War Emperor

Chapter 2626: Three-legged Golden Crow Appears

Lin Han also sank in his heart. Naturally, he knew the strength of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Just that one head of three black crows is a peerless and transcendent existence.

He was also a little heavy inside.

"The three-legged Golden Crow, what's the matter, the divine sword fell into my hands, no matter what, it is impossible for him to hand it over."

Lin Han just smiled coldly. He had faced countless powerful enemies, and it was absolutely impossible to give in so easily.

"Ha ha."

The scarlet monkey gave a long laugh, expressing appreciation for Lin Han's courage.

He didn't say much. He took a deep look at Lin Han's body and could feel that there were many world-shattering beings in Lin Han's body. After shaking his head, he chose to leave.

He and Lin Han have no grievances or enmity, and he has no intention of robbing Lin Han's treasures. He is already content to dominate this world of flames.

His footwork is very steady, and he just disappears at the end of the earth step by step, giving people the feeling that he can hold up the world.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel awe at him.

This scarlet monkey really helped him a lot today.

boom! However, at this moment, at the far end of the earth, an aura of sky-shattering and earth-shattering erupted, like a supreme supreme being, arrogant to the heavens and the world, a huge three-legged golden crow rose up under the earth, and the fire was glowing. The sky is raging, the fire is burning the world, and the world is shrouded in a terrifying aura, and many people have a taste of wanting to kneel and surrender.

Everyone was stunned, what kind of breath is this, how can it be so scary?

Lin Han's expression changed drastically.

The three-legged golden crow really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

If unsurprisingly, this is Sanwu.

He had seen that momentum in the picture of the dragon and lion beast.

It is so tyrannical and tragic.

All living beings have a taste of being slaughtered.

The "Three-legged Golden Crow" scarlet monkey stopped, and his face became extremely solemn. The momentum of this three-legged Golden Crow was really shocking, and he felt a terrifying majesty.

However, he was not afraid, and his body was still standing there tall and straight.

For some reason, he felt that he admired Lin Han very much, and did not want Lin Han to fall into the hands of the Three-legged Golden Crow.

Therefore, he was high-spirited.

"After so many years, this seat has finally recovered again."

The huge body of the three-legged golden crow stands on the sky, with its wings spread out, like two golden clouds, covering the heaven and earth, a pair of dazzling eyes, like two suns, reflecting on the nine heavens. Vision ten.

The powerful sense of oppression is enough to crush the soul of a person.

His vicissitudes of life, staring at the boundless earth, sighed softly, and came out a voice full of time.

It's like an unparalleled existence that has been dormant under the earth for endless years. It is like seeing the sun again. There are visions surrounding the sun one after another, which is unparalleled in the world.

Everyone was shocked.

Three-legged Golden Crow.

It's really scary to see each other like this.

Their calves are cramping, and they want to worship the three-legged Golden Crow.

One after another, terrifying cracks appeared in the earth, and this flame world seemed to collapse.

The three-legged golden crow's eyes swiped and stared at Lin Han at once, with boundless murderous aura in the eyes, but the tone was indifferent, as if talking to a bug, and said proudly: "Put the sword of the God of Fire. Hand it over!"

A few simple words are full of supreme domineering, as if it can suppress the universe, every word falls, making people's hearts heavy and unbearable.

One after another thunder was flashing in the nine days, and it seemed that it could destroy the world.

"What if you don't pay?"

However, under this momentum, Lin Han smiled sarcastically, not at all afraid, said.

The Flame God Divine Sword is powerful and will be of great help to his combat power. He will not hand over anything he says.

"Then die!"

The three-legged Golden Crow is domineering and unparalleled, and there is no nonsense with Lin Han at all. With a cold drink, the direct terrifying gaze turned into two shocking swords, slaying Lin Han fiercely.

Those two eyes are hundreds of miles long, and each one seems to be able to tear the earth apart, and there are tornadoes one after another between the heavens and the earth, twisting the void into pieces.

Many people feel chilled, this three-legged Golden Crow is really too powerful.

It's just a glance, it's all so scary.

It's like killing an ant.

He didn't take Lin Han seriously at all.

However, it is also true that the other party is the existence of the unparalleled level.

Even if Lin Han is among the younger generation, his strength is still good, but compared with the three-legged Golden Crow, the difference is still too great.

The Three-legged Golden Crow does not take him at ease, and it is reasonable.

Lin Han felt the terrifying murderous aura, and his scalp also felt numb.

I felt the cold all over my back.

It was like being alone, facing a mountain and a tsunami.

boom! However, at this moment, a golden rod stretched across the heavens and the earth, like a golden mountain, which could crush the earth.

The golden stick instantly crushed the three-legged Golden Crow's gaze, turning it into pieces of energy fragments that dissipated between heaven and earth.

But this powerful aura still gave way. The scarlet monkey took a few steps backwards, and every step he fell, he stepped on the solid ground one after another.

Everyone was stunned, and the scarlet monkey, since he took action, helped Lin Han.

Many people felt envious of Lin Han.

What the **** is this guy, how can he be able to let the scarlet monkey shelter like this, if it wasn't for him, maybe Lin Han would have died in the hands of the magma fire sea king beast now.

For Lin Han's extraordinary gains, many people have long been jealous.

"Monkey, you can't find death, how dare you stop me?"

The Three-legged Golden Crow naturally did not expect that someone in this flaming world would dare to stop him, and now the light in his eyes became much brighter, like hundreds of suns, coming together to illuminate the nine heavens.

The majestic power has become much stronger, and there are world-shattering gods and thunders appearing in the void, as if to destroy the small worlds.

Many people's hearts are beating, it seems that Sanwu is angry, the scarlet monkey may not be an opponent.

"So what if you stop it?"

The scarlet monkey sneered, spat fiercely, and spat out the blood stains in his mouth.

He has always been a person who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, no matter how strong the power of the Three-legged Golden Crow is, it cannot resist him.

On the contrary, Sanwu was so powerful, which made him feel like he was going to really compete with the opponent.

Boom! After he finished speaking, he stomped on the ground with both feet, and the blood in his body surged like a roar of ancient bulls, as if he contained a piece of the ancient world in his body, with many terrifying divine beasts. , shocking.

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