War Emperor

Chapter 816: Gamble

Chapter 816 Gamble

The eyes of the audience gathered on Lin Han, and they all wanted to see what Lin Han wanted to say at this critical moment.

Lin Han didn't care about the gazes of so many people. If it was an ordinary person and was watched by so many big people in the two realms of Zheng Mo, he would feel terrified in his heart and could not speak.

He looked at him as usual, looked at the Lotus Demon Emperor, and smiled faintly: "Since the Lotus Demon Emperor and the Ligui Demon Emperor are so confident, you demon, the newly-promoted genius, how about we make a bet?"

"What kind of bet do you want to bet?" Demon Emperor Lotus raised his brow and asked.

"I have a discussion with Xu Pingting, representing both sides of righteousness and evil. Whoever loses will hide for ten years and not appear in the world, how about?" Lin Han said.


There was a shock all around, and many people were in an uproar.

Ten years cannot appear in the four seas, this is a big bet, after all ten years can change a lot.

What's more, Lin Han is just a figure in the realm of Earthly Sovereign, and to fight against a Demon Sovereign, it is simply overwhelming and will definitely lose.


"Absurd, impossible." Before the Lotus Demon Emperor could speak, Uncle Kong and Tian Zhengxiong all shouted coldly.

Kong Xiang, Wu Qingzhu, Zhu Wuxin, and others also frowned, obviously feeling that this was inappropriate.

If the right path does not come out for ten years, then the four seas are really magical.

Besides, they didn't believe that Lin Han had this ability.

"Your bet, I can't agree to this emperor." The Devil Lotus pondered slightly and shook his head.

Although she is confident of Xu Pingting, she also feels that the stakes are too high.

"Oh, how do you want to bet?" Lin Han smiled.

"The emperor can promise at most, if you win, our magic gate will take people away immediately, and this time will not deal with your seven immortal islands." said the lotus emperor.

Lin Han was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, then bet like this."

The Li Gui Devil Emperor laughed and said, "Boy, where do you come from with confidence, fighting against a Demon Lord, don't you think that this bet is just for the right way?"

Lin Han smiled lightly and said: "Of course I dare not despise Demon Venerable. Therefore, there is another condition, that is, let Xu Pingting suppress the realm of Earth Venerable. I want to fight her at the same level. Let’s compare the two of us. Combat power."

Li Gui Demon Emperor couldn't help coming down from the forest, but he was not afraid. Even if he was suppressed in the same realm, Xu Pingting still had the strength of the Demon Lord after all, and could not lose to Lin Han.

At the moment, he said coldly: "This is nothing, this emperor can agree, but you can agree to the seven immortal islands, is this absurd bet?"

After speaking, he glanced at Kong Cangzi and others and sneered.

To be honest, if he could solve the Seven Immortal Isles without bloodshed, he would naturally be most happy to see that the real fight, even if their magic door can win, the final price will be too great.

But he didn't think that Kongzangzi and others would agree, because even in the same realm, Lin Han could not win.

Sure enough, Kong Cangzi shook his head faintly, and said, "Lin Han, your heart for the Seven Immortal Islands, we have taken it, but this bet is absolutely inevitable."

"Why not? Do you really hope that the two realms of righteousness and demons will unfold today, fighting in a large area, spreading across the world, and killing lives?" Lin Han asked.

"Presumptuous, do you know who you are talking to?" Tian Zhengxiong shouted angrily.

"No matter who I am, as long as I think it is right, even if I am the king of heaven, I have to refute it." Lin Han sneered neither humble nor overbearing.

"You!" Tian Zhengxiong was furious, and Lin Han dared to refute him in public. It was totally unreasonable. At the moment, he burst out with a strong murderous aura, like falling into a sea of ​​anger, he wanted to shoot at any time.

"Keep it." However, at this moment, Kong Cangzi stopped him, then looked at Lin Han, his eyes narrowed and said: "Are you sure, are you really sure?"

"At least it has a higher victory than a large-scale fight." Lin Han spread his hands and said.

Kong Cangzi's eyes condensed, and he secretly sighed that Lin Han's eyesight was really extraordinary. For a long time, the seven immortal islands were in their own hands. If they are scattered, they will not have strong combat power. On the other hand, the magic gate has cohesiveness. The right way has been able to deal with the magic gate until now, and has always had the upper hand. The biggest contribution is the heaven and earth mysterious yellow pagoda!

If the big formation of the Yellow Pagoda in the Profound Earth is broken today, the right way is like a tiger without teeth, even if he is urged to move, it can't match that big formation.

Therefore, if they fight on a large scale, they will only occupy 40% of the victory.

One carelessness, the right path is really over today.

Lin Hanneng put forward the conditions and said that his winning rate is high in such a large-scale fight. If this is the case, then it is indeed a good thing for the right way.

As long as the magic door can be pushed back today, and the big formation of the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda is restored, his righteous path is still solid and stable.

"Okay, you are the champion of the Seven Immortal Islands Tournament. Today, the representative of Penglai Immortal Island, I will believe you once. It's up to you to play and compete with the Demon Venerable woman in the Demon Sect. But the matter is very important, you have to make Commitment. If you lose and live up to the hope of righteousness, you will become a sinner through the ages. Yingzhou Xiandao needs to be merged into my Penglai Xiandao, how?" Said Kongzi.

"What?" The people on Yingzhou Xiandao were in an uproar.

They knew that Penglai Fairy Island had the heart to devour other Fairy Island, but they never had a chance.

Unexpectedly, Kongzi was so right on the outside and so gloomy on the inside.

Lin Han won hope for the Seven Great Immortal Islands, but if he lost, he had to merge Yingzhou Immortal Island into Penglai Immortal Island, which was simply difficult for him.

Lin Han was also furious, and secretly scolded Kongzi, the old fox.

Sorako laughed. In fact, he did not approve of large-scale fighting, because the victory was too small, and if he lost, he himself would become a righteous sinner.

Lin Han jumped out and carried the pot on his back. He was naturally very happy.

Anyway, if you lose, you can also blame Lin Han for being overwhelmed. It has nothing to do with him and Penglai Immortal Island, and you can swallow the entire Yingzhou Immortal Island. It really kills two birds with one stone.

He can't wait to laugh and express his joy.

Gongsun Wuji glanced at Huo Lao, Feng Lao, and Mu Lao. He chose Lin Han's unconditional trust and support, but Cang Kongzi's conditions were too excessive, and he didn't know how to choose.

The old three of Huo were also very angry in their hearts, secretly thinking that Kongzi is really a wolf ambition, at this juncture, they are still making their own little calculations.

Finally, the three of them stood up, staring at Huo Lao, with a gloomy expression: "Heaven, we can promise you the terms you made, but if Lin Han wins and becomes our righteous hero, what should we do?"

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