War Emperor

Chapter 897: Sacrifice to heaven

Chapter 895 Sacrifice to Heaven

"Today is the day when the dynasty holds a sacrifice to heaven. All of you must cheer up. If there is any news from the magic door, report it immediately, you know?" King Jin shouted again.

The ceremony is very solemn and must not be disturbed.


The generals should once again be.

King Jin nodded, and on the cover of his heavenly spirit, there was a divine light faintly, rushing straight into the sky, and the heavenly power descended.

If Lin Han sees it, he will be pleasantly surprised. Uncle Jin Wang has also reached the realm of Tianzun.

But when he thought about it, he was also relieved. Once the aura of Hongzhou mainland has been greatly improved, people with outstanding talents, suppressed for too long, may usher in a state of "blowout" and practice thousands of miles.

Secondly, King Jin obtained the Great Void Divine Art, which is even more a magical art.

Gold will always shine.

The environment has begun to change, and these people can still stand on top of them!

King Jin is obviously such a person.

The ceremony is to celebrate Lin Han, who became the champion of the Seven Immortal Island Tournaments overseas, and celebrates the whole world.

The emperor attached great importance to this matter, so King Jin wanted to guard the customs here, and no accidents were allowed.

"The Festival of Heaven has begun!"

I could only hear that, upstairs at the gate, I didn't know who shouted in a low voice.

At the back of Tianhai Customs, a huge sacred platform was erected, which was huge and majestic. The ancient Li Emperor on the platform has stood up, like a sun, full of a domineering spirit, and the brilliance shines on the endless mountains and rivers!

After the Hongzhou mainland is full of aura, if anyone benefits the most, there is no doubt that it is Emperor Guli!

He was one of the strongest in the mainland, the mainland was unified, and the imperial luck was added, and he reached the point where everyone could not look up.

In addition, now that he is full of aura, his strength is even more unimaginable.

In short, Emperor Guli is the only **** in the mainland!

Below the altar is a huge square, almost full of civil and military officials, without seeing the end at a glance, it is extremely spectacular.

The civil and military officials of the imperial dynasty cannot be described by the word "hundred". The vast mainland is ruled by the imperial dynasty. Together, the dynasty officials are also a dizzying number.

With so many officials, they all bowed together to worship Emperor Guli on the stage of the gods, and the Emperor Guli even more set off had an indescribable supremacy.

"The sky is above, and fortunate to have pity, I have a son, Lin Han, with outstanding talents, and now I have won the championship in the Seven Great Immortal Islands overseas."

"I hope Xiaojiu Linhan can successfully get back to the Kaitian Illustrated Book and open the Genting Tiangong, so that our ancient Li Dynasty lost the power of the eternal gods and blessed the common people." The ancient Li Emperor wears the ancestral dragon crown and holds the three-pillar incense in his hand. Put a big tripod on the stage of the gods.

The sentences are calm and powerful. Although they are offering sacrifices to God, they still have an overwhelming and supreme aura.

The voice is magnificent and abundant, and under the mysterious power of the imperial luck, it can spread to almost every corner of the Hongzhou mainland.

Therefore, every citizen on the mainland is looking in this direction, no matter how far away you can see, there is a luminous figure floating above the Hongzhou mainland, shining brightly on every corner of the earth, making everyone respect.

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!"

"Chu Jun Lin Han is nine thousand years old!"

Countless officials shouted in unison.

Every citizen of Hongzhou mainland also bowed in that direction.

The prince went overseas to study art, and he brought back the Kaitian Illustrated Book, and now he has become the champion of the Seven Immortal Islands.

This makes them very excited.

If they have spiritual power, they will undoubtedly cultivate faster, and the entire dynasty will not be the same.

At that time, the Hongzhou mainland will rise again, making the world tremble.


At this time, the weather on the sky changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, as if there really was a grand and ethereal will, and it was touched by the scene of the hearts and minds of the people of Hongzhou mainland.

There was a few thunders in the heavens and the earth, and then, a large golden lotus bloomed, and a vision of an emperor canopy appeared.

The emperor canopy is hundreds of miles long, the gold is shining, magnificent and sacred, just floating above the head of Emperor Guli.

"When offering sacrifices to the sky, there were signs of the emperor canopy. This is a symbol of the eternal emperor."

An old man trembling, excitedly said.

Countless people also cheered. Since ancient times, some talented people will have something special.

For example, some people are born with blood clotting in their hands, some people will give birth to abnormal qi in their bodies, and some people will be taken away by divine birds to practice...

In the ancient emperors, when offering sacrifices to the sky, some people who truly obeyed the destiny of the heavens would have an emperor canopy vision when offering sacrifices to the sky.

Since ancient times, there are very few emperors in the world who can do this.

The emperor's canopy appeared when the emperor offered sacrifices to the sky, which is also a good sign, representing his destiny.

Emperor Guli stood on the sacred stage, his expression as usual, with a great spirit in his calmness, as if for him, even if he was affirmed by the heavens, he wouldn't make any waves.


Too vague!

If it hadn’t been too important for the Kaitian Illustrated Book, he would not sacrifice to the heavens for blessings.

From his heart, he does not believe in the way of heaven, but respects himself!

All things are equal, and he believes that as long as through his own practice and hard work, he can reach the peak, and he can reach the top, and even step on the heavens under his feet.

At this moment, Tiandao issued such a vision, which is also a response.

Does it indicate that Lin Han can really succeed, bring back the Kaitian Illustrated Book, and transform the dynasty?

He couldn't help sinking into thought, which was indeed a good sign.

"The prince will definitely return to the imperial dynasty with the Kaitian Illustrated Book."

The people on the mainland also thought of this, all of them were extremely excited, and their expressions were full of joy.

"Haha, a group of lambs in Hongzhou mainland, are they here to sacrifice to the heavens? It's a celebration."

However, at this moment, a huge laughter passed from the far end of the sea, and the sound rolled, if a troll was roaring, it spread over hundreds of thousands of miles of land.

There is the strong luck of the Guli dynasty on the altar. If a huge "projector" transmits everything on the altar to the mainland, every citizen can hear it.

"The demon army is here."

At the Heavenly Customs House, a general yelled out, and then Xiong Shun shut down and released the smoke, billowing into the sky.

At the same time, many soldiers began to beat drums and trumpets to signal an enemy attack. This Xiongguan has been spreading along the coastline for millions of miles. All this is the case. The scene is extremely spectacular.

King Jin saw that at the end of the distant sea horizon, a large cloud of dark clouds spreading here at a crazy speed.

The sky became dimmed, like the end of the day.

On the dark clouds, there is an endless army of magic doors, riding on some black beasts, each of them is as high as two or three stories, wearing black iron clothes, hunting with big flags, killing intent, and amazing weather.

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