War Emperor

Chapter 2572: kill

The small crystal tower still couldn't resist Lin Han's majestic punching power. How could this be possible? Is Lin Han's punching technique already so powerful?

"How could this be..." The smile on the face of the ancestor of the eldest grandson suddenly stiffened. For him, this scene was extremely unbelievable. The materials used in this small crystal tower are extremely precious, even if the power of the eldest grandson Tian exerted it, It is very limited, how could it be that a person who has not even officially entered the quasi-saint realm can break it.

It felt like a fantasy to him.

Zhenyuan Daxian just smiled lightly. Lin Han's boxing technique contains the power of Pangu. This is not a divine fist in the general sense. No matter how extraordinary the small pagoda is, if it encounters the power of Pangu, it will naturally be defeated.

Of course, the power of Pangu is very weak.

The real power of Pangu, that is a divine treasure, in Honghuang, even Hongjun Daozu wants to get it.

Lin Han didn't even have one hundred millionth of a thread in his grasp.

If he can get more power of Pangu in the future, his combat power will be even more abnormal.

"Lin Han, you..." Changsun Tian was in the ruins, vomiting blood, his face was pale, and his face was unacceptable. For him, it was like the pride in his heart had been shattered, and he felt as if his heart had been shattered. A knife was inserted.

"Damn it!" Among the many junior camps of the eldest grandson family, there is also a young man in white with a good demeanor, it is the eldest grandson Fengyue, and now seeing the eldest grandson Tian's defeat, he also clenched some fists, and his teeth were locked. Bleeding is coming.

As the eldest grandson family, the most outstanding junior, he has a high prestige and reputation among young people. Even he has a sense of admiration for him in his heart. Now, big brother, just lose like this, he is also very proud. tingling.

"Zhangsuntian, the murderer, people will always kill him. Since you have targeted me again and again, I will send you on the road today." Lin Han smiled lightly, standing under the sky, his blue clothes fluttering and his hair flying. The Qingping sword in his hand spreads a brilliant azure light, full of a sense of dream. The defeat of Changsun Tian sets off him incomparably high, like a round of divine sun, which makes people admire.

He landed slowly, strode towards Chang Sun Tian, ​​Qing Ping's sharp-edged sword was emitting a murderous aura, causing the surrounding vegetation to show signs of freezing.

Many people are hairy, Lin Han is too bold, and he wants to kill Changsun Tian. In this way, the Changsun family will definitely stay with him forever.

"Lin Han, please be merciful." On the periphery of the Great Wilderness Mountains, the face of the first ancestor of the eldest grandson also changed. Even if the eldest grandson was defeated, he could not deny his outstanding talent. When he grows up in the future, not to mention the fame, at least in Fangyuan. Hundreds of millions of miles, he can still become a top powerhouse, and he can protect the long-sun family and prosper.

The prehistoric land is too big, like an endless continent. Unless you reach a certain level, it is very difficult to cross from one domain to another. In this land, becoming a strong person can be regarded as an existence at the level of a soil emperor. For a family, nature is also very important.

At the moment, he took a deep breath, and his cold voice passed through the endless mountains and rivers and spread to the center of the battlefield.

The sound is abundant, like the rolling thunder, and the grand sound resounds between the heavens and the earth.

The first ancestor of the eldest grandson has a very deep Taoism, and if he speaks casually, it will give people the smell of anger from the gods, and the world is shaking.

Many people feel chilled. The first ancestor of the eldest grandson, as the top existence in this land, has a very high status. Just speaking like this gives people a sense of oppression. Even if they look at the face of the first ancestor of the eldest grandson, they will never dare to do it.

Lin Han also frowned, and looked back at the direction of the periphery of the Great Wilderness Mountains. It seemed that he could cross the endless land and see the expression of the ancestor of the eldest grandson. In front of Daxian Zhenyuan, the expression of the ancestor of the eldest grandson was normal, but he could clearly He noticed that under that indifferent look, there was a terrifying indifference, like a giant dragon staring at an ant, threatening, if he didn't stop, the first ancestor of the eldest grandson would definitely not let him go.

Ordinary people, of course, would not dare to make mistakes when faced with such a character.

Lin Han was indifferent and didn't take it seriously at all. He walked in front of Changsun Tian, ​​and the Qingping sword in his hand raised and fell!


A flash of blood appeared.

Changsun Tian's head, like a ball, flew out obliquely and rolled not far away.

Many people opened their mouths wide, unable to speak, Changsun Tian, ​​the famous genius in this area, was killed by Lin Han like this.

too appalling.

"Lin Han, you are courting death!" Not far away, there were many young people from the eldest grandson family, all of them were furious and shouted loudly.

Lin Han killed Changsun Tian, ​​which was equivalent to stepping on the face of their entire Changsun family under their feet. They absolutely couldn't stand it.

"Fight with him and avenge Big Brother Changsun Tian."

At the moment, many disciples shouted angrily, holding long swords, charging towards Lin Han, the sword qi was like a rainbow, and the murderous aura rushed into the sky, like a tsunami.

There was only a cold light in Lin Han's eyes, a sword slashed out, and a large piece of sword light spurted out, like a surging river.

Those young people from the eldest grandson family all screamed in agony, their bodies were cut in half, and they died tragically on the spot.

Lin Han was like a **** of killing, killing the eldest grandson family and all the arrogance with one sword.


There was a deep shock all around.

Who would have thought that Lin Han's record was so brilliant.

On the periphery of the Great Wilderness Mountains, the first ancestor of the eldest grandson also had a cold expression. Lin Han's actions completely made him want to kill, and he would not let Lin Han go if he had a chance.

Daxian Zhenyuan didn't care when he looked at him. With him here, it would be a fool's dream for others to touch Lin Han.

"Lin Han, you have committed such a monstrous calamity, do you think I am a genius of the earth near the Great Wilderness Mountains?" Sima Jun's eyes were also extremely cold. Although the four geniuses competed with each other, they were dealing with Lin. Han, an "outsider", still has some common enemies.

If Lin Han got any good ranking here, it would be a huge blasphemy for their reputation.

Sima Jun's eyes were murderous.

"If you don't accept it? You can see if you have the strength to kill me." Lin Han turned back, and there was an electric light in his eyes. The army ran away.

Reaching a near-holy realm, Lin Han's combat power has increased too much, and I am invincible and confident.

Many people are hairy, but Lin Han is really courageous, not to mention killing the eldest Sun Tian, ​​but also to take action against Sima Jun.

"Huh? Changsun Tian, ​​he's not completely dead yet." At this time, someone shouted in surprise, only to see a light of primordial spirit appearing inside Changsun Tian's headless corpse, extremely faint, like a firefly. Floating out, it is the primordial spirit of Changsun Tian.

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