War Emperor

Chapter 863: War Armor of the Mad God Phantom

Chapter 863: Crazy God War Armor phantom

"Crazy God Armor?"


As soon as these four words came out, there was a terrible storm all around.

Countless people have their mouths wide open and their eyes are full of shock.

In the ancient times, in addition to the five emperors of the world, the crazy **** can be said to be the most famous master of the gods.

When the Earth Sanqing broke into the five continents and four seas and was fighting for the world, he also shot and defeated many masters, and made great achievements for mankind.

However, it is a pity that others are just as famous, their personality is too arrogant and arrogant, and they have done many things that endanger mankind. Therefore, they are not as famous as the five emperors of the world.

But his combat power is absolutely beyond doubt, almost except for the Five Emperors, in that era, he rarely met opponents, and even rely on his own strength to hit Penglai Immortal Island.

At that time, Penglai Fairy Island was extremely glorious. The owner of Penglai Fairy Island was also a master of the Divine Emperor Realm. Coupled with the presence of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, Penglai Fairy Island could be described as solid, and no one dared to go wild there.

But he was extremely overbearing. He fought against the island owner of Penglai Fairy Island for three days and three nights. With a battle armor, he shook the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Pagoda without defeat, and even killed the elder who had enemies with him, and left calmly. , Shocked the world.

After all, in the ancient times, Penglai Xiandao was a master of the Divine Emperor Realm, no fewer than ten, plus the Penglai Xiandao Island Master and Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, he could do this alone, showing the horror of his combat power.

And the reason why he is so powerful, the most famous is his armor, the defense is extremely abnormal, even the attack of the master of the gods, it will not play a big role on it.

He has that armor, almost innate and invincible, only in the ancient times, the master of the five continents and four seas, can break through the prestige.

However, since his fall, the War Armor of the Mad God has been lost, and it has long since been lost.

Now that Lin Han's refining heart-guard can actually appear in the shadow of the mad god's armor, this naturally shocked Ouyang Shuo.

Could it be that the heart-guard made by Lin Han was part of the Mad God's War Armor?

"It seems that he has the refining formula of the Crazy God Battle Armor!" Outside of Xiandao, Zhu Wuxin watched this scene, and couldn't help taking a breath, muttering to himself.

The War Armor of the Mad God, as one of the best defensive artifacts throughout the ages, is so powerful that it naturally makes all cultivators in the world feel passionate and passionate.

For every swordsmith from all over the world, the refining method of the Crazy God's War Armor is a priceless treasure, one can only dream of.

It is a pity that after the death of the mad god, he did not leave any clues about how the battle armor was refined.

Now I actually learned that Lin Han has the refining method of the Crazy God War Armor, how can he not be surprised!

"The Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect, the formation of good fortune, the formula of the mad **** battle armor, this guy has too many secret methods..." Xuan Tianxing couldn't help but laughed bitterly and muttered to himself.

At a dinner held during the Penglai Fairy Island and the Seven Great Fairy Island Tournament Conference, Lin Han gave the abbot of Kongxiang and him, the method of deciphering the formation of good fortune and the secrets of the Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect, all made countless people crazy in the world. s things.

In addition, now that Lin Han even has the refining method of the Crazy God Battle Armor, it really made him feel a little frightened.

This is just an eighteen-year-old boy, how can there be so many secrets in the world that no one knows?

What is still unknown about him.

Even Mu Ye sighed slightly. He and Lin Han didn't have a feast, but he also felt that Lin Han's whole body was like a bottomless pit. It was impossible to figure out the true depth.

Some things are often exposed, which can shock the world. This is the person he has lived for thousands of years, witnessed countless geniuses, and the first person he saw made him feel so extraordinary.

It's just right for him to have such an achievement.

"The heart guard, block me." In the shocking gazes of the crowd, Lin Han held the heart guard in both hands, maintaining a forward posture, and the divine power in his body was still streaming out into the heart guard.

He was not surprised that the heart-guarding mirror was able to permeate the phantom of the mad god's battle armor. After all, this heart-guard was part of the mad god's battle armor. There seemed to be a kind of "Dao Seal" in the heart protecting the heart. After the power of the mirror is urged to a certain level, the power hidden in the heart-guard mirror will be exposed.

At this moment, after the appearance of the phantom of the mad god's battle armor, Lin Han was also able to clearly feel that the power of the breastplate suddenly showed a qualitative change.

In front of him, purple qi was flourishing, like a burst of purple sun bursting, the terrifying light billowed turbulently and vastly, within 10,000 meters of his whole body, a huge purple mask was condensed.

In that light mask, there was an extremely indestructible smell, like a golden soup, as if nothing in the world could be destroyed, this purple light mask.

The abbot of Kongxiang couldn't help being a little frightened, put his hands together, and chanted Amitabha silently.

In his abbot Immortal Island, there are many defensive stunts, famous all over the world, such as Donkey Kong body, diamond cover, etc...

But it feels that compared with the defensive strength of Lin Han's breastplate, it is still far from enough. Lin Han's purple mask, even if he is a late-stage character of Tianzun, has an unshakable taste that makes him My heart is also a little awe-inspiring. Maybe even if he tried his best, he couldn't break it.

Lin Han is just a junior, and his realm is so far from him. It can give him this feeling, which naturally makes him very uneasy.

"He won't die today. Within the four seas, no one can restrict his rise." Wu Qingzhu couldn't help but sigh slightly, muttering in a melancholy voice.

For Lin Han, she didn't have any intersection. The only thing she knew was that the witch Xiaolan and Xiaocao in her fairy island had a lot of hatred with Lin Han.

Seeing that Lin Han's methods are getting stronger and more amazing now, she can't help but feel a sense of difficulty in Xiaolan and Xiaocao.

It is not a good thing to be an enemy of such evildoers.

"Xiao Lan, if you can, let go of some grudges." She glanced at the girl in black next to her with beautiful autumn eyes. After hesitating, her rosy lips opened slightly and said softly.

Although she is the lord of an island, she has lived for thousands of years, her appearance is still about 30 years old, her skin is white, her skin can be broken by blows, and she has a mature charm that has been polished by the years.

This kind of charm, for many men, has another touching taste and is very tempting.

After all, when she was young, she was also a beauty who was well-known in the world, so even her every move is still dignified and beautiful, deceptive.

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