War Emperor

Chapter 878: Kill the Emperor Cannian

Chapter 877: Killing the Emperor Can Nian

The Saintess of Tianyuan turned her head quickly, her eyes had become scarlet like blood, like a devil, she laughed frantically, full of murderous intent.

"You are no longer the saint of Tianyuan. The real saint died the moment you looked at the Great Demon Eternal Life Secret Art. Still those words, today I am going to act for the heavens to liberate you." Lin Han's momentum also changed. Get fierce.

Knowing the truth, he was finally able to let go of all battles.

"You're still early." Tianyuan Saintess smiled contemptuously, and then rushed directly to Lin Han. In Xian's hands, a picture of the sky appeared, and he suppressed Lin Han.

In the picture that day, there is the beginning of the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars rotate, and the scene of the universe's great era, with an inexplicable power, is terrifying.

"Open Heaven Illustrated Book?" Lin Han said brightly.

"Yes, it's your dynasty's Kaitian Illustrated Book of Suppressing Qi Luck. A kid who only has the pinnacle of the Earth Sovereign Realm, come and get it." Tianyuan Saintess sneered, even though she is only a ray of remnant thoughts, supporting the flesh and strength. Less than one ten thousandth of the peak period, Lin Han was more than enough.

"Who said I only have the top of the earth?"

However, Lin Han yelled loudly, and his body glowed like a volcanic eruption.

Huolin Burning Heaven Sword!

Chaos field!

Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak!

The method of blessing the three atmospheres was used by him in an instant, directly allowing his aura to reach the peak realm of Heavenly Sovereign!

"How is this possible?" Rao was the sage of Tianyuan, and couldn't help being surprised.

The breath directly raised a great realm, and in ancient times, few people could do this.

"Sage of Tianyuan, do you still think you have taken me down now?" Lin Han said in a cold voice with long hair fluttering in his eyes.

The Saintess of Tianyuan was just a ray of remnant thought, and her current strength was only half-emperor's third and fourth rank.

His Heavenly Sovereign Peak is not far from this realm.

"Hmph, so what? Killing you is still like slaughtering an ant." The sage of Tianyuan had cold eyes, and the divine power in her body was injected into the Kaitian Illustrated Book. In an instant, the Kaitian Illustrated Book issued a divine light shining on ancient and modern, and Lin Han suddenly To be enveloped in.

"Where is this?" Lin Han was surprised.

Everything around him has changed, as if he had come into the starry sky of the universe, surrounded by pitch black, vast and vast, with ancient big stars shining with an eternal atmosphere.

He is as weak as an ant, insignificant.

Ahead, the sage of Tianyuan has become bigger than a star, and her voice said with majesty: "This is the special space of the Kaitian Illustrated Book. Here I am the master of all things. Junior, I am about to be suppressed and killed by the treasure of your dynasty. Right!"


The laughter traveled far, breaking some small stars.

"How can it be so easy, Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, break it for me!" However, Lin Han gritted his teeth, and poured all the divine power in his body into the Honghuang Sword Furnace.


The prehistoric sword-forging furnace, like an awakened Xeon artifact, exerted billions of divine light, and it had a powerful mechanism that would shake the universe and shatter the future of time and space.

This furnace is the most mysterious furnace in ancient times. It is left over from an unknown and ancient era, and has an unimaginable mysterious majesty.

At this moment, under Lin Han's full urging, Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace also exploded out of a masterful spirit that Lin Han had never seen before.

Click! Click!

This space, like a mirror, was directly blown up and disintegrated.

Lin Han appeared in the main hall again, but the Heavenly Yuan Saintess was suddenly shaken out, her face turned pale.

"No, how is this possible, Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace already recognizes you?" She was very shocked, said.

The prehistoric sword-forging furnace has been held by many ancient highs, but has not been recognized.

The same goes for Piaofeng, which can only exert one-fifth of its power.

However, Lin Han and Honghuang Sword Furnace had the feeling of being connected with flesh and blood. Only when he was truly recognized by Honghuang Sword Furnace would it be like this.

"Yes, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace has been broken since ancient times. It was me who warmed it up a little bit and restored it to where it is today." Lin Han nodded.

The Saintess of Tianyuan was still frightened, so to speak, the luck of this later generation boy was too bad.

"Sage of Tianyuan, no matter what your original intentions are, this is the end of the matter, you can go on the road." Lin Han looked indifferent, and suppressed again with the prehistoric sword furnace.

"Do not!"

The Saintess of Tianyuan let out a loud cry.

She was originally a ray of remnant thoughts, and she was too far away from the peak period. Just now, when Lin Han broke the Kaitian Illustrated Book with the Precious Sword Furnace, she suffered a huge backlash.

Therefore, at this moment, the predominantly cast sword furnace, suppressed again, she smelled a strong breath of death.

But there is no use at all, Lin Han has decided to kill and will never tolerate it.


The Sword-forging Furnace suppressed, and the Saintess of Tianyuan was directly photochemically transformed into a powder, and disappeared in smoke!


Lin Han killed a divine emperor, and the spread of it would shock the world.

"Emperor Shi, the Heavenly Yuan Saintess went happily. You must be alive in the sky, and you will agree with me."

"My ancestors, I have also recovered the culprit of the blood debt of the Guli Dynasty. You can rest in peace."

Lin Han was very calm, and was not excited about killing a **** emperor. This was just the obsession of the demonized Heavenly Yuan Saintess, and the gap between the **** emperor masters who were truly perfect.

There was only a sense of relief in his heart that avenged the dynasty.

"Okay, everything is over, go get the Kaitian Illustrated Book." At this time, Hongdao.

Lin Han nodded, thanks to Youhong's help, inspiring the Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace to the kind of power just now, otherwise it would be extremely difficult for him to kill the Heavenly Yuan Saintess.

In the place where the Saintess of Tianyuan was exposed, the Illustrated Book of Open Heaven was floating there quietly. From the outside, it looked like a rune engraved with stars in the sky, only the size of a palm, flowing with a mysterious luster.

Lin Han held the Open Heaven Illustrated Book in his hand, trying to communicate with the spirits in it.

But in the Kaitian Illustrated Book, there was a meaning of resistance.

"What's the matter, Open Heaven Illustrated Book, but refused?" Lin Han said in a daze.

"When the gods reach a certain level, all of them will automatically choose their masters. The Kaitian Illustrated Book has been nourished by the imperial luck for so many years. If you want to be recognized by it, you need a talent with a strong imperial spirit. You are not suitable for it." Hong analyzes .

The Saintess of Tianyuan didn't get its approval, otherwise the might and power would be more than that simple.

"Emperor spirit?" Lin Han was relieved. Although he is a prince, he is not an emperor, and it is normal that he is not suitable for opening the sky.

"The only way to take it back is to give it to the emperor father. The emperor now has hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers, his luck is added, and he opens the sky map, which is definitely tailor-made for him."

He couldn't wait.

"Wait, this palace is the Tianyuan Saint Maiden. There may be some treasure in the place where you live. You just go out like this. It would be a pity if you miss it." Hong reminded.

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