold, this person was so powerful and domineering, I really thought he was good.


At the moment, Lin Han punched like a cannonball, slamming into the opponent's claws, and a dull physical collision sounded, like two huge meat mountains colliding, the whole street They all roared, and then countless cultivators saw with a bit of horror that Ao Ming was so shocked that he stepped back a few steps, and stepped on the solid floor with clear footprints one after another.


Countless cultivators were staring and shocked.

Ao Ming’s cultivation has reached the level of Quasi-Holy One. Although he has just stepped into it, he is already a real powerhouse. The most outstanding genius in many races is far from his opponent. The thin human youth was beaten backwards, making people doubt their eyes.

"How is this possible..." The members of the Purple Armored Army who were waiting for a good show on the side also looked astonished. According to the news they received, isn't Lin Han only the strength of the taboo? In the Purple Armored Army, it can only be regarded as ordinary, that is, very young and too talented. Now they didn't expect that Lin Han could force Ao Ming to retreat, which was far from the fighting power that a figure in the taboo realm could possess.

"How could your physical strength be so strong?" Ao Ming steadied his figure, staring at Lin Han, with a little surprise in his eyes.

With such a shot, he could perceive that Lin Han's realm is only the pinnacle of the taboo realm, and he has not yet reached the quasi-sage. This step can be achieved entirely because of the terrifying and majestic divine power within that physical body. If a dormant wild dragon, its might can move the world. He was chilled and couldn't tell at all that there was such a terrifying power hidden in Lin Han's thin body.

"You want to take me down with your little combat power, but some idiots talk about dreams." Lin Han smiled faintly, and flicked the non-existent shirt with cuffs.

After the strength greatly increased, the threats to him by the ranks of the quasi-sages were also very limited.

Ao Ming's face quickly turned red. In front of so many people, Lin Han's words were a huge humiliation to him. He just didn't expect that a human boy would be so brave and useless. How much effort.

At the moment, there was a fierce look in his eyes, and he smiled: "Good boy, I underestimated you. No wonder I can defeat my son and let you see my true strength."

He was shocked. According to the young man's description, Lin Han's combat power was at best below the peak of the taboo realm.

It is impossible to be the opponent of Quasi-Sage at all.

This has only been a short period of several thousand years. In the midst of the prehistoric times, I was able to cross the great barrier of the quasi-sage, and those who were able to compete with the quasi-sage’s first rank, the speed of cultivation is indeed a bit abnormal. It seems that Lin Han's so-called The title of "the supreme human race of later generations" is indeed worthwhile.

However, no matter how strong he was, he didn't think he could compete against himself.

The quasi-sage-turned cultivators are completely agitated, and they are not the same.

"Heaven-shaking hands, destroy me!" At the moment, he snorted, his whole body swelled with great energy, like a small sun shining intimidatingly, and when his palm was shot, a "field" appeared, like a small world around. Like that, forming a strangling force, enveloping Lin Han and marching in. In an instant, Lin Han felt that his head, soles, and waist were being turned by an invisible force, as if to twist and split and change directions.

"Sky Hand?" Many people whispered. This is a powerful supernatural power of the grandson family. Its palm power forms a small world and envelopes the enemy. The small world will be like a millstone, grinding it to death. The ancient master of the eldest grandson family Under the palm of the hand, all the real small world on the outskirts of the Great Wilderness was wiped out into powder, the mountains and seas collapsed, and the continents were annihilated, extremely powerful.

The leader of Ao Ming was obviously highly valued by the grandson's family, and he had only joined the grandson's family for tens of thousands of years, and he learned such a powerful magical power.

"Boy, hit the palm of the sky, even if you are a **** or devil, you will definitely die. Obediently admit it." Ao Ming sneered, looking coldly at a prey that had already been obtained.

Unless the realm is higher than him, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Han to break open.

"Really?" However, there was a sneer at the corner of Lin Han's mouth. The strangulation power in this heaven-shaking palm did have a way, but it was not a particularly big threat to his powerful physical body.


At the moment, the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and the skin on his body became golden at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, the whole body was radiant, like a cast of gold. Behind him, a golden body appeared. It was a little more than four feet long, and the strangling power was completely isolated, and it did not cause any harm to Lin Han.

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