War Emperor

Chapter 2552: Melody duel

Su Qing felt that in the sound of her flute, the terrifying chains were shattered by an invisible trend and turned into powder.

In her eyes, she couldn't help plundering a look of surprise. With the prestigious rhythm, it was also a very strong method, which could target the soul of human beings, and there were many cultivating creatures.

In this territory, no matter how strong the temperament is, it is not her opponent. Lin Han can do this with just a single note, which is enough to prove Lin Han's extraordinary attainments in temperament. She couldn't believe it. According to the news, Lin Han had a strong comprehension of divine power, physical body, spirit, and Dharma, and he was so extraordinary about music. It was really weird. After all, a person's energy is limited. He hasn't cultivated for a long time, and reaching this step is too far-fetched.

She has an urge to dig out Lin Han's head, is it because the structure is different from that of ordinary people.

However, there was a soft snort from her delicate lips. The more extraordinary Lin Han is, the more determined she will be to defeat her. Although she looks a little weak and charming, in fact, her aggressiveness is also very strong, except for the grandson. Tian waited in this territory, and apart from the enchanting evildoers who were as famous as her, Lin Han was still extremely rare to make her feel this kind of emotion.


At the moment, the piano sound coming from her vermilion lips was much stronger. Everyone suddenly realized that her piano sound became sharp, like an invisible sword, all over the sky and the ground, facing Lin Han's body, slashing frantically. Go, if someone explores the divine sense, they can find that those swords are so dazzling, they are no different from a sea of ​​swords. The white and dazzling, cold murderousness is enough to make the soul tremble and be afraid of it.

"Suqing is going to show her true skills." Many people are chilling. Although this is not aimed at them, they can feel how terrifying the murderous air is.

Ding Ding Dong Dong...

However, Lin Han stood calmly, with black hair fluttering in the wind, hunting in Tsing Yi, and a young face with a special demeanor. The strings continue to be plucked, and after the sound of the piano is transmitted, it is like the energy of the divine light that has been transformed into the essence. In his body, the light of the rhythm is formed, forming an enchantment. Endless swords slashed on it, and there was the sound of clanging, metal collision, sparks splashing, and then being shaken into dust, falling down rustlingly.

Lin Han just stroking the qin and sitting without even looking up, Su Qing glanced at it as if she was immersed in the sound of her qin.

Many members of the Angel Palace took a cold breath. Their master sister’s flute sound is so domineering, even if it is 50%, it is far from ordinary people can contend, but Lin Han is calm and calm, like a piano in his hand. , Can break through all the laws of the world, and resist all the attacks of Senior Sister Suqing, which really shocked them.

There are also some young girls with bright eyes. Lin Han's current temperament is full of elegance, free and easy, and handsome. The impact is so strong that they make their hearts radiate. Women in Honghuang also love handsome men, and Lin Han is also a versatile and powerful man.

The white woman clenched her slender hands tighter, and her silver teeth squeaked to herself. I thought that Grand Sister Suqing would clean up Lin Han in no more than two minutes and avenge her revenge. Now that seven or eight minutes have passed, and the agreed time is almost approaching, Lin Han hasn't lost yet, and even aroused shocks from many people, which undoubtedly made her feel uncomfortable.

She couldn't wait to take the shot herself now, and stomped on Lin Han's calm figure.

"It's okay, Suqing hasn't used any real tricks yet." At this time, in her ears, the voice of the Lord of the Angel Palace was heard.

At this moment, the lord of the Angel Palace was dressed in black and shaped like a mountain, sitting there, staring at Lin Han in the field, his expression also a little gloomy. Suqing's realm was higher than Lin Han's, and he was a little embarrassed by not taking Lin Han down in the field she was best at.

Su Qing is a symbol of his face.

However, thinking of Suqing's many methods, he had a cold taste in the corners of his mouth.

If everyone really thought that Suqing had only this ability, then she would be underestimated.

In this territory, the rhythm can make many elders who have been immersed in it for many years, and sigh with excitement. The true ability is far beyond imagination.

As long as Suqing displays some tricks, Lin Han's defenses will inevitably collapse.


As soon as his thoughts fell, Su Qing in the field also realized the degree of Lin Han's difficulty and was a little annoyed. If she didn't take Lin Han down, she would not be able to get off the stage.


At the moment, there was a cold light flashing in her beautiful eyes, the piano sound changed, and suddenly became desolate, like an ancient battlefield of ancient vicissitudes, appearing around everyone, gold and iron horses, killing and shouting into the sky, A group of giant beasts, gods, and powerful men, pick the stars and take the moon, break the sky and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are full of terrible warfare and tragic meaning. Then the endless armored army slew towards Lin Han, like an endless tsunami, a vast expanse of murderous intent, and the picture is terrifying.

"Oh my God." Many people yelled. How to fight this is equivalent to one person really having to resist thousands of soldiers and horses. Those armored soldiers, whose armor is glowing with cold metallic luster, are riding under their feet. The tall war beast stepped on the sky with four hooves, its momentum was too strong, and its personal strength appeared incomparably small in front of it, and it was not an opponent at all.

Chang Suntian’s expression was a little dignified. This is exactly one of Suqing’s methods of becoming famous. He used to learn from Suqing in the battlefield. He also paid a lot of price to break it. It was on the edge of the center. The younger generation in the territory can almost override everything. They are extremely overbearing. Even the masters of some races can hardly resist and will be smashed into flesh.

Suqing was also very scary when she showed her 50% strength.

At the moment, he cast a gloating smile on Lin Han.

Obviously realized that Lin Han was going to finish.

Under such a terrible rush, the injuries ranged from serious injuries to death.

"The sound breaks everything, and all will be destroyed for me!" Lin Han faced the thousands of troops alone, and his eyes became fierce, like an unsheathed divine sword, blooming with divine light that can pierce the world. He naturally understood that Suqing’s attack was terrifying. The murderous aura alone gave him a feeling of cracking and pain. If he came to the front, no matter how strong he was, it couldn’t be the same. A magnificent opponent.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Han heard a sound that shook the heavens and the earth, his brows became sharp, and his aura rose sharply, like a volcanic eruption, radiating a great light.

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