War Emperor

Chapter 699: make out

Chapter 699 Recognition

Lin Han heard a touch of sourness in her tone, and seemed to say: "I have suffered so much and suffered so much for you. In the conflict and suffering every day, you have followed Guan Xiyun and become a couple. To be a pair, to break the battle I planned with my own hands, are you worthy of me?"

Lin Han opened his mouth, trying to say something, but his throat choked, I don't know how to say it.

Father Emperor destroyed the opponent's clan, he was the crown prince of the Guli Dynasty, and this great enmity would naturally fall on him.

"You...Let's go!" Xiaocao said, looking at Lin Han's expression, waving his sleeve robe fiercely.

Lin Han lightly sighed and said: "Xiaocao, I am deeply sorry about the father's affairs. It is not what I wanted. In the future, you and...Xiaolan, if I need my help, Lin Han will definitely do everything. Do it for you."

"Is this a compensation?" Xiaocao looked at him.

Lin Han choked.

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xiaocao's eyes, and then he said: "Okay, the husband said a word, it is difficult to chase the horse. In the future, my sister and I will really ask for it, if you don't regret it!

"As long as it doesn't hurt the nature and reason." Lin Han said.

Xiaocao nodded and said: "Then you go, the Heavenly Demon Temple is here, a hundred miles south, the Bloodthirsty Demon Lord, it should be nearby."

Lin Han was overjoyed, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you for letting me know."

Xiaocao snorted coldly: "You don't need to thank me. Maybe you are rushing over now. What you are looking for is just some corpses. Moreover, the bloodthirsty demon is very capable and has many monsters under his command. If you and the saint of Shangguan rush over, you can't save people. , Maybe it’s just a sheep’s mouth."

Lin Han thought that this was true, even if he could find the Bloodthirsty Demon Lord, he and Xiyun would be able to rescue those people, he was really not sure.

However, this is the end of the matter. He and Xiyun have to go there for whatever they said. He punched Xiaocao and turned to leave.

The vast mountains, the primitive black forest.

After Lin Han and Shangguan Xiyun left the mountain, they couldn't help but feel emotional when they remembered how they encountered the grass today.

Who could have imagined that the girl who was in the prairie, soft, weak, and well-behaved, would become a strong and cold-hearted woman in the witchcraft.

"Wu Dao, originally not considered a particularly orthodox practice method, but the ancestor of Wu Fa Xian Dao helped Zheng Dao annihilate many magicians from the Four Seas. The prestige is very high. The world's talents summarized the island it created as the fairy island. 1. There is only this family in the witchcraft, and even in other places, the witchcraft inheritance is still regarded as a side door!" Shangguan Xiyun said.

After listening to Lin Han's account, she was surprised that ordinary people who never practiced had reached this point in the short period of one year.

However, the cultivation method of the sorcery is quite special, and it is difficult for outsiders to understand. It is not impossible that there are some special secret methods that make people powerful.

"By the way, what is the stove you just displayed?" Shangguan Xiyun seemed to have thought of something, looking at Lin Han and asked.

When Shicai was fighting against the disciples of Wufa Immortal Island, she also noticed the stove Lin Han used. She thought that Xiaocao used the book of reincarnation, Lin Han was going to be bad. Never thought that Lin Han would use an old stove to block the book of reincarnation.

"That's... I accidentally got a baby before." Lin Han rubbed his nose and smiled dryly.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace!" Shangguan Xiyun looked at him and said.

Lin Han was stunned. He didn't expect Shangguan Xiyun to see through it at a glance, but when he thought about it, he was relieved that he had used the sword-forging furnace in the desert at the deep central edge of the Hongzhou mainland. At that time, many people recognized this furnace, Xi Yun had an extraordinary background, and it was normal to recognize it at a glance.

"It's right to not easily confide in such a treasure, but you should pay attention to it when you use it in the future. The Sword Casting Furnace is not only the most mysterious treasure in ancient times, but also a big secret. If you know, I'm afraid that everyone will be against you." Shangguan Xiyun said solemnly.

"What's the secret?" Lin Han questioned.

"Time and space treasure!" Shangguan Xiyun said word by word.

"Time and space treasure?" Lin Han was puzzled.

"This is five continents and four seas, a legend that has existed since ancient times. According to legend, there is a temple in the unknown depths of nine days. There are endless treasures in the temple. There have been countless ancient masters who have worked together to open a corner of that treasure. A book of magical works appeared from it. It caused countless masters to fight, once the sky was dark, the ghosts were crying and howling, and finally the magical power was obtained by your ancestors, can you guess what the magical power is?" Shangguan Xiyun said.

"Could it be Chaos Good Fortune?" Lin Han asked in surprise.

He knew that the chaotic good fortune tactic was not created by the first emperor, but was obtained later. With the first emperor's heavenly posture, he became one of the five emperors of the world, shocking the ancient and the present!

If the Chaos Good Fortune Secret Art was handed down from that temple, looking at the leopard in a tube, it would be enough to see how amazing the treasure of time and space is.

"Yes, it is this tactic, and it is precisely because of this that he took the most critical step and became the emperor, proud of the ancient Lingjin." Shangguan Xiyun nodded, and then said: "Your ancestor got the chance now. Naturally, it caused the jealousy of countless powerful people in the ancient times. They wanted to completely open that space-time treasure. Unfortunately, according to an ancient expert who had great accomplishments in divine mathematics, it was revealed that he needed a great sword forging furnace."

"The expert possesses great wisdom and can deduct the secrets of heaven. In the ancient times, he had a lofty prestige. Everyone naturally believed in his words, so everyone in the world is looking for a prehistoric sword forge."

"In the following years, Honghuang forged a sword furnace and changed owners several times. Unfortunately, due to the fierce competition, no one really had time to open the time and space treasure.

"A thousand years later, it is the master of the earth immortal realm who suddenly tore the barrier of time and space and wants to occupy the five continents and four seas. On the one hand, because the earth immortal realm is about to shatter, they have no place to shelter, and another reason is that They want to open the treasure of time and space and get the chance..."

Shangguan Xiyun said so much in one breath, she deserves to be an ancient force from the Lingxiao Continent, and she knows a lot about ancient secrets.

Lin Han felt regretful for a while. He couldn't think that the sword forging furnace was related to such a big matter.

Shangguan Xiyun continued: "Then, when the people of the two worlds met, a catastrophic war inevitably broke out. In that battle, the Sword Furnace was forged, and was also defeated by the five emperors of the world and the power of the Earth Sanqing in that battle. After being smashed, the people in the fairy realm of the earth were forced back to five continents and four seas, and the five continents and four seas masters also withered by 90%..."

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